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Bangladesh Rebuilds Its Navy

@ Eastwest, I donnot consider myself as illiterate. I have read so much article about this aginst us but you know I even donnot believe 1% of it. Yes it is true some day labour are going and comming but not like the way you people are projecting like millions. Yes, people are going illegal way to Thailand, Korea, Japan, Italy but why to India ? "Jorur dalme kuch kala hai".

First of all let me make myself very clear..when i mentioned Human traficking business.. i was actually pointing towards the reports of many ppl trying to go to malaysia,indonesia in boats..

But since u have brought india into discussion.. i can tell u .. i have seen many BD muslim immigrants in WB..and also Assam...i dont care u believe or not but there is a huge no.of BD immigrants in India.
To the thread starter, he still did not explain what "rebuild" means.
To me, you are adding to your capability which you have now.

I think he is considering the Pakistan Navy that Bangladesh lost in 1971. So from that perspective they are now rebuilding their Navy. Just my guess.
nope, we had some fishermans cruising the decommissioned frigates.

That's what I thought, thanks for confirmation.

Sometimes, integra, sarcasm doesn't work; it backfires.


Try War in the Indian Ocean, Vice Admiral M. K. Roy, PVSM, AVSM: Untold Heroism of Mukti Bahini Frogmen - Prelude to Liberation; pp. 153 to 174.

The fearless warriors of the Mukti Bahini sank more tonnage than the Indian Navy.

The gentleman I have quoted is a Barisali by descent, and was India's first aviation admiral, in his time CO of Vikrant, Fleet Commander Eastern Fleet and FOCinC Eastern Naval Command. At the time of the incidents described, he was DNI.
The gentleman I have quoted is a Barisali by descent, and was India's first aviation admiral, in his time CO

M. K. Roy was Borishaillah decent? Thats weird, didn know that thanks for the info. Seems to me that consumption of fish has something to do with intelligence over here.

Well a bit off topic I didn know about your age(60 +-?) nor your Dhakaiya background before so Sorry if I had been rude in some earlier posts but thats how it goes isn't it. Just remember if there is hatred there are reasons behind it.
Brother integra, can you please change the thread title and remove word "rebuilding", or explain what in your view justify such a title.
There was another title about "bangladesh building 3D navy" or something like that, which left me completely confused.
Khaise re; oto byakhyar dorkar ki?

M. K. Roy was Borishaillah decent? Thats weird, didn know that thanks for the info. Seems to me that consumption of fish has something to do with intelligence over here.

Kulokathi, to be precise, right in the heartland, and a very proud Bangal; never lets you forget it. Although a Royal Navy and then RIN man himself, he doesn't fail to tell the story of the brave students trained by defecting PN petty officers who formed the frogmen contingent. It was a campaign which ran on sheer courage and guts.

When I asked my mother what it was like in her village home, she described it as being on the Chhoto Khaal, which was off the Boro Khaal, which was off the main river, and she said the Chhoto Khaal was wider than the Hooghly!

Well a bit off topic I didn know about your age(60 +-?) nor your Dhakaiya background before so Sorry if I had been rude in some earlier posts but thats how it goes isn't it. Just remember if there is hatred there are reasons behind it.

Not a question of rudeness; Bangals are quick to lose their tempers and equally quick to cool down, if they are shown respect and/or understanding. I don't apologise for displaying these characteristics; why should I ask you to explain? We are what we are, otherwise we would be scented, starched-dhoti clad poets. No need to explain.

But also remember this if we come to blows in future. It will be in the same spirit, and nothing held as a life-long grudge.:cheers:

Now can we go back to straightening out these characters mocking Bangladesh? It was good to read your post, but excuse me, that straightening up needs doing on priority.
Yes, people are going illegal way to Thailand, Korea, Japan, Italy but why to India ? "Jorur dalme kuch kala hai".

beacause will be easily fished out in the countries u mentioned due to language , facial features while they can easily assimilate in local indian poulation. also they have relatives in this side of border. just my 2 cents
Punit: yap... one of major problem is most of Bengali relatives live in both countries.
to my knowledge rebuild navy means once we were with just few surface vessel for protection of our naval boundary .but now this navy will have air wing and under water capability with the induction of sub in 2020 and our surface vessel will be increase at least with small petrol vessel along with some large warship in future . it is the demand of day that we should have a strong navy to protect our interest when scrambling for under see resources begun in the world and our demand for energy is increasing every year .
F-16_Falcon more or less jealous? your fragile economy is nowhere near that of Bangladesh and India.
you really need to think again, because your country needs much more foreign aid then both Bangladesh and India put together... Your very weak economy will leave you with a failed state. I suggest you stop here with your hatred and pure jealousy.. your country needs looking after and by that I mean USA. Bangladesh and India are doing far better than Pakistan.

Why do you have to waste your time explaining a troll...?!? He was trying get some attention - an attempt which utterly failed...

I personally dont like the number battle and no offence to any other pakistani members but last time i checked, Bangladesh navy was way larger then Pakistan Navy in no. of ships...only their air-wing is more matured unlike ours...but whom are we kidding...!!

Pakistan Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of ships of the Bangladesh Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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