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Baluchistan | Militant surrender continues.


9 wanted miscreants surrendered in front of commandant Fc Sibbi scouts at Dera Murad Jamali today.The miscreants were involved in several criminal activities in Baluchistan.
Good development. Balchis are commonly simple and loving people . The extremism in blochistan is the handcraft of enemies but I.S.I badly failed their adventure and our people will return to us again ...The credit here goes to I.S.I ...Bravo ...nice job .
08 wanted fugitives of outlawed terrorist organisation surrendered in front of Commandant Frontier Corps Balochistan (Maiwand Rifles).The fugitives were involved in several Anti-state criminal activities

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This is the best time for the Army establishment to develop Balochistan and give its people the rights they deserve.. Long Live Balochistan & Pakistan :pakistan:
Balochistan complains are legit and should be addressed fairly and quickly. Most people can't break the cycle of poverty as opportunities are limited or don't exsist . Most of these people have no choice, but to join these groups as they offer money in exchange.
I Strongly believe that they Surrender because Iran, Afghanistan Stop their Support against them because of Peshawar Attack, USA-India-UK-IsraHell still wants to fund and Arm them but Afghanistan Said NO and also Iran also not allowing them to use their Border and Lands against Terrorism inside Pakistan, This can be a Tactic Move, so they can survive till Pakistan make Wrong move against Iran or Afghanistan or any other country who can provide bases, funding and Weapons to them, let see How it plays - Only Allah knows the Truth!
I Strongly believe that they Surrender because Iran, Afghanistan Stop their Support against them because of Peshawar Attack, USA-India-UK-IsraHell still wants to fund and Arm them but Afghanistan Said NO and also Iran also not allowing them to use their Border and Lands against Terrorism inside Pakistan, This can be a Tactic Move, so they can survive till Pakistan make Wrong move against Iran or Afghanistan or any other country who can provide bases, funding and Weapons to them, let see How it plays - Only Allah knows the Truth!

A lot of it has to do with wrong polices of Federal governments. There is too much poverty in Baluchistan compared to anywhere in Pakistan.
More than 100 Baloch militants surrender in Pakistan

By Raza HaideryJune 14, 2015 23:32

QUETTA: Over a hundred Baluch militants fighting against Pakistani forces in the separatist-insurgency wracked southwestern Baluchistan province have surrendered and pledged their allegiance to the country, officials said on Sunday.

A group of 59 militants including two key commanders appeared before the media, along with senior politicians and government officials from the province, to announce they would end militant activities and become a “useful part” of society.

They followed a group of 47 militants on Saturday. All were given amnesty by the government.

“These people were in fact misled by the anti-state elements who are being funded by foreign spy agencies,” said Sanaullah Zehri, senior minister in Baluchistan.

“They have now pledged to lead a good life as true Pakistanis,” he said.

The militants who surrendered were from groups such as Baluch Republican Army (BRA), Baluch National Movement (BNM), and Lashkare-e-Baluchistan (Army of Baluchistan).

“We were trapped by our leaders who said they are fighting for the rights of Baluchs, but later we realised that they were enjoying their lives abroad and had pushed us and our families to a war here,” Obaidullah alias Babrak, a Lashkar-e-Baluchistan commander, told reporters.

Baluch separatists demanding more autonomy and control over gas and mineral resources have frequently targeted security forces and police for years.

Pakistan’s largest province — which borders Iran and Afghanistan — is also riven by sectarian strife and Islamist violence.

Its roughly seven million inhabitants have long complained they do not receive a fair share of its gas and mineral wealth. – AFP

More than 100 Baloch militants surrender in Pakistan | ARY NEWS
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