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Balochistan CM on TV: Iran threatened Pilgrim; You have to go to Pakistan, We will not keep you here

Iran is Facing US Sanctions,
Corona Virus badly hit Iran after China,

Iran also asked India to take their Citizens,

Iran has started digging huge Graves like Football Ground,

They are unable to control Corona Virus, especially due to US Sanctions,

But Saudi Inspired Desi Badus aka Wahhabis do not waste time to Start Propaganda on this Forum


You are Sucking Saudi P3n1$

You people are Shit on this planet Earth

Iran has all the resources to fight on behalf of ASSad and recruit people from around the world to fight her dirty wars in M.E but no money for coronavirus. I hope all the people who participated in the sufferings of innocents die horrible death. Some are dead already.
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Iranian government should be nuked ASAP

Yaar nuke na huay anday hogai, aik idhar phoro aik udhar. :rofl:

On a serious note, the entire incident should be thoroughly and without bias investigated. And punish the culprits responsible, plus if Iran threatened them then raise this issue strongly with them too.

As for those fools who are already in Pakistan, they should be forcefully quarantined. Pakistanis are one disobedient and mob qaum. People will create protests and try to disobey, but govt must force them. There is no other way to stop it. The virus is very contagious and should be dealt with aggressively.

Even in United States they are talking aggressive measures against those who refused to self quarantine.

Iran is Facing US Sanctions,
Corona Virus badly hit Iran after China,

Iran also asked India to take their Citizens,

Iran has started digging huge Graves like Football Ground,

They are unable to control Corona Virus, especially due to US Sanctions,

But Saudi Inspired Desi Badus aka Wahhabis do not waste time to Start Propaganda on this Forum


You are Sucking Saudi P3n1$

You people are Shit on this planet Earth

Just report the sectarian extremists.
So Called Beloved Islamic Ummah helping Each other.

China has done much for Pakistan than other muslim countries.

Pakistan needs stronger diplomacy to counter otherwise Pakistan will stay a laughing stock between Afghanistan, Iran , Indian.
In whole world Please tell me any other country with this Much Armed Force & Nuclear Weapon gets treated like this
Please dont embarrass yourself

On topic: I will call out Iranis or Saudis wherever i have to and i have no love for either. So you can be Shah say bi zyada Shah kay wafadar but i dont give a fcuk about any country other than mine.

I only reply to those who start propaganda war on other sects..

But reality is Mullah or Religious people are worse than corona virus even they are Shia, Sunni or Wahhabi
I only reply to those who start propaganda war on other sects..

But reality is Mullah or Religious people are worse than corona virus even they are Shia, Sunni or Wahhabi

I don't see anyone making you thekaydaar of Shias or Wahabis. Anyways what i stated was fact not some sect crap you assumed. If it burned through you then that is your own issue not mine. My stance regarding Saudis/Iranis is very clear to all who post here regularly so please next time keep your assumption to your own self.
Pakistanis are one disobedient and mob qaum. People will create protests and try to disobey, but govt must force them. There is no other way to stop it. The virus is very contagious and should be dealt with aggressively.
just yesterday a violent crowd burndown the quarantine center in the suburbs of Quetta city .....
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