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Baloch Choose Israel for govt in exile

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Israel would love to see Pakistan disintegrated.
What I remember at this moment is Israeli Foreign Minister (now President) Shimon Peres saying a few years ago that when he went to bed at night he prayed for the safety of Pakistani President Musharraf. Are those the words of someone who wants to see Pakistan disintegrated?
BTW, I can see some sense to these Balochs choosing Israel for their headquarters. When I toured Israel I traveled not with a group of Jews but with a group of Bahais from Michigan who explained to me that after being tossed out of Iran they had chosen Israel for their world headquarters. Under Israeli rule, Jerusalem is once again a city for all faiths (though I think the Bahais chose Haifa for their hq).
All these based on a blog ! I can guess who owns the blog :)
If China comes to know you are loosing grip over Balochistan then they will be the first one to recognize them. As Gawadar is more inportant than Pakistan as a whole for China.

Blank cheques will not make any difference.

I am not Chinese official, but I don't think so! :china::pakistan:
What I remember at this moment is Israeli Foreign Minister (now President) Shimon Peres saying a few years ago that when he went to bed at night he prayed for the safety of Pakistani President Musharraf. Are those the words of someone who wants to see Pakistan disintegrated?

That question can be answered by observing how 'highly' Shimon Peres is regarded in Israle...A quick hint...Its NOT.
That question can be answered by observing how 'highly' Shimon Peres is regarded in Israle...A quick hint...Its NOT.

I can't believe how easily many posters on this forum get excited and start pointing fingers at Israel.
It is ridiculously easy to create a blog which claims they are based in Israel or that they have Israeli support. We should not take that as evidence to start pointing fingers.
I say this website is a forgery, and that too by an amateur.

* If they really were based in Israel, they should have no difficulty getting an actual website. They used a blog to hide their tracks.

* If they had any money, they would get a proper website. So i think it is a one person job.

* If it was a Pakistani govt. forgery, they would have done a much better job. So it has no govt. support.

Why would anybody believe this is true ? If you want to complain about Israel, that is fine, start a thread saying "Why I hate Israel", but getting angry at something so obviously a forgery gives me a pretty low impression about the quality of the thread. There has only been one good post on this thread, and that pointed out that it was hosted in Russia.
Few fact addressed by Rahman Malik in assembly about BNF.
Made by Russia and India during Afghan war. Over 1000 students were trained in Russia with the help of Indian for the terrorism purpose.
And still both India and Russia involved in backing BNF.
What process is suppose to take place if Blochistan wants indipendence?, not suggesting that it's going to happen. How does is this suppose to take place?
Does Bloach rebels declare indipendence and some outside county have recognize it or what? I am not sure....
I can't believe how easily many posters on this forum get excited and start pointing fingers at Israel.
It is ridiculously easy to create a blog which claims they are based in Israel or that they have Israeli support. We should not take that as evidence to start pointing fingers.
I say this website is a forgery, and that too by an amateur.

* If they really were based in Israel, they should have no difficulty getting an actual website. They used a blog to hide their tracks.

* If they had any money, they would get a proper website. So i think it is a one person job.

* If it was a Pakistani govt. forgery, they would have done a much better job. So it has no govt. support.

Why would anybody believe this is true ? If you want to complain about Israel, that is fine, start a thread saying "Why I hate Israel", but getting angry at something so obviously a forgery gives me a pretty low impression about the quality of the thread. There has only been one good post on this thread, and that pointed out that it was hosted in Russia.

I completely agree with you there, which is why I still have not commented on the claim made in this thread.

However, I do also think that Israle does not have much love for the nation of Pakistan. If the Palestinian crisis is resolved amicably, then we would almos instantly see a recognition of the State of Israel, and normalisation of relations would follow.

Until that time comes, there is no love lost between Israel and those countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Israel, due to the Palestinian problem. Until not so long ago, Bharat was also among the boycottees.

Now that you recognise Israel, and are in fact firm friends, you castigate us for following the policy that you yourself followed for half a century?
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I completely agree with you there, which is why I still have not commented on the claim made in this thread.

However, I do also think that Israle does not have much love for the nation of Pakistan. If the Palestinian crisis is resolved amicably, then we would almos instantly see a recognition of the State of Israel, and normalisation of relations would follow.

Until that time comes, there is no love lost between Israel and those countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Israel, due to the Palestinian problem. Until not so long ago, Bharat was also among the boycottees.

Now that you recognise Israel, and are in fact firm friends, you castigate us for following the policy that you yourself followed for half a century?

I don't disagree with the fact that you dislike Israel or that state of Pakistan dislikes Israel. Pakistan as a nation did talk to Israel recently, but I agree that until Palestine is solved you won't recognize the state of Israel.

But at the same time, I hate disinformation against Israel (or any country for that matter) - that is what I was complaining about. Specifically, this thread fanning anti-Israel feelings based on non-facts.

BTW, I don't think India was part of Boycott of Israel (in the sense of economic sanctions, rejection of passports etc.). India did recognize the state in 1950.Pakistan has not (I have no opinion on Pak position). India's position has been to recognize pre-1967 borders of Israel and to condemn excessive force in Palestine. BJP government found Israel as a good source of arms, but I don't think foreign policy has changed much. Even recently Indian foreign minister condemned Israel.
Well, Bharat had no diplomatic relations with Israel (even after initial recognition of the State in the early 50s), until only a few years ago..1992 to be exact, after the beginning of the Arab Israeli peace process.

As for rejecting passports, and sanctions...the need wouldn't arise, since there were no embassies to present the passports to, and no official trade allowed between the two countries. Bharat was squarely and surely with its Arab friends.

that is what I was pointing out.
Then why not visit Israel yourself and tell us what you see?

are you kidding me?
have you even been there at all... they are treated like animals....
so ironic, the "guests" and occupiers treat the owners of the land like crap.... well karma is a B**** and history tends to repeat it self...
Just checked out the mailing address:

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary

Desk of The Government of Balochistan in Exile
The World Baloch Jewish Alliance Building
PO Box 5631
Jerusalem, 91000
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