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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Wow. This guy basically predicted the whole thing. If Armenians listened to his criticisms they could avoid this whole situation. I wonder what this guy is thinking now.

Their probably preparing him for the front lines -- not much time to think now. Lol

But on a serious note, I'm sure he wishes he'd gotten through to upper leadership of the country to avoid all this. His article showed the authors long term thinking that Armenian's were forcing a block creation in the caucus.
Russia won't do anything, I have been saying this and I will say it again.

Putin and Europe should worry about COVID that’s forcing lock down across their countries than the caucus.

Turkey is awakening and asserting itself slowly and hopefully these *** retarded Sheikhs in the gulf get the memo also
As long as Azerbijan keeps it actions wthin its own terrority, there is not much Putin can do.

It is only if Azerbijan goes into Armenia proper, that Russia may try and get involved. etc
When did Iran supported srilanka against tails?
It was pakistan who supplied them with weapons. Dont jump to conclusion out of blue and take credit of our work

During the Sri Lankan Civil War the Government of Sri Lanka approached Iran for loans at low interest to afford Sri Lanka purchases of electronic surveillance aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles after a particularly daring attack on the Sri Lankan Air Force by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.[9] Iran agreed covertly to issue the loan and also invited selected Sri Lankan officers to train in Iran for the war.[10] Analysts have termed Iran's aggressive courting of Sri Lanka's military capacity as a geostragetic implication of Iran's "Look east" strategy.[11] For Iran's assistance in the Sri Lankan Civil War, Sri Lankan minister Wimal Weerawansa said that: "Iran has never let us down, even when many other countries in the world refused to back us. The county as a whole is very grateful for this brotherly treatment".[12]

Sri Lanka captures senior LTTE leader Nanthagopan with help from Iran and Malaysia


If it were not the sanctions, Iran would help Sri Lanka 100x more. But from now on, things are changing...
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No need to take the mountains
Just take the sorrounding flat land..and few main cities

And game over

They can keep the mountains

I don't get Austin Powers obsession with the mountain. Maybe he thinks the Azeris are these guys..

Russia won't do anything, I have been saying this and I will say it again.
Putin wants to punish pro-west Pashinyan and destroy his reputation so that Armenia distanses itself from west. That's why till now Russia is neutral.
we have seen drones take out alot of amour

but have they changed the course of the war?

can and will Azerbaijan take back the disputed territory ?

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