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Australian Strategic plans for top-five priority nations

The race of people has absolutely nothing to do with anything regarding this topic.

People who still hold the belief that geopolitical circumstances are operated and based on race are complete idiots.

So if you could avoid posting such ridiculous statements, that would be good.

I don't think he meant the white race, mate.

It was more to do with policies that focus on developing and retaining strong ties with the countries of the white belt which are essentially Europeans.
You do let them continue to Australia and they are humanely treated. Legitimate asylum seekers are usually allowed to be settled in Australia.

I'm not seeing your point here. You obviously don't know much about the subject.

Yes it will "hurt" us. You can't just all of a sudden dump 100,000 people on our land. We aren't a dumping ground, not mention the effects it would have on our infrastructure etc.
He mean if Australian think their navy so good, then we Indonesian can just close our eyes, sleep well tonight and do nothing about this boat people. Besides, western nation which is Australia part of them often say that Indonesia is a violators of human rights according to East Timor which lead 12 years arms banned by US and UK. So, Nufix's idea here is to give some test to your human right activists to treat those asylum seeker from Afghan, Iran, Pakistan as a human as everyone here know that white policy always put double standards about human rights . :laugh:

So we simply don't have any reason to settle a problem, asylum seekers problem that not ours.
give some test to your human right activists to treat those asylum seeker from Afghan, Iran, Pakistan as a human as everyone here know that white policy always put double standards about human rights . :laugh:

The asylum seeker hysteria in Australia is 100% motivated by racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Australian media is extremely racist and drums up racist hysteria every few years. This same hysteria was present in the 1980s when Vietnamese, Cambodian and other refugees were coming to Australia. Back then, it was called "Yellow Peril" and "Asian Invasion". The same kinds of fear and hate mongering, combined with exaggerations and outright lies against the refugees were peddled back then. The only difference is that, back then, Malcolm Fraser spanked the racist hate mongers and challenged Australia to do the right thing. This time around, there is no leader in Australia, in either party. Just a bunch of pathetic losers leading both parties.
The asylum seeker hysteria in Australia is 100% motivated by racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Australian media is extremely racist and drums up racist hysteria every few years. This same hysteria was present in the 1980s when Vietnamese, Cambodian and other refugees were coming to Australia. Back then, it was called "Yellow Peril" and "Asian Invasion". The same kinds of fear and hate mongering, combined with exaggerations and outright lies against the refugees were peddled back then. The only difference is that, back then, Malcolm Fraser spanked the racist hate mongers and challenged Australia to do the right thing. This time around, there is no leader in Australia, in either party. Just a bunch of pathetic losers leading both parties.

Stories from another forum from Oz members kinda tend to suggest PM Gillard's gov will have to go at next election. However they dont talk too well of Labour party as well.
The asylum seeker hysteria in Australia is 100% motivated by racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Australian media is extremely racist and drums up racist hysteria every few years. This same hysteria was present in the 1980s when Vietnamese, Cambodian and other refugees were coming to Australia. Back then, it was called "Yellow Peril" and "Asian Invasion". The same kinds of fear and hate mongering, combined with exaggerations and outright lies against the refugees were peddled back then. The only difference is that, back then, Malcolm Fraser spanked the racist hate mongers and challenged Australia to do the right thing. This time around, there is no leader in Australia, in either party. Just a bunch of pathetic losers leading both parties.

What part of this article did you find right wing or extremist or racist ?
Stories from another forum from Oz members kinda tend to suggest PM Gillard's gov will have to go at next election. However they dont talk too well of Labour party as well.

Gillard is Labor. The other guy is Abbot from the Liberal Party.

Predictions are useless; the only thing that will matter will be the economy when the election happens. If it's good, Labor will return; if bad, Liberals or Coalition will get in.

What part of this article did you find right wing or extremist or racist ?

I am talking about the depiction of the asylum seeker issue in most of the Australian media.
Stories from another forum from Oz members kinda tend to suggest PM Gillard's gov will have to go at next election. However they dont talk too well of Labour party as well.

yes labor has handled the boat people situation badly
the Liberals under John Howard stopped the boats all together..... but since labor got back into power, it has been an open door for illegal boat people
The asylum seeker hysteria in Australia is 100% motivated by racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Australian media is extremely racist and drums up racist hysteria every few years. This same hysteria was present in the 1980s when Vietnamese, Cambodian and other refugees were coming to Australia. Back then, it was called "Yellow Peril" and "Asian Invasion". The same kinds of fear and hate mongering, combined with exaggerations and outright lies against the refugees were peddled back then. The only difference is that, back then, Malcolm Fraser spanked the racist hate mongers and challenged Australia to do the right thing. This time around, there is no leader in Australia, in either party. Just a bunch of pathetic losers leading both parties.

are we watching the same media in Australia, can you tell me exactly which Channel is racist in this issue? SBS, ABC, 7,9,10, Sky news? Don't tell me it's fox news, they are always racists.

The point of Asylum Seeker is when they come here illegally they should have been deported like anyone (American, Briton, Chinese or any National) who enter this country illegally, because they may or may not have danger at home did not make them perference in our immigration system. I got a crotian friend who came to this country with a protective visa (He is a refugee) and he really disgusted by those boat people not because they are from Iran or Pakistan, but they simply jump the queue, while he and his family are waiting for a visa in Crotia and daily bombed, they just took a boat and come here.

Not to mention this is a big problem for any Economical Immigrant. A lot (I mean A LOT, as i work for New Immgrant Group for Salvation Army.) of them don't like them because they jump the queue.

People dislike those immigrant not because their skin color or nationality, but rather they don't follow rules and proper procedure and people suffer from it. People who are waiting on a Visa to come to Australia, our naval peronnel who risk their life and save them (And we do have a few hurt badly from one of those exploding boat) and people who taking up resource (not dole but other resource like social worker, community help) and finally not fair to fellow refugee who follow the proper procedure.

What you are saying is exactly what those Green patsy would say, you don't like them because they are Iranian or whatever.

By the way, my mother was a Vietnam Refugee and she waited for 6 years in a detention camp in Hongkong for a visa to Australia and she is pissed about this too.

Stories from another forum from Oz members kinda tend to suggest PM Gillard's gov will have to go at next election. However they dont talk too well of Labour party as well.

SHe will go, we want her to go before next election but somehow she seems to be able to bounce back everytime,
are we watching the same media in Australia, can you tell me exactly which Channel is racist in this issue? SBS, ABC, 7,9,10, Sky news? Don't tell me it's fox news, they are always racists.

All the commercial channels and talk radio promote a hysterical picture, demonizing the refugees. Only the left-leaning channels like ABC and SBS show the other side of the story.

The point of Asylum Seeker is when they come here illegally
[...]By the way, my mother was a Vietnam Refugee and she waited for 6 years in a detention camp in Hongkong for a visa to Australia and she is pissed about this too.

Your mother should know that thousands of SE Asian refugees came in boats to Australia without queues or prior processing. 20000/year back then compared to a few hundred/year right now. That's what refugees do; they flee persecution with the shirt on their back.

Yes, even with the Vietnamese refugees, there were stories of boat people with suitcases containing gold. and such ridiculously rare incidents were used to paint a false picture of these poor people. The same mischaracterization and demonization is happening now.

As for queues, no one is suggesting they should jump the queue. The only suggestion is that they should be treated humanely and processed onshore into a queue when they arrive. The current detention regime is very cruel.
All the commercial channels and talk radio promote a hysterical picture, demonizing the refugees. Only the left-leaning channels like ABC and SBS show the other side of the story.

Your mother should know that thousands of SE Asian refugees came in boats to Australia without queues or prior processing. 20000/year back then compared to a few hundred/year right now. That's what refugees do; they flee persecution with the shirt on their back.

Yes, even with the Vietnamese refugees, there were stories of boat people with suitcases containing gold. and such ridiculously rare incidents were used to paint a false picture of these poor people. The same mischaracterization and demonization is happening now.

As for queues, no one is suggesting they should jump the queue. The only suggestion is that they should be treated humanely and processed onshore into a queue when they arrive. The current detention regime is very cruel.

No offend, but if you think the Current 2012 standard Australian Detention center is inhumane, then you really should live in a Hong Kong Refugee camp in the 60s. Well, at least you got roof over your head now, and a functioning toilet. I still have the photo of the camp my mom took while she is staying there, compare to those, Aussie detention center is a heaven. I will not even bother you with the CHinese Camp (Where you need to first go to before you go to HK by land route)....

How you see things is on each personal prespective, and based on what you have seen in the past. Australian on shore center are humane enough, of course, you cannot compare Australian Detention center in 2012 and the Detention camp in Hong Kong in 1960. However, yo ualso cannot compare the fact that most people back then is legit Refugee compare to current 25% acceptance rate.

What the media do is portrait the Human Trafficking is a horrable bussiness, the problem start with Australia giving too much promise, when you look around the world, there are none other country will give a refugee "Onshore Processing" USA will turn you around when they found you, UK did not accept onshore application anymore so does many EU country, many african immigrant are waiting in place like Ugunda or some Refugee like that to get Process. Only Australia allow onshore processing.

I have no grudge against any refugee, when i was in Iraq and Afghanistan, many Iraqi and Afghanistani help us in performing many task and they risk their life and their family life for us. Everybody have their own problem, we should be disgusted on the fact that people come here illegally, while other wait and put our people at risk. Not where and why he come to Australia.

If you want to come to Australia as a refugee, there are many way you can do it legally. Risking your life and risking other people life to come here by boat is simply not responsibile.

base line is, we should take refugee like eveery other developed country, but we should not tolerate those who want it by breaking or bending our law and put our people at risk.
No offend, but if you think the Current 2012 standard Australian Detention center is inhumane,

The camps in Nauru are inhumane. It's a hot humid environment and all they have is a tent out in the open. No walls, no nothing.

However, yo ualso cannot compare the fact that most people back then is legit Refugee compare to current 25% acceptance rate.

The acceptance rate for boat arrivals is 75-90%. It is the ones who come by air who have a low acceptance rate in the 20s. Yet the media focuses on the more deserving and more vulnerable boat arrivals, completely ignoring the air arrivals.

Here's some interesting info answering a lot of questions, including queue jumping:


I agree it is a tough problem either way, and Australia is fairly generous towards refugees in general, but the media demonization and attendant hysteria are misplaced.
The asylum seeker hysteria in Australia is 100% motivated by racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Australian media is extremely racist and drums up racist hysteria every few years. This same hysteria was present in the 1980s when Vietnamese, Cambodian and other refugees were coming to Australia. Back then, it was called "Yellow Peril" and "Asian Invasion". The same kinds of fear and hate mongering, combined with exaggerations and outright lies against the refugees were peddled back then. The only difference is that, back then, Malcolm Fraser spanked the racist hate mongers and challenged Australia to do the right thing. This time around, there is no leader in Australia, in either party. Just a bunch of pathetic losers leading both parties.

Hardly. You've missed the issue completely. Australians don't like cheaters. With thousands of bogus refugees coming into Australia via the back door, its bound to get people angry and it's got nothing to do with race or religion. Race and religion is used as a weapon to silence people who oppose people coming illegally.

The Australian media is extremely left wing and politically correct.

The camps in Nauru are inhumane. It's a hot humid environment and all they have is a tent out in the open. No walls, no nothing

It just goes to show what people will do to try to get a good lifestyle.

They know full well where they will end up if they try to come, but they still come because they know our welfare system is worth it.

The acceptance rate for boat arrivals is 75-90%. It is the ones who come by air who have a low acceptance rate in the 20s. Yet the media focuses on the more deserving and more vulnerable boat arrivals, completely ignoring the air arrivals

When you have people physically breaching our borders in unauthorized vessels, it makes for a much better story. Maybe if bogus refugees on planes were illegally flying planes over our border the media would pay attention.
When you have people physically breaching our borders in unauthorized vessels, it makes for a much better story. Maybe if bogus refugees on planes were illegally flying planes over our border the media would pay attention.

The facts of the matter are different from the media scare mongering. The link I gave above is to a publication by the Australian government. It is not leftist propaganda. It provides statistics and busts myths based on actual figures over the last several decades, including the Howard era. Most importantly, it busts the myth of queue jumping.

Once again, the acceptance rate for boat arrivals (Illegal Maritime Arrivals, or IMA) is 70-97%. It is the ones who come by air -- the relatively wealthy non-IMA ones -- who have lower acceptance rates.

The Conversation

“non-IMA” essentially refers to those individuals who are able to secure time-limited visas to come to Australia as tourists or students but who, once arrived in Australia by plane, then claim asylum
The political debate is almost entirely confined to the boat people (IMA) who numbered 5,175 as compared to the greater number of “plane people” (non-IMA) at 6,316. These are mainly citizens of China (1,122), India (555), Pakistan (547) and Egypt (427). Boat people are mostly citizens of Afghanistan (1,612), Iran (1,549), Iraq (542) and Sri Lanka (362) or they are stateless (895).

If the Australian media and politicians started babbling about invasion by illegal Chinese and Indians, then Australia would get smacked down -- as it did by Indian media over the alleged attacks on Indian students. Therefore, it is much easier for the racist tub thumpers to make noises about the evil Middle Easterners "invading" our shores.
The myth that queue jumping is just myth is silly.

Australia has a set refugee intake per year. People are missing out due to illegal boat arrivals taking their places.

Trying to blame the media on Australians dislike for queue jumpers is also silly. The only reason the media is making a big deal in the first place is because Australians have taken such a big dislike to it. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with race or religion.

Once again, the acceptance rate for boat arrivals (Illegal Maritime Arrivals, or IMA) is 70-97%.

That's because there is no real way to verify their stories. All they have to do is make up a bogus story and they are in. There has been investigations into it and interviews have been conducted with some refugees who back up the story that these bogus asylum seekers make up stories to get in.

It's a case of true until proven otherwise. Sri Lankins are the main offenders.
The myth that queue jumping is just myth is silly.

Australia has a set refugee intake per year. People are missing out due to illegal boat arrivals taking their places.

Trying to blame the media on Australians dislike for queue jumpers is also silly. The only reason the media is making a big deal in the first place is because Australians have taken such a big dislike to it. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with race or religion.

That's because there is no real way to verify their stories. All they have to do is make up a bogus story and they are in. There has been investigations into it and interviews have been conducted with some refugees who back up the story that these bogus asylum seekers make up stories to get in.

It's a case of true until proven otherwise. Sri Lankins are the main offenders.

Punch line is, they abused the Onshore Protective Visa system, and Australian hate them because of that, not because where they are form or not because they are refugee. Australia

ONshore visa are suppose to give those who come to australia legally so they don't need to go back and wait, not whoever jump in a boat and come to Australia can apply, and you need to know a Onshore visa usually grant a lot faster than an offshore visa, so people jump the queue and we hated them.

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