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Australia incest pair in TV plea

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Dec 22, 2007
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An Australian man and his daughter have asked for understanding after revealing on national TV they have an incestuous relationship, and have a daughter.

John Deaves, 61, appeared on the TV show 60 Minutes with daughter Jenny, 39, and nine-month-old Celeste - to whom he is both father and grandfather.

Last month a judge banned them from having sex with each other and revealed they had a child in 2001 who died.

But they insisted on the programme that they were "normal intellectual adults".

Mr Deaves said they both "had careers, had a normal life like everybody else".

He added: "But [we have] fallen in love with each other when we are biologically related, when we've discovered each other later in life."

Mr Deaves had left the family home when his daughter Jenny was a baby, and did not see her again for 30 years.

When the couple met, in 2000, they began a sexual relationship.

Ms Deaves told 60 Minutes she began to see John as a man first and a father second.

"I was looking at him, sort of going, oh, he's not too bad. Like you might look at a man across the bar at a nightclub," she said.

"John and I are in this relationship as consenting adults. We are just asking for a little bit of respect and understanding."

The couple each pleaded guilty to two charges of incest last month and were banned from having sex with each other.

According to the judge's ruling in the case, the couple had a child in 2001 who died from congenital heart disease shortly after birth.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia incest pair in TV plea
this is shame full for these kind of humen.were is the rules and lows . i think world will be finish soon
this is disgusting. even if he was not her father, its disgusting enough considering their age difference. the fact that he was her parent just makes it infinitely worse.

in the ancient times, sometimes people married their siblings. but even in those wretched cultures, fathers never mated witht their daughters.
The idea of having sex with something that came out of your own testicals just sounds repulsive.
Ummm you guys do know they didn't know they were father and daughter when they met.

Its an unfortunate turn of events.

Any one of you've read Oedipus?
True, they didn't know but what about ethical duty when they found out?
You have a conscience to make the right call.
ok, i feel soory that they found out their biological relationship after they had a sexual relationship, but, the article makes it sound as if they continued the relationship even after discovering this fact. that is just disgusting. also, the fact that they had a sexual relationship without even knowing each other well (which would have led to them finding out they are related) just makes my opinion of them even lower.

i feel really sorry for their daughter, who has to grow up facing ridicule and insults from the community, when its not even her fault.
True, they didn't know but what about ethical duty when they found out?
You have a conscience to make the right call.
But what if you have already fallen in love with the person who you don't know is your father/daughter?

Then if you find out afterwards... The reasons for that initial emotion don't go away.

Sophocles' great Epic novel Oedipus Rex was themed along this storyline.

Oedipus was the prince of Thebes who was exiled by his father, Laius, the King as a child because an Oracle had told him that he would grow up to kill the King and marry his mother, the Queen Jocasta.

Jocasta tied his feet and delivered him to the servant to leave him for dead. His feet had swollen (hence Oedipus - swollen feet), had almost died, so the servant just gave him to a shepherd who raised him till he was adopted by King Polybus of Corinth where he again grew up as a Prince.

He found out much later that he was adopted and again when he met an Oracle it told him that he would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. Terrified at the thought of doing that to his adopted parents he ran to Thebes. On the way he had a quarrel with a caravan and ended up killing everyone save one person. He reached Thebes much later and the queen gave an open challenge, that she would marry the person who would save them from some national crisis involving some supernatural being.

He won and married her. Later he finds out that, the Queen had exhiled his son, and is repenting for it. The servant informs that he gave the child to shepherd who gave the child to the King of Corinth. Later that servant turns out to be the one surviving member of the Caravan that Oedipus had killed and he identifies Oedipus as the Killer of the King of Thebes.

Oedipus was so traumatized, he popped his eyeballs out with a sharp object.

So u know weirder things have happened in the past.
So what? Sometimes people just fall in love it isn't their fault! So they're related? Big deal! He didn't raise her! It's just too bad their child died. :toast_sign:
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