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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Its an India, Israel & USA join attack.
Because these 3 countries fully supporting Taliban against €€€, £££, $$$ just to destabilize Pakistan as much as they can.

What is u r Army and ISI doing ??
Spending that $$$ ??
You are sadly mistaken my friend -- it is not just FATA now -- we have been sitting on our arses too long --- now the problem is no longer confined to FATA but has spilled over to Southern Punjab (My sources in intellegence agencies have told me a number of times that the SP elements in Taliban are more die hard fanatics as compared to the FATA cadre -- and in some instances, the FATA cadre was afraid of the SP groups residing amongst them) and urban Pakistan.

The need of the hour is to shut down their fundings first, from within Pakistan ( You will be surprised how vast and deep this funding network is in the Urban Areas) and from our Arab "Bretheren." Wrap up their urban training bases, sancturies, support centers (BTW the local police and CID has this info. even before the ISI). Than launch an all out assualt on suspected trainnig and C3 sites in FATA. But before we do that, enact Anti Terror laws so that these fanatics are not relased on bail or kept in jails where they can be sprung out any time soon.

Aamir I think some of this funding (actually not some but substantial perhaps) is coming from our western border...
ok, funding is coming from within pakistan, but where are the trainings coming from and why chose uzbeks??
our army and isi is doing there best but some people in our country cant understand it

Brother, if I may humbly enquire what are our agencies & armed forces doing ...... since independence?
Please grow up and look around yourself with open eyes because with eyes closed you may dream only [Which presently majority of us are doing- Such a pity]

If our forces were doing something then Pakistan would not be in such a mess and our size & shape of the map would not have shrunk since independence. Try to find the facts and not the fabricated tales of valor and sincerity news.

Geo Breaking News:

One Suspect has been arrested from Faisalabad. His Name is Qari Qaiser, and associated with one of banned organization.
here we go again blame game on some banned organisation, where the hell the banned pakistani organisation supply the uzbeks???
R. Malik says Certain Countries are involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

He doenst have balls to name those countries.

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