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ASWJ leader Molana Ismail Darwesh shot dead in Peshawar

yes. but we obey ksa who insist to allow terror gangs to enter mainstream politics but our politicians do not agree and are in trouble.

in senate politicians suggested coas to make a separate regiment or division and do not impose on politicians. :lol:

so there we stand and our politics and corruption revolves around this all. or maybe we will have a new political structure and constitutions in coming years since ksa is determined.

In yemen too ksa did the same where alqaida and islah fighters were officially inducted in the military before yemen uprising and revolution that made the president flee and took refuge in saudi. today there are two militaries in yemen. one is led by saudi.

If only we could distance ourselves from KSA...
why did we allow this?

I thought we had tamed these dogs to ensure they don't join a Daesh chapter in KP or Balochistan.

looks like work of Afghan or Iranian intelligence to stir up sectarian war

I expect backlash on ordinary citizens and their sectarian rival groups

If only we could distance ourselves from KSA...
KSA has nothing to do with this now. they got enough on their plate
USA is bitching and Yemen campaign is not going well. Syrian regime is not showing any sign of falling and Iranian Ayatullahs are spoiling for more trouble.

all this sectarian terror inside Pakistan is now self perpetuating and self sufficient. our society is so much radicalized and mainstreamed that I no longer express any shock when I see doctors and engineers from elite institutions found to be heads of terror cells involved in mass killing of civilians and targeted killing of our security personnel.
ASWJ is front face of LeJ that abducted and handed over to TTP to execute our Colonnel Imam on a video . it had appeared that ASWJ had lost the appetite for violence after getting iron from Pakistan army.
I suspect this to be an outside job from our western side.

Good Riddance. ASWJ is former SSP/LeJ.
not former but current

my cousin in Zhob has been their member since 80s as sipah sahabah.
he then disassociated with them but has been their apologist ever since.

ASWJ is political front of LeJ which made Pakistan army its primary target in support of TTP.
their Balochistan chapter is extremely violent and their tactics are at the level of Daesh
why did we allow this?

I thought we had tamed these dogs to ensure they don't join a Daesh chapter in KP or Balochistan.

looks like work of Afghan or Iranian intelligence to stir up sectarian war

I expect backlash on ordinary citizens and their sectarian rival groups

KSA has nothing to do with this now. they got enough on their plate
USA is bitching and Yemen campaign is not going well. Syrian regime is not showing any sign of falling and Iranian Ayatullahs are spoiling for more trouble.

all this sectarian terror inside Pakistan is now self perpetuating and self sufficient. our society is so much radicalized and mainstreamed that I no longer express any shock when I see doctors and engineers from elite institutions found to be heads of terror cells involved in mass killing of civilians and targeted killing of our security personnel.
ASWJ is front face of LeJ that abducted and handed over to TTP to execute our Colonnel Imam on a video . it had appeared that ASWJ had lost the appetite for violence after getting iron from Pakistan army.
I suspect this to be an outside job from our western side.

not former but current

my cousin in Zhob has been their member since 80s as sipah sahabah.
he then disassociated with them but has been their apologist ever since.

ASWJ is political front of LeJ which made Pakistan army its primary target in support of TTP.
their Balochistan chapter is extremely violent and their tactics are at the level of Daesh

Even ASWJ was banned later they came up with Rah e Haq party..later they got the ban lifted up from ASWJ. No doubt these guys are so powerful, they've links everywhere in Politics and Military.
This is exactly what i had in mind. @Irfan Baloch
preemption is the key
here. with Daesh knocking at the door and a new government in place and another effort for peaceful talks in Afghanistan ... these assassinations are c;ear;y intended to disrupt the peace

I have no sympathy for the slain guy but I dont condone unlawful killing like this one. his fate is with his Creator now.

danger is that this assassination can result in unrest and further loss of innocent life of people who have nothing to do with this murder
police reforms
police based intelligence
Imams and political leaders
district ward level elders and informers join together to disrupt cells and help our counter terrorism forces.
I'd feel bad but... Its always a good thing to get rid of extreme religious fundamentalism.
Flawed ideology at its best.
why did we allow this?

I thought we had tamed these dogs to ensure they don't join a Daesh chapter in KP or Balochistan.

looks like work of Afghan or Iranian intelligence to stir up sectarian war

I expect backlash on ordinary citizens and their sectarian rival groups

KSA has nothing to do with this now. they got enough on their plate
USA is bitching and Yemen campaign is not going well. Syrian regime is not showing any sign of falling and Iranian Ayatullahs are spoiling for more trouble.

You are absolutely right. I should have clarified; I was not implying that KSA's regressive monarchy is still actively supporting ASWJ / personally ordered this hit. What I am implying is that their brand of Islam, which they do continue to actively 'export,' is destroying society (and the Muslim world) and is a disgrace to the beautiful religion which it claims to represent. It is the inherent intolerance in Wahibbism (takfeerism, declaring others non-Muslim, excessive intolerance and hate --- all of which were never a part of mainstream Islam and are the musings of an obscure/fringe/extremist man (founder of Wahibbism) who was simply supported for tribal and political regions by the House of Saud. Over-emphasis on a strangely narrow set of practices with little in the way of the inner cultivation that Islam demands!
Interesting opinions in the thread. All done in a civil manner without disrespecting anyone. I like how progressive people are in this website.
What stirs sectarianism is when Sunnis declare Shias to be kaafir and worthy of death. Takfir and declaration of Sunnis to be kaafir and worthy of death is not part of Shia aqeedah. Yet is a part of Salafist aqeedah. How long will you Sunnis continue to delude yourselves about this reality?

Also, Syria was plagued from the beginning by Takfirist al Qaeda 'moderates'. I find it funny that anti-Shia Sunnis don't yet realize that they themselves are deeply in the laps of the Zionists/West :)
What stirs sectarianism is when Sunnis declare Shias to be kaafir and worthy of death. Takfir and declaration of Sunnis to be kaafir and worthy of death is not part of Shia aqeedah. Yet is a part of Salafist aqeedah. How long will you Sunnis continue to delude yourselves about this reality?

Also, Syria was plagued from the beginning by Takfirist al Qaeda 'moderates'. I find it funny that anti-Shia Sunnis don't yet realize that they themselves are deeply in the laps of the Zionists/West :)

Beautiful post. A thousand likes.
You are absolutely right. I should have clarified; I was not implying that KSA's regressive monarchy is still actively supporting ASWJ / personally ordered this hit. What I am implying is that their brand of Islam, which they do continue to actively 'export,' is destroying society (and the Muslim world) and is a disgrace to the beautiful religion which it claims to represent. It is the inherent intolerance in Wahibbism (takfeerism, declaring others non-Muslim, excessive intolerance and hate --- all of which were never a part of mainstream Islam and are the musings of an obscure/fringe/extremist man (founder of Wahibbism) who was simply supported for tribal and political regions by the House of Saud. Over-emphasis on a strangely narrow set of practices with little in the way of the inner cultivation that Islam demands!
Saudis and Iranians are able to influence where there is a willing audience.
just like the Christian missionaries target starving homeless Africans and preach them Christianity in return for food and clothes.. our 2 Middle eastern friends are doing the same where ever they see an opening.
their funded mosques with facilities and grants do have the influence as the recipient are ever so obliged to do the bidding.
its a happy coincidence for the likes of the organisation of this slain leader that KSA is willing to fund but they would do their job anyway and have done that in the past even before KSA started benefiting from the riches of oil.
I see more of an Afghan/ Indian or maybe Iranian hand to stir up a wave of violence inside Pakistan due to our shared borders and some rivalries and objections to CPEC.
Yeah man, clearly it's Shias who do suicide bombings and Takfir, let's keep doing this 'both Iran and Saudia' bullcrap a bit longer why don't we!
Yeah man, clearly it's Shias who do suicide bombings and Takfir, let's keep doing this 'both Iran and Saudia' bullcrap a bit longer why don't we!
I hear you
indeed the global violence in terms of scale and violence and cruelty is clearly one sided among those who align themselves to KSA official faith but Iranians are not innocent entirely. they are more subtle having different sect is just a coincidence . KSA and Iran are political rivals and fighting for Middle east control. pre Iranian revolution their relations were much better sectarian difference didnt matter then
Saudis and Iranians are able to influence where there is a willing audience.
just like the Christian missionaries target starving homeless Africans and preach them Christianity in return for food and clothes.. our 2 Middle eastern friends are doing the same where ever they see an opening.
their funded mosques with facilities and grants do have the influence as the recipient are ever so obliged to do the bidding.
its a happy coincidence for the likes of the organisation of this slain leader that KSA is willing to fund but they would do their job anyway and have done that in the past even before KSA started benefiting from the riches of oil.
I see more of an Afghan/ Indian or maybe Iranian hand to stir up a wave of violence inside Pakistan due to our shared borders and some rivalries and objections to CPEC.

You may be right, but my argument was about something else entirely: the poison of Wahabbism.

Comparing Iran and Saudi Arabia (if Muslims are able to set aside a sectarian lens) reveals that Iran, despite its problems, is significantly more cultured, refined, developed, etc., in terms of culture and progress. Women are winning national design competitions for bridges, they are building tech domestically, they are challenging Israel despite being under sanctions, they are standing up to the States, they are not exporting a regressive and reductionist form of Islam to the entire planet just to serve the narrow interests of their regime. Is Iran perfect? Far from it. Has Iran caused trouble in Pakistan? Sure. But the damage that KSA's billions of support to spread Wahabbism has done, in my humble opinion, has destroyed the very fabric of society and created millions of intolerant and radicalized citizens in our country by introducing concepts like takfeerism, which are totally alien to mainstream Islam (not just the Islam promoted by Sufis, which the hardliners hate, but also the Islam of our Prophet PBUH!)
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