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Asia is beginning to stand up to China — with US help: Gordon Chang

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Asia is beginning to stand up to China — with US help: Gordon Chang

This week, US aircraft carrier George Washington sailed into the South China Sea for military drills with Vietnam, which has recently been badgered by China over territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The US decision was a symbol of its power projection in east Asia, and a “push back” to Chinese muscle-flexing in the region for months, says Gordon Chang, noted China-watcher and author of The Coming Collapse of China. In an interview with DNA in Hong Kong, Chang points to an emerging grouping of states in east and south-east Asia who “don’t want to be dominated by Beijing” and are “standing up to China”.

India’s move to prospect for oil off Vietnam, in an area that China claims as its own, could create friction with China, but India shouldn’t flinch from defending its interests, he adds.:agree:

China and the US are testing the waters in the South China Sea with rival ‘war games’. What’s going on?

It started with the sinking of a South Korean naval vessel in March by North Korea, and China’s unwillingness to have Pyongyang brought to account. It also relates to territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and China’s attempts to restrict sea lanes. Countries in the region are, for the first time, standing up to China. They don’t want to be dominated by Beijing, and have asked the US to exert leadership. The US is doing that.

In a speech in Hanoi in July, US secretary of state Hillary Clinton declared that peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea is in the US’ “national interest”. It was a striking departure in US foreign policy, and China felt ambushed. Foreign minister Yang Jiechi said Clinton’s words were “an attack” on China.

When US president Barack Obama visited China last year, he was seen to be soft on China. Has that changed?

The Obama administration tried to be accommodating to China, but it didn’t work. Starting with that disastrous summit in Beijing in November, 2009, there were a series of hostile events. People in Washington decided they’d had enough. I think Obama still wants to be nice to China, but he finds his policy isn’t working. Various elements in Washington want a change in China policy, and it’s happening — fast!

Is the Obama administration signalling that the US is ‘back in Asia’?
It is, or at least Hillary Clinton is. There are two foreign policies in Washington: the Clinton policy and the Obama policy. Her policy seems to be working, and his is not. But in general, people in Washington are fed up of the arrogant Chinese.

China argues that it’s in fact the US that’s overreaching into China’s neighbourhood and ‘provoking’ it…

The US has been there since the end of World War-II. It has guaranteed freedom of sea lanes, which China is trying to restrict. The US has adopted a very low profile in Asia. It certainly isn’t overreaching.

If that’s the case, what’s China signalling, and to whom?

China is signalling that it won’t back down. You’d think that faced with a united coalition, Beijing would step back and divide the coalition. Instead, the Chinese are becoming more hostile. The reason: there’s been a militarisation of Chinese politics. The People’s Liberation Army had been losing ground in the political system in the last three decades; fewer and fewer generals and admirals were holding posts in top Communist Party organs. But since the middle of this decade, flag officers are gaining ground, and they’ve been pushing China to adopt tougher positions. That’s created resistance in the region. China’s civilian leadership probably realises that the tack they’re on is wrong, but they can’t change because the generals and the admirals have a big influence. The forces that pushed China into a more assertive direction are preventing the country from adjusting and doing what should be done.

India is bidding for oil assets in Vietnam, and China has warned oil companies against operating in what it claims is disputed territory in the South China Sea. Could this spark tension between India and China?
There could certainly be friction, but if there’s going to be a conflict, it’s going to be in the contested border areas.

But hasn’t the Sino-Indian border tension died down since 2009?
Neither country is willing to admit what’s going on, but the Chinese are becoming much more aggressive in their border patrols of Indian-controlled territories.

India, like many other countries, doesn’t want to have a conflict with China; its response is very mild, and that’s understandable; but Beijing realises this and presses its advantage. Yet, it will eventually overstep, and push India too far.

When India objects to Chinese projects in Pak-occupied Kashmir, China claims they’re commercial interests, not strategic. Can’t India take the same line in Vietnam?

India wants oil and gas, and it really is a commercial project in Vietnam. It hasn’t been using it as a strategic lever on China. But Beijing’s relations with Islamabad are strategic. When China helps Pakistan develop nuclear weapons, it doesn’t have ‘commercial relations’; it has a long-term strategic plan to keep India off-balance.

The Chinese think they’ve solved their economic problems. They temporarily bridged a difficult period, but they did so at the cost of creating problems that are more difficult to solve. They’re going to pay an enormous price. They can postpone the inevitable, but they’re going to make the final reckoning even worse. A year from now you’re going to see a very different economy in China.

Asia is beginning to stand up to China — with US help: Gordon Chang - Opinion - DNA
Countries in the region are, for the first time, standing up to China. They don’t want to be dominated by Beijing, and have asked the US to exert leadership. The US is doing that.


In other words the countries don't like being dominated by China but like being dominated by the US of A ??

Don't know about other countries, but India will NOT be dominated by US or China, we'll stay fiercely independent !!

Bloody condescending US a$$hats :angry:
Justin Joseph you are a ridiculous human being. So udderly one side that you are blind to other perspectives. While I have no problems with anti-China POVs, the ONLY article you post are those with hyperbolic claims against China. In a rich political environment there is bound to be a spectrum of opinions but you consistently seek out the minority anti-China opinions while ignoring the other 90% of the spectrum which contains much more factual assertions and research with objectivity.

Just so you know this clown wrote Coming Collapse China in 2001 and predicted China would cease to be in year 2010.

Amazon.com: The Coming Collapse of China (9780375504778): Gordon G. Chang: Books

and quote from wiki
He[Gordon Chang] is a regular contributor to the John Batchelor Show, the Glenn Beck Program on Fox News and CNN

No wonder you like the same right-wing evangelical sources like Glenn Beck.
Just so you know this clown wrote Coming Collapse China in 2001 and predicted China would cease to be in year 2010.

LOL, what a clown. :rofl:

He actually predicted that China would collapse in "2006". :lol:

Yet we were hardly even affected by the global meltdown (credit crunch). Now it is 2010 and we are stronger than ever.
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In other words the countries don't like being dominated by China but like being dominated by the US of A ??

Don't know about other countries, but India will NOT be dominated by US or China, we'll stay fiercely independent !!

Good post. :cheers:
Justin Joseph you are a ridiculous human being. So udderly one side that you are blind to other perspectives. While I have no problems with anti-China POVs, the ONLY article you post are those with hyperbolic claims against China. In a rich political environment there is bound to be a spectrum of opinions but you consistently seek out the minority anti-China opinions while ignoring the other 90% of the spectrum which contains much more factual assertions and research with objectivity.

Just so you know this clown wrote Coming Collapse China in 2001 and predicted China would cease to be in year 2010.

Amazon.com: The Coming Collapse of China (9780375504778): Gordon G. Chang: Books

and quote from wiki

No wonder you like the same right-wing evangelical sources like Glenn Beck.

Didn't he insist on the China will collapse almost every other year after 2001. After he has been proven wrong over and over again, he came up with this? He might become a very good friend of Captain America.
No one can stand with the help of others. They have to stand by themselves by their own strengths. India has a dynamic economy, a growing market, a democratic setup, a strong financial system, an independent judiciary, a modern army, the population dividend, and an entrepreneurship culture. We can stand on our own and rule.
No one can stand with the help of others. They have to stand by themselves by their own strengths. India has a dynamic economy, a growing market, a democratic setup, a strong financial system, an independent judiciary, a modern army, the population dividend, and an entrepreneurship culture. We can stand on our own and rule.
But our military is ill-equipped in the bordering hilly regions with old weapons. We don't have a modern army as of yet as most of the programs will fructify only in 2012 and beyond.
Last time i checked India wasn't the only country in Asia. The title should be renamed as "America trying to use some of the Asian states primarily India against China". And i hope that indian members are aware of the western "divide & rule policy" Americans & British have practiced it for centuries, too bad for Indians like Justin Joseph who lack the foresight in their analysis to apprehend the dynamics of world politics, disregard your chauvinism for a sec & think with an open mind; if India is better off by confronting China at the behest of americans or by peacefully co-operating with China for mutual gains?
Last time i checked India wasn't the only country in Asia. The title should be renamed as "America trying to use some of the Asian states primarily India against China". And i hope that indian members are aware of the western "divide & rule policy" Americans & British have practiced it for centuries, too bad for Indians like Justin Joseph who lack the foresight in their analysis to apprehend the dynamics of world politics, disregard your chauvinism for a sec & think with an open mind; if India is better off by confronting China at the behest of americans or by peacefully co-operating with China for mutual gains?

Justin Joseph just likes to look for one sided articles created by bigots to fan the fire, notice how he bold's the inflammatory bits that suits his cause. Complete waste of space.
Last time i checked India wasn't the only country in Asia. The title should be renamed as "America trying to use some of the Asian states primarily India against China". And i hope that indian members are aware of the western "divide & rule policy" Americans & British have practiced it for centuries, too bad for Indians like Justin Joseph who lack the foresight in their analysis to apprehend the dynamics of world politics, disregard your chauvinism for a sec & think with an open mind; if India is better off by confronting China at the behest of americans or by peacefully co-operating with China for mutual gains?

If you observe, in majority of cases such as supplying Military Hardware or more Visas or any other Indian appeasement, it is not India that is pleasing US, but it US that is pleasing India. India and China are too big to be used by any country. Their mutual interest outshine confrontation
Guys DNA is tabloid and famous for lowest level trash in India ;)

But as they say in urdu "Dil ke behlanay ko yeh khyal acha ha ghalib"

Indians can live on these day dreaming pieces
Last time i checked India wasn't the only country in Asia. The title should be renamed as "America trying to use some of the Asian states primarily India against China". And i hope that indian members are aware of the western "divide & rule policy" Americans & British have practiced it for centuries, too bad for Indians like Justin Joseph who lack the foresight in their analysis to apprehend the dynamics of world politics, disregard your chauvinism for a sec & think with an open mind; if India is better off by confronting China at the behest of americans or by peacefully co-operating with China for mutual gains?

Instead of Asia it should be Bharat aka India dreaming to stand up to China with US help BUT day dreaming is good for nothing

Instead of Asia it should be Bharat aka India dreaming to stand up to China with US help BUT day dreaming is good for nothing

check the other threads.A thread called "pakistan a role model 4 muslim world " is going on.if this can go ,then y india cant be like china with progress and btw india didnt demand frm pakistan for this. so where the dreams gone???
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