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As Obama visits India, Pakistan looks to Russia for military, economic assistance

We'll see Nostradamus. No need to repeat yourself.
I wasn't prophesying , this is the present state of affairs.
No need to be Nostradamus. A bean counter could predict future of Ruso-Pak ties.

It is cold hard count of Nickle and Dimes, nothing personal.
Come one don't be little my effort like that. :pissed:. I was debunking their long term myth that China can alone provide bread and butter to everyone in the world.
Pakistan is in deep trouble due to its total reliance on USA and its time to correct the mistakes of past by mending relations with Russia.Pakistan may not be the country you want to do business with but for sake of regional stability you have to befriend Pakistan. So Policy Shift can prove to be a very good initiative for prosperity and better future of Greater Asia which USA would never want definitely.Difficult times people difficult times!
Its not actually about military or economic assistance. Its solely about bilateral ties which every mature country in this world would like to strengthen for its own benefit.

Some of our Indian friends thinks that Russia is only bound to cooperate with india, as india is a huge market and it will not going to risk it for anyone. But the thing that our indian friends failed to realize is that, the countries if they wants to expand their market wont act like this. If they just devote themselves fully to one country then they would be left completely isolated from this world.

But still our indian friends either dont want to digest it or they simply failed to understand this simple phenomenon. They always comes up with the screwed up logic that russia will gain more from india than from Pakistan. But the ground realities are something different, because by embarking on an alliance with Pakistan, not only shall they get an access to the warm water to increase their market beyond the borders but also they automatically will get close to China as well. So technically speaking Russia will gain more from Pakistan than from India.

And another thing is that india is now playing very smartly, it now have seen that russian influence in this world especially from this region is fading away so thats why it has tied its knot with America in order to keep its wheel running. But Russians on other hand are actually analysing such scenarios very closely and they are propagating accordingly with this changing political climate.

And another biggest point why Russians are looking towards us is because of fact that they are under sanctions so in order to ease their economy from this strain they are looking towards other countries.

Lastly, i think that they foresee india to be an american ally so that could also be the reason why they are strengthening their ties with us.

But still funny thing is that our indian friends are pressing Russia not to take such steps, but on other hand they are doing the same thing.
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Care to explain please?

You don't START looking for friends when in need. Its too late. You have to develop a lower level "bonding", commonality of interests etc. much before the actual time of need. India started the "honeymoon" with US almost over a 25 year period with a minor "bump" during Y2K etc. People to people there is a strong link. You buy insurance when you do not need it. When you need it its too expensive. Hope you get the drift.

As for Pak being of help to anyone, it can only happen when it becomes part of India (and that day god forbid NEVER comes)
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