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As #MeToo picks up in Pakistan, Junaid Akram and Faisal Edhi are accused of sexual harassment

This movement getting out of hand, unfortunately.

A woman may accuse any man and some women will jump to her defense blindly. Think about it. This man could be your brother, or husband, or father.

Instead of crying wolf on Twitter, go to a bloody court or a police station.

The problem is in many of these cases there is no proof.

It is like he said she said.

Now there would be some genuine cases and some fake cases.

The fake cases would adversely impact peoples faith in the genuine ones.

But girls in this part of the world are traditionally reserved and shy.

So if they are coming out, people should be cautious and take such allegations seriously for further investigation.
I fail to grasp your point, how is this any relevant or associated with me? Please be specific. A few posts back you stated you do not know who he is and now you’re being defensive. I’ve seen a few of his videos and he does come across someone who isn’t exactly shy and quite bold
So you are asking me to be judgemental about someone I don't even know..
So you are asking me to be judgemental about someone I don't even know..

No. You’re entitled to your opinion based on ‘you don’t know’, as much as I or anyone else are based on ‘what we do know’.
I live in bahria town and last week 4 guys got banned foe apparent harrasment of women.
There is a ladies only gym downstairs and a mixed gym upstairs. The ladies gym is always empty and the mixed gym full. Today a ypung beauty came in with see through leggings whoch were black and she was wearing white knickers....did i look? Hell yes...and then women say what are you looking at. I go hiking and went to kumrat valley. 16 men 1 women. No one dared look at her in any way but respect because she demanded respect through her dress and behaviour. And thats what she got.

That Is The Thing Dress Provocatively and Then Complain If Some Douchebag Says Something.No Ladies You Can't Expect Men To Stay Silent.We Are Not Gay.

What nonsense. So if you wear shorts to play a sport and some gay guy grabs you - will his excuse "But I am not straight!" suffice?
I live in bahria town and last week 4 guys got banned foe apparent harrasment of women.
There is a ladies only gym downstairs and a mixed gym upstairs. The ladies gym is always empty and the mixed gym full. Today a ypung beauty came in with see through leggings whoch were black and she was wearing white knickers....did i look? Hell yes...and then women say what are you looking at. I go hiking and went to kumrat valley. 16 men 1 women. No one dared look at her in any way but respect because she demanded respect through her dress and behaviour. And thats what she got.
Mixed jim should be closed. Men and women should have separate jims.
What nonsense. So if you wear shorts to play a sport and some gay guy grabs you - will his excuse "But I am not straight!" suffice?

It is going get messy overtime.

Now add bisexual to hetro and homo and there you have a perfect kichidi.

Have you come across guys staring at you in bathrooms while you take a pee? I have come across many.

Unfortunately guys can't even start a #MeToo
What nonsense. So if you wear shorts to play a sport and some gay guy grabs you - will his excuse "But I am not straight!" suffice?
Well lets put it this way...Girls want guys to be "responsible for themselves/ control their nature" shouldnt girls also share the same responsibility of being responsible for themselves and controlling their nature of showing off for attention? I dont say all girls but I do know girls who complain when they arent looked at 2x or those who arent appreciated...sure not everyone will be decent to appreciate you nicely....likewise not every girl is decently dressing for herself MOST are dressing for compliments from the opposite gender.....Now not every guy will be giving compliments some can be animals...that IS at your own risk now like driving, when you drive you can still get hit by some maniac but you still drive responsibly, right...You dont go tempting the other to hit you!

I say both sides should be responsible for themselves...

If you think you are allowed to behave anyway you like only 1 side should control (in the past guys didnt know the meaning of control so they put the burden on the girls by covering them up but today the sole burden falls on the guy by asking him to control)....that is messed up....each his/ her own.....Is there no middle ground?

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