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As Iran's Military Enters Iraq, Here's A Look At What They Have In Their Arsenal

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has blitzed across Iraq over the past couple of weeks. The Sunni extremist group threatens the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite and a close ally of Iran.

The Islamic Republic isn't taking its chances, and has already sent two units of the Revolutionary Guards into Iraq. These soldiers come from one of the largest and most capable militaries in the region.

Iran's military has 545,000 active personnel and some of the most advanced technology of anyone in their neighborhood. The United States gave them a lot of it.

Granted, it wasn't the Islamic Republic of Iran that we supplied with some of the hottest tech available at the time. Rather, it was a pre-revolutionary monarchy that was a key ally of the United States in the Middle East — and was overthrown in Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Since then, Iran has managed to develop its own military-industrial complex and upgrade its existing arsenal.

And they've gotten pretty good at it.

With Iran's military jumping into the unfurling chaos in Iraq, we looked at some of the military toys that the Iranians are playing with.

Walt Hickey contributed to this report.

Source:: Iran's Military Weapons Iraq - Business Insider
The AH-1J SeaCobra

Alan Ridecki / Wikimedia

The United States sold 202 of these helicopters to Iran from 1975-1978. As of right now, only around fifty remain in service.

Iran used the helicopters with disputed success in the Iran-Iraq War between 1980 and 1988.

The AH-1W, a similar aircraft, remains a cornerstone of the U.S. Marine Corps' attack helicopter fleet.

The attack helicopter carries a crew of two, reaches a maximum speed of 219 mph, and has a service ceiling of 10,500 feet. It's 53 feet long.

Iran has also built an upgrade the Panha 2091, from AH-1J aircraft. Their efficacy is unknown.

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The RIM-66 Surface to Air Missile


The RIM-66 is a naval missile system designed by the United States and exported to multiple nations.

They entered into service in 1967 and were made by Raytheon. This guided missile system can travel at three-and-a-half times the speed of sound and has an operational range of up to 90 nautical miles.

The Iran Navy has these installed on a number of missile boats and frigates.

The S-300 missile system

Wikimedia Commons

This one is unconfirmed, but Iran claims that they have them.

And if they do have the S-300, that's a pretty big deal. Iran has also developed the Bavar 373 system, which it claims has the same capabilities as the S-300.

NATO called the S-300 the S-10 Gladiator. The Soviets developed in the 1970s, and it's been continually upgraded until production ceased in 2011.

It's one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems in the field today.

There are even variations that have been designed to intercept ballistic missiles. The radar system can track 100 targets at once, and can simultaneously engage 12 of them.

The 23-foot missiles weigh two tons and have a range of between 56 and 93 miles.They travel at six times the speed of sound. The missile system has never been used in combat as yet, but NATO has trained for that eventuality.

The BGM-71 TOW

Sgt. Amber Robinson / US Army

This anti-tank missile is a glimpse into the long, tumultuous history of U.S.-Iranian relations.

Iran got them from the United States in the deal that would later cause the Iran-Contra affair, where the United States facilitated the sale of the TOW missiles to Iran in an attempt to recover hostages, then used the proceeds to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

From 1986-1986, the United States supplied Iran with over 2,000 TOW missiles.

Manufactured by Raytheon and entering service in 1970, this anti-tank missile has an operational range of up to 3,750 meters.

The TOW missiles were used by American forces in the 2003 assault that killed Uday and Qusay, Sadaam Hussein's sons.

Disconcertingly, Iran has reverse engineered the TOW system to develop their Toophan anti-tank missile, reportedly used by Hezbollah against Israel in the 2006 Lebanon War.

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The Zufiqar Tank

Public Domain

Iran has put a lot of effort into developing domestically manufactured military technology.

The Zufiqar tank is a prime example of what they've been able to accomplish so far.

Named after the legendary sword of the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, the Zufiqar is a 41-ton, 23-foot long battle tank manufactured in Iran by the Shahid Kolah Dooz Industrial Complex.

It's armed with a 12.5 cm tank gun, and carries two machine guns. It can even move at up to 43 miles per hour.

The F-14 Tomcat


The United States knows that Iran has acquired the F-14 Tomcat.

After all, the U.S. sold it to them.

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Air Force has two squadrons of F-14s, acquired before the Shah of Iran was deposed during the Islamic Revolution.

Iran has the the F-14A, a variant that first flew in December, 1970. The U.S. later sent 79 of the fighter jets to Iran. Fifty-nine remain in service — maintained thanks to clever reverse engineering.

The interceptor was designed to counter maneuverable fighter jets, as well as cruise missiles and bombers.

Kilo-Class Submarines

Department of Defense

One of Iran's Kilo-Class Submarines

The Iranian Navy is in possession of operational submarines acquired from the Soviet Union.

They posses three Kilo-class subs, which can dive to a depth of up to 300 meters and can travel for up to 45 days without restocking.

Kilo-class subs are diesel-electric powered, and are around 70 meters long. The Iranian Navy has proven capable of maintaining and repairing these highly complicated vessels without any apparent outside help.

In early 2012, Iran decided against sending their subs to a Russian dry dock for repairs out of fear that the vessels wouldn't be returned.

Instead, Iran's homegrown defense industry carried out a series of complex repairs, renovations and replacements to make the subs seaworthy.

These vessels are a crucial aspect of Iran's strategy to maintain control of the Strait of Hormuz.

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The MiG-29 Fighter Jet

Bundeswehr-Fotos / flickr

A MiG-29

Iran keeps its arsenal up to speed through maintaining and upgrading military supplies from decades ago.

With the MiG-29, that's not exactly hard.

The MiG-29 remains in use in the Russian Air Force. More than 1,600 have been built.

It has a max speed of Mach 2.25 and a range of nearly 900 miles. It has a 30mm cannon and can hold up to almost four tons of armaments, including up to six air-to-air missiles.

It was intended to compete with the General Dynamics F-16.

As of 2012, Iran had 25 MiG-29s in service.

The Karrar Drone

Iran Defence

Like much of the rest of the world, Iran has drone fever.

This combat drone was unveiled in late 2010, and details are sketchy.

Iran's State television network has claimed that Karrar — meaning "Striker" — can travel 560 miles per hour, has a range of 620 miles, and can deliver two quarter-ton precision-guided bombs.

It's 13 feet long and, at it's unveiling, Iran's then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that the jet was a "messenger of death for enemies of mankind."

BONUS: Iran's Secret Weapon, The Strait of Hormuz

eutrophication&hypoxia / flickr

But maybe Iran's most effective weapon is intangible, as well as permanent: geography.

Their coastline includes one side of the Strait of Hormuz, one of the most tactically significant stretches of water in the entire world.

The Strait of Hormuz connects the Persian Gulf with the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the rest of the globe.

One third of all the world's oil is moved through the strait.

Were Iran to cause a disruption in the Strait — perhaps by mining it, if conditions in the region deteriorated badly enough — it would have a catastrophic effects on the price of oil and could bring the global economy to its knees.

The U.S. Navy has mine-detection, but the average oil tanker does not.

Iran's biggest threat arguably doesn't come from their missile systems, or their nuclear program, or any of their jets.

Interrupting service in a strait that they could feasibly dominate could be a winning end game for Iran if the country's theocratic government ever feels its existence is threatened.

Read more: Iran's Military Weapons Iraq - Business Insider
Pointless thread! While Iran may have some fancy weapon platforms like the S-300 missiles and submarines, none can be used in Iraq except for some fighter jets and drones.

What you need is boots on the ground - well trained forces with state of the art small arms and armored personnel carriers for fighting in built-up areas. This ain't conventional warfare.
What you need is boots on the ground - well trained forces with state of the art small arms and armored personnel carriers for fighting in built-up areas. This ain't conventional warfare.

if pointless then you read it full, if not interested then ignore it..
secondly that thread to show their assets and strengths ..and we all know different kind of warfare require different strategies and weapons.. mostly its the strategy that win wars or conflicts... and if their will be distant fighting, then they require some of these weapons, otherwise in CQB require light weight ,small & effective weapons for Built-up Area or H2H search operations...

I am not going to answer your question now ...
because you dont have any .. :what:o_O
Iran lacks ground attack modes of armor, planes and choppers.
BONUS: Iran's Secret Weapon, The Strait of Hormuz

eutrophication&hypoxia / flickr

But maybe Iran's most effective weapon is intangible, as well as permanent: geography.

Their coastline includes one side of the Strait of Hormuz, one of the most tactically significant stretches of water in the entire world.

The Strait of Hormuz connects the Persian Gulf with the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the rest of the globe.

One third of all the world's oil is moved through the strait.

Were Iran to cause a disruption in the Strait — perhaps by mining it, if conditions in the region deteriorated badly enough — it would have a catastrophic effects on the price of oil and could bring the global economy to its knees.

The U.S. Navy has mine-detection, but the average oil tanker does not.

Iran's biggest threat arguably doesn't come from their missile systems, or their nuclear program, or any of their jets.

Interrupting service in a strait that they could feasibly dominate could be a winning end game for Iran if the country's theocratic government ever feels its existence is threatened.

Read more: Iran's Military Weapons Iraq - Business Insider

There goes your secret weapon. Sorry to burst the bubble:

Dh10b Habshan-Fujairah pipeline begins oil exports

Pipeline reduces dependency on Straits of Hormuz, reduces shipping costs, secures safe transport of exports

The new Dh10 billion Habshan-Fujairah pipeline saw crude oil exports begin yesterday in Abu Dhabi, bypassing the Straits of Hormuz — a politically and economically strategic move for the UAE, experts said.

About 30 per cent of the UAE’s crude oil was exported through the pipeline from Abu Dhabi yesterday but this is expected to increase to 50 per cent or one million barrels a day by July 1, Dr. Numan Ashour, A UAE based economist, told Gulf News.

The pipeline ends the UAE’s total dependence on the vital Gulf shipping artery which Iran has threatened to block as Western sanctions on its oil exports have tightened.

It will secure safe transportation of the UAE’s oil exports, cut insurance costs and guarantee uninterrupted oil revenue flowing into the country in the face of Iranian threats or in case of war, analysts said.

“It is significant first because it reduces reliance on a troubled Hormuz and gives the UAE the chance to continue a major part of its exports unimpeded. Secondly, it will contribute to making Fujairah a major oil terminal as it will pull additional storage and handling projects and a well- sophisticated refinery in the near future,” Saadallah Al Fathi, former head of the Energy Studies Department in Opec Secretariat in Vienna, said in an email to Gulf News.

The pipeline is likely to reduce the UAE’s transport costs, said Ashour.

“The 360-km pipeline with a single 48-inch diameter also reduces shipping costs for the UAE’s oil exports because shippers charge a insurance premiums based on war risk for entering the Gulf Waters,” he said.

Other Gulf Opec producers Kuwait and Qatar will continue to rely on shipping through the Strait to export fuel amid escalating tensions in the region.

Politically, the pipeline is a strategic asset to the UAE.

“It will show Iran that the countries of the region will not take its threats lightly and that they have the means to reduce the damage if ever it occurs. It is also an invitation to Iran to follow a cooperative policy rather than force other countries into expensive means to deny Iran the possibility of threatening their exports,” said Al Fathi.

gulfnews : Dh10b Habshan-Fujairah pipeline begins oil exports


June 22, 2012

Pipeline to secure UAE’s oil exports, reduce transport costs

Pipelines devalues Iranian threats to close Straits of Hormuz

Exporting oil through the new Habshan-Fujairah pipeline will secure safe transportation of the UAE’s oil exports, cut insurance costs and reduce its dependence on the Straits of Hormuz, analysts told Gulf News.

The investment is an economically and politically strategic move for the UAE, they said.

“From the UAE’s perspective, this will help it to secure its most strategic economic asset against political tensions with Iran,” said Said Hirsh, analyst at London-based Capital Economics. “The pipeline is very good from the perspective of the international community as at least one step to help ease rising supply concerns from the dependence on the Strait of Hormuz.”

The UAE will be able to transport its oil exports safely in the face of Iranian threats to close the Straits of Hormuz or in case of war, said Dr. Mohammad Al Asoomi, a UAE-based economist. “The exports will not stop and therefore they can guarantee continued oil revenues.”

The pipeline could help reduce transport costs as insurance premiums within the GCC can fall by up to 25 percent, he added. Insurance, which is factored in transport costs, may drop as the risk premium falls.

Given the massive investment in Fujairah, the project is one way to balance economic development in different emirates and generate employment opportunities, Al Asoomi added. “The pipeline will support the spread of economic development in different parts of the country, not just exclusive to certain emirates, and this is very important for sustainable development in the UAE.”

Politically, the new pipeline means that the UAE is no longer dependent on the troubled Straits of Hormuz, where regional tensions have been churning amid Iranian threats to close the strategic passageway, analysts say.

“It will show Iran that the countries of the region will not take its threats lightly and that they have the means to reduce the damage if ever it occurs. It is also an invitation to Iran to follow a cooperative policy rather than force other countries into expensive means to deny Iran the possibility of threatening their exports,” Saadallah Al Fathi, former head of the Energy Studies Department in Opec Secretariat in Vienna, said in an email to Gulf News.

The presence of the pipeline dilutes Iranian threats to close off the Straits.

“It de-risks the whole fall-out quite a bit. It’s not like a shut down of the straits would not be a problem but this helps. It weakens Iran’s hold on the use of that threat and devalues it somewhat,” said Samuel Ciszuk, an oil supply consultant at KBC Energy Economics. “Iran is one of the few remaining countries that’s entirely dependent on transporting crude oil through the Straits, so that leaves Iran, Kuwait and Qatar to be exposed to the shut down of the straits.”

The new development however is unlikely to lead to a further drop in oil prices, which mainly depend supply and demand as well as speculation, analysts said.

However, it may worsen UAE-Iran relations, some analysts said.

“I think Iran will blame itself for forcing the UAE to seek other options in the face of its threats. Iran may consider the pipeline against its interests because it reduces the effectiveness of its threats. The pipeline will not contribute positively to the already strained relations between the two countries,” according to Al Fathi.

On the other hand, a “deep, fundamental mistrust” has existed for decades between the two countries, relations took a “sour turn” over the Abu Musa islands dispute and Abu Dhabi has been planning this pipeline for a long time, so relations are unlikely to be affected further, said Ciszuk.

Habshan-Fujairah oil pipeline 'will be ready within six months'
an has put a lot of effort into developing domestically manufactured military technology.
The Zufiqar tank is a prime example of what they've been able to accomplish so far.
Named after the legendary sword of the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, the Zufiqar is a 41-ton, 23-foot long battle tank manufactured in Iran by the Shahid Kolah Dooz Industrial Complex.
It's armed with a 12.5 cm tank gun, and carries two machine guns. It can even move at up to 43 miles per hour.

I usually don't say a thing but... If Changing the name of M-48 to Zulfiqar and repainting it is a bid deal......so be it.
I usually don't say a thing but... If Changing the name of M-48 to Zulfiqar and repainting it is a bid deal......so be it.
generally speaking, sepah is the main source of BS propaganda in Iran, and not artesh. When sepah says something, I mostly just disregard the news and laugh at it, but artesh is very different. About Zulfiqar, it is mostly related to artesh, so, I tend to care about what they are saying, since they are not like sepah ;)
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