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As a pretext of WAR - Expect another Massive Terrorist Incident in India

Do you guys go on weekly afeem parties that lead you open these kinds of silly threads?

Just like the time which your politicians are claiming when they will release the proofs of Indian involvement in Baluchistan?

Our nukes have effectively stopped Indian aggression since nuclear weapons tests, you Indians have not enough memory to remember past, do you forgot 2002, & 2008 standoff??

Every time Indian military wanted a war but due to nukes they had to pull back, that is why Cold Start was developed to counter nuclear threshold of Pakistan.

It seems you are high on every drug in the world. :D
LOL! India knows her strengths and weakness very well unlike Pakistan which started all her wars with India and was left defeated each and every time. I understand you are a war mongering community, if you are not killing yourselves for being a different sect, or false flag attacks to kill Pakistanis who want freedom from mayhem, you want war with India with war cries of Atum bumbs!
There are scores of video games that satisfy your love for war and death! Save us and your time, funnily enough your posts make me laugh louder than other Pakistani jokes I read today. You guys have way too much time for all this!!

I think this is the end of your reasoning
It all depends if Indian Army will be willing for a war on the politicians call. What I know from few sources is that Indian Army isn't ready for a military adventure anytime soon. It is also to be seen if sense will prevail if some hawks in Indian establishment call for war knowing well Modi's history of being dauntless when it comes to pulling off senseless bloodshed.
Asking about Pakistan from an indian is like asking someone of his cruel rude ex boss.
Naah Indians do not have balls to do have an head on collision with Pakistan. They do shit in Pakistan through terrorism be it supporting BLA and TTP elements in Afghanistan or providing cash to MQM's foreign management to disrupt Pakistan's financial capital.
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What is wrong it it ? One who does not learn from their mistakes keep on repeating it. We have been humiliated in the past and that is the truth.

Humari qaum ka masla hi yeahi hai. We ourself make a drama and ourself find a solution for it. To be true we as a nation living in fancy dreams where in we create a story and end it according to us. In short in our fairy tales you will be a villian always (even though we have a villain in us) but we will fight with our imaginary enemy and will defeat them.

Rauf lala this forum is not for the likes of ill informed Hussain Haqqani and you.

Mods please keep an eye on this dubious profile. Thanks!
Sequence of events
1. False Flag Attack inside india lets say incident day as I Day
2. Development of Narrative against Pakistan inside media ( I Day)
3. Highest level meeting and decision of war against Pakistan. I Day)
4. Air strikes and limited ground offensive I day or I + 1
5. Since it is an act of war from India Pakistan will be reasonable enough to initiate full scale offensive
Now it is full scale war
6. Offensive of one country is successful enough and forces are threatning strategic objective on I+3 approx
Option 1. International intervention. Cease fire. Both forces will move back to thier old original positions.
Option 2. No international intervention acceptable to one Party.
Forces advancing forward and now threatening strategic
Objectives. Nuclear response from threatened force before enemy captures strategic objective will result into
Chain of uncontrollable reactions.

Moral of the story. There is no room of adventure for india.

I think best possible outcome for pakistan would be to launch nuclear strikes with sub kiloton weapons using cruise missiles against all air bases and known nuclear weapon sites...on day 2 in above scenario...

Cruise missiles as most likely they will go undetected decreasing chances of counter strike..

Sub kiloton weapons to reduce civilian casualities.. and we can keep the threat of inhilating cities if india fires back.

I m sure india has very little if any 2nd strike capability...
Started Covert Kargil War knowing both the nations are nuclear Putting the entire region at risk of Full scale war Thanks that Indian Gov acted sane(Same BJP Gov at that time that this Pakistanis are labeling war monger) and these people come here on this forum and write load of crap saying India is going to attack.

Sharam karo.
Kuch kehne ya likhne se pehle apne ghireban main jhaank ke dekho.
Read my post again. I said muslims. We did it in the past and we can do it again.


This place is not your corner Paan store where you are standing with your buddies and talking stupid.

So---please don't hide behind the skirts of 'muslims'---tell me what have you Pakistani done to compete and conquer.
One thing is clear, both India and Pakistan will become the largest graveyard in planet's history. An open air grave yard of unburied bodies of our families, even pets to be precise.

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