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As a non-white, can anyone tell me why Europe and the United States defended Australia’s killing of civilians?


Jul 3, 2019
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As long as a normal human being, it is known that the slaughter of civilians is a crime, is not allowed by international law, and is a war crime.
The Australian government recognizes the criminal behavior of Australian soldiers, and the Australian media also criticizes these soldiers.
But after China criticized Australia, the situation changed completely.
All western governments support Australia, and all western media also support Australia.
I think this is too strange. The Australian government was still apologizing the day before, but the attitude was completely reversed the next day.
What is the psychological state of this transition? How to explain this shift?


My focus is how to explain this shift.
The popular opinion on the Chinese Internet is that white arrogance, white supremacy, double standards.
I want to know what people in other countries think? Do you agree with this explanation
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It is psychological warfare and white racist hate.

Look at the history of Caucasian imperialists. They invaded, raped, enslaved, exterminated, plundered, drugged, brainwashed billions of people around the world. How did they justify their crimes?

They made up lies. They created orientalism literature to demonize non-white nations and people with lies. They then portrayed their own actions as "saving them" "helping savages".

Before I go on. You must understand that these lies MUST be defended at all costs. Otherwise, people around the world will lose faith in the Caucasian system and defect/disobey/fight back etc. That's why whites fight so hard to control their image/pr/soft power.

Many in the world see whites have lecturing about so called western values because they "care about you". This is false. The lecturing is done to keep the rest of the world in line and to use it as a weapon.

That only works if you believe they actually care about say, human rights. If you see them abusing human rights then you'll question their motives. That's why they MUST keep the illusion going.

Look at how well it works.

● Many of you believe that whites are ideologically driven and whites just want to plant a democracy in the Middle East to help people. That means people are being fooled. Whites are there to protect the petro dollar and to position their military to fight China. They actively overthrow democracies. How can they care about democracies?

● Many of you believe whites care about Uyghur Muslims while white war criminals gang rape, torture, and slaughter millions of Muslims in the Middle East.

● Many of you believe whites are angry because China was "unfair" in trade due to government subsidies. The usa uses extensive subsidies for every major industry (silicon valley was funded by the regime, military industrial complex, aviation, agriculture).

● Many of you believe there is rule of law in America when there is extensive forced confession/plea bargains against innocent people to fill the for profit private prisons which serve as new slave labor.

● Many of you believed America is beautiful instead of crumbling all around.


Aside from the military, It's these lies that form the foundation of their empire. It allows people to pretend to be moral while committing crimes.

First, they claimed they were Christians here to save your soul. Then, they claimed, they're saving you from communism/socialism with freedom. Then it was about giving you democracy. Then it was about giving you free speech. Then it was giving you bltg/feminism. Then it was about human rights.

All of this is a lie.

The reason they hate communism and socialism is because it's a system that serves the 99%. That goes against their system which serves the 1%. Soviet Union and China BOTH became major world powers with communism/socialism. Their people never enjoyed a higher standard of living yet the West lies and says it's "bad for your human rights":

Look at the track record

● Christians here to save your soul --> exterminate you, steal everything
● saving you from communism/socialism with freedom --> overthrow your government and install fascist murderous dictatorships that obey Western imperialists
● giving you democracy - see above
● giving you free speech - look how they attack platforms they do not control like Tiktok. The CIA controls all the major news organizations. See this https://www.amazon.com/Journalists-Hire-Ulfkotte-PH-D-2016-06-07/dp/B01HC1HZGQ/
● giving you bltg/feminism - see #metoo movement, and Caucasian male child rapists all over Asia, and the rapes against local women by the us regime's military. Almost none of them are punished. East Asian men are vastly less likely to commit crimes against women yet they're demonized as "misogynists".
● Then it was about human rights - see above.

This psychological warfare is extensive.

Their fake white human rights NGO (Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International) were founded and controlled by Caucasian imperialists. Notice their silence on most western crimes.

Their fake news is controlled by CIA. All the mainstream ones CNN, NYT, MSNBC, Washington Post, etc Notice the COORDINATED news all saying the same thing - the art was "fake image" / "doctored image". This is not independent journalism. It's centralized coordinated propaganda. That's only possible with centralized control eg CIA.

The reality of the world - it's a white supremacist empire led by the American terrorist state.

The key lesson you should take away is that an enormous percentage of Caucasian are lying racist hateful hypocrites who lie at a global scale in unison as a TEAM. And, they will do anything to maintain the illusion of being good so they can maintain their grip on power.
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As long as a normal human being, it is known that the slaughter of civilians is a crime, is not allowed by international law, and is a war crime.
The Australian government recognizes the criminal behavior of Australian soldiers, and the Australian media also criticizes these soldiers.
But after China criticized Australia, the situation changed completely.
All western governments support Australia, and all western media also support Australia.
I think this is too strange. The Australian government was still apologizing the day before, but the attitude was completely reversed the next day.
What is the psychological state of this transition? How to explain this shift?
Give me quotes where they defended australia.

Unlike certain other people on this forum, I'm not one to blindly believe accusations without evidence.

On a side note, all these threads about australia, especially by chinese members. Let's be honest, most people complaining about it dont actually care about Australian war crimes. They're doing it because their country is currently bickering with the Aussies, nothing more.

@Irfan Baloch another one.
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As long as a normal human being, it is known that the slaughter of civilians is a crime, is not allowed by international law, and is a war crime.
The Australian government recognizes the criminal behavior of Australian soldiers, and the Australian media also criticizes these soldiers.
But after China criticized Australia, the situation changed completely.
All western governments support Australia, and all western media also support Australia.
I think this is too strange. The Australian government was still apologizing the day before, but the attitude was completely reversed the next day.
What is the psychological state of this transition? How to explain this shift?

First of all......get out of the mindset of "international law" "the UN" etc etc...

That's just words on a piece of paper that doesn't matter. Those with power will do what they want. Those without will come to PDF.

Good night. :D
As long as a normal human being, it is known that the slaughter of civilians is a crime, is not allowed by international law, and is a war crime.
The Australian government recognizes the criminal behavior of Australian soldiers, and the Australian media also criticizes these soldiers.
But after China criticized Australia, the situation changed completely.
All western governments support Australia, and all western media also support Australia.
I think this is too strange. The Australian government was still apologizing the day before, but the attitude was completely reversed the next day.
What is the psychological state of this transition? How to explain this shift?

It is white supremacy.

When you understand what white supremacy is all about, you will answer your question.
As long as a normal human being, it is known that the slaughter of civilians is a crime, is not allowed by international law, and is a war crime.
The Australian government recognizes the criminal behavior of Australian soldiers, and the Australian media also criticizes these soldiers.
But after China criticized Australia, the situation changed completely.
All western governments support Australia, and all western media also support Australia.
I think this is too strange. The Australian government was still apologizing the day before, but the attitude was completely reversed the next day.
What is the psychological state of this transition? How to explain this shift?

It's called double standards...

For example if in any nation if they banned a Jewish from marrying a non-jew Christ or banned a black man from marrying a white woman.... The law and country would be sanctioned for apartheid and Fascist Racism...

But when India bans a Muslim from banning a Hindu it doesn't even make the news...

Double standards...

One standard for White and their cohorts... The other for Muslims, China etc.
On a side note, all these threads about australia, especially by chinese members. Let's be honest, most people complaining about it dont actually care about Australian war crimes. They're doing it because their country is currently bickering with the Aussies, nothing more
China is arguing with Australia, so cannot China criticize Australia for war crimes?
China doesn't care, so do Europe and the United States care? Why didn't Western governments and media report it? Don’t you know that these Western media reports on Australia’s crimes only account for 1% of Hong Kong’s issues?
Also, why don't you criticize Australia? If it weren't for China to join, this news would only sink to the bottom, and most Westerners would not know it. Have you thought about this?
wow,without evidence.
Read my ENTIRE COMMENT, before commenting.

I need evidence that they defended australian war crimes, not that australia commit war crimes, which it clearly did.
China is arguing with Australia, so cannot China criticize Australia for war crimes?
China doesn't care, so do Europe and the United States care? Why didn't Western governments and media report it? Don’t you know that these Western media reports on Australia’s crimes only account for 1% of Hong Kong’s issues?
Also, why don't you criticize Australia? If it weren't for China to join, this news would only sink to the bottom, and most Westerners would not know it. Have you thought about this?
You do realize that you're just proving my point?

By your logic, you shouldn't be upset then, when Australia, or any other nation brings up Xinjiang, or Tiananmen square.

Be careful of the seeds you sow.

You guys don't give a damn, youre just doing it to score some points, nothing more.

And no, China "joining in" did nothing, considering how big of a scandal was, when it first appeared. China didn't do anything to make it bigger or smaller.

This is literally only because China and Australia are in a diplomatic spate right now, nothing more.
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To set things right...

The Aussie media exposed their own Military. The Chinese media will be hung if it did that. :D

The Chinese media just propagated the scandal to settle scores with the Aussies and to apply pressure.

And like good Iron brothers, PDF FB page shared some stuff and here we have confused Chinese asking questions which have very simple answers...
Read my ENTIRE COMMENT, before commenting.

I need evidence that they defended australian war crimes, not that australia commit war crimes, which it clearly did.

You do realize that you're just proving my point?

By your logic, you shouldn't be upset then, when Australia, or any other nation brings up Xinjiang, or Tiananmen square.

Be careful of the seeds you sow.

You guys don't give a damn, youre just doing it to score some points, nothing more.

And no, China "joining in" did nothing, considering how big of a scandal was, when it first appeared. China didn't do anything to make it bigger or smaller.

This is literally only because China and Australia are in a diplomatic spate right now, nothing more.
Learn to use Google.
The Australian media said soldiers were used to kill people.
Or, do you think that to refute China's criticism of Australian crimes is not to defend Australia?
Learn to use Google.
The Australian media said soldiers were used to kill people.
Or, do you think that to refute China's criticism of Australian crimes is not to defend Australia?
Learn to fucking read, that's not what I'm talking about.

I said I need evidence of the US and Europe defending Australian war crimes.
Learn to use Google.
The Australian media said soldiers were used to kill people.
Or, do you think that to refute China's criticism of Australian crimes is not to defend Australia?

You just earned another negative rating. More to come probably in the future also.

Another very simple answer to this thread is that they're allies so they'll defend each other. Whether online or on the ground. I think someone else said that before me in this thread also.

I know English ain't a forte of Chinese coming here on PDF but please learn to read and understand what is being said...

Reading the same thing twice or multiple times will help better understand stuff also.
This is literally only because China and Australia are in a diplomatic spate right now, nothing more.
You are just a slave to the Western media. If the Western media can correctly report on China, I think this is acceptable.
For example, Western media said that there was a massacre at Tiananmen Square. Can you provide evidence? photo? video? A telegram from the US Embassy to the United States that day indicated that there was no massacre that day. Spanish television footage also showed that there was no killing.
The West accuses China of imprisoning 1 million Uighurs. Is there any evidence? photo? image?
The problem with the Western media is that they always make accusations without evidence, and fools like you always believe in such accusations without evidence.
I ask you to present your evidence to prove the facts you believe.
You just earned another negative rating. More to come probably in the future also.
This is why you defend yourself.
Whenever you receive criticism, your favorite thing to do is to silence others. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
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