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Aryan Phenotype

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Jun 22, 2013
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I will start with Iranian girls. Iranians are very beautiful, far more beautiful than USA girls. Most Iranian young girls are slim compared to the west who can be quite roundish.

Iranian tends to have some blonde type but not too much.







Below is Princess Leila Pahlavi. She is more Azerbaijian or Turks rather than Persian.

What about Iranian men? We are handsome ffs! :what: Ladies I'm available, athletic ladies could reach me via the following number 888-HAN-SOME

Because this is a defence forum, composed almost entirely of men, it stands to reason that in this types of threads, people are much more willing to look at pictures of women. :lol:
Actually the pictures of the women he posted are quite average looking, they're not considered beautiful.
I don't mean to offend but the Iranians ladies I've seen in India are nowhere near these girls in terms of looks.
I guess you are exaggerating about these girl being average.
I don't mean to offend but the Iranians ladies I've seen in India are nowhere near these girls in terms of looks.
I guess you are exaggerating about these girl being average.

Not really. I would actually say they're below average, but I don't wish to insult them. Beauty is subjective anyway, but I believe that there is a universal standard definition of beauty and these ladies don't meet its criterion.
I love all the girls. I dont catagorize them with blonde, black, chubby, roundish, leggy, beautifull, ugly or whatever..
Lets talk about Iranian man. Iranian man can pass off as Italian easily. Iranian like people to call them white or Caucasian but will get piss off when people think they are "Indian" or "Arabs".:rofl::rofl::rofl:

There are not so much of blue eye men in Iran.

Does this man look like Sean Connery?

Below Scottish Sean Connery

Pierre Omidyar, is an Armenian Iranian


Ali Larijani, not really a "Aryan", more a Turkb (Azerbaijan)

Saeed Jalili

Ahmedinejad looks like a cross-bred between Aryan and Dravidians or Aryan and Arabs.

The reality is majority Iranian seems to be hybrid between Aryan and Elamite (Dravidians). The upper class appears to be more Aryan looking.

Lets talk about Iranian man. Iranian man can pass off as Italian easily. Iranian like people to call them white or Caucasian but will get piss off when people think they are "Indian" or "Arabs".

There is nothing wrong with being called Arab or Indian, I was asked at times if I were Indian (4%), Arab (4%), Mexican(34%), Israeli (44%) and French (14%) of the time, depending on where I was (which country) at the time.
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Iranians look so Aryan, bro.

That's a misconception , not all Iranians are Aryans , it is hard to tell because the American / eurocentrist vision of race is based on skin , eye and hair color , although a mongol blonde might look completely different from a dutch blonde or an irish blonde
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