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Around 250 terrorists surrender to Syrian authorities

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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248 people who were on the wanted list, surrendered on Friday to the Syrian authorities in the city of Hama, north of Damascus.

The militants surrendered with their weapons and pledged not to participate further in the armed struggle.

This is not the first such case after entry into force on April 12th of an agreement on ending hostilities between government forces and the Syrian opposition.


Around 250 militants surrender to Syrian authorities: Voice of Russia
What will happen to refugees in Jordan and Turkey ...
How they will come back to Syria without fear of getting into jail or grave..
Like i said..this revolution has failed.
No, it is intensifying. At least 261 Syrian soldiers were killed since the beginning of the month - more than 10 a day in average. This number does not include Shabiha and other paramiliaries.

As for "250 surrended terrorists" - no one seen them.
Why do you think that?
Over 50000 soldiers and officers joint the FSA. They are just going to surrender?

why you try to made us laugh ? if the number was over 50000 it was Damascus which was shelled not terrorists basis in Homs . or is it like the claim that Iran is training 100000 shia Iraqi mercenary to send them inside Syria to help the government and also send 15000 elite Quds Army elite force to command them ?:lol:
why you try to made us laugh ? if the number was over 50000 it was Damascus which was shelled not terrorists basis in Homs . or is it like the claim that Iran is training 100000 shia Iraqi mercenary to send them inside Syria to help the government and also send 15000 elite Quds Army elite force to command them ?:lol:
Large numbers doesn't mean they have tanks or mortars.
FSA claim: 70000(wikipedia)
Alarabiya: 100000
40000: Activists want protests to support Free Syrian Army - Taipei Times
When will we wake up when?????when we close our eyes forever

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Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

273 total killed. 261 killed soldiers (including 2 Brigadier Generals, 8 Colonels, 5 Lieutenant Colonels, 2 Majors) + 12 civilians. Note, civilians are only 4% of killed by "terrorists".

I asked where did you see them, not where did you read about them. Where?

P.S. I see such kind of people are not terrorists to you anymore. So you wont complaint anymore when someone will arm Hezbollah and Hamas in future?
I asked where did you see them, not where did you read about them. Where?
Open links i posted here. Its not so hard.

P.S. I see such kind of people are not terrorists to you anymore. So you wont complaint anymore when someone will arm Hezbollah and Hamas in future?
As u can see 96% of killed in Syria are soldiers. In Israel majority of killed are civilians. And there would be much more killed civilians if Israel was not spending billions for their protection.
Open links i posted here. Its not so hard.

again you dont answer what i asked. you can open links about 250 captured FSA elements. its not so hard
As u can see 96% of killed in Syria are soldiers. In Israel majority of killed are civilians. And there would be much more killed civilians if Israel was not spending billions for their protection.

no i dont see. by UN estimations overall about 10.000 killed how many of them civilians and who killed who is not known.

PS. I got it. If Hezbollah and Hamas will target only Israeli soldiers that will be ok with you? Right?

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