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Army gets final nod to deploy 50,000 more troops along China border

What's the point when they are too scared to shoot when PLA soldiers invaded India?

50,000 or 5,000,000 doesn't matter if they don't have the guts to shoot.

PLA just invade India for fun because we know that India is too scared to shoot at us.
1.5 billion USD for a 4 division-strength Corps?

I guess everything comes cheap in India?
looks like people are starting to panic

Yeah,I am sh1ting in my pants。:rofl:

On a technical note,don't you think the fund allocated for the Corps is rather low considering the number of armour and mountain divisions the “plan” calls for。

After all,a single Arjun tank costs over 8 million USD。

Don't tell me the troops are gonna be shabbily dressed,under-fed and poorly equipped。?:D
LOL. This news seems to have created some sort of nervous reaction from the chinese. Funny to see them fall over each other and chest thump like monkeys. :lol:
actually its over 80000 soldiers..

50000 soldiers for new Mountain Strike Corps..along with 2 new divisions...

in another news,Army is opening new Airfield for UAV operation near Bhutan border...most probably at Dumdim..

1.5 billion USD for a 4 division-strength Corps?

I guess everything comes cheap in India?

Yeah,I am sh1ting in my pants。:rofl:

On a technical note,don't you think the fund allocated for the Corps is rather low considering the number of armour and mountain divisions the “plan” calls for。

After all,a single Arjun tank costs over 8 million USD。

Don't tell me the troops are gonna be shabbily dressed,under-fed and poorly equipped。?:D

Thank god you're not general in PLA.cause then,your enemy wouldn't need to fight against you..

a mountain strike corps equipped with MBT??? :rofl:
Since British left the India subcontinent, what major war did India win against the major power nation in this world? other than a devastating lost in a war 1962 with China, India never fight against Soviet Union or the U.N coalition lead by the U.S. China on the other hand did fought against the mighty Soviet and U.S led force, adding 50 thousands more troops to the border won't change the China strategic advantage on India one bit.
Since British left the India subcontinent, what major war did India win against the major power nation in this world? other than a devastating lost in a war 1962 with China, India never fight against Soviet Union or the U.N coalition lead by the U.S. China on the other hand did fought against the mighty Soviet and U.S led force, adding 50 thousands more troops to the border won't change the China strategic advantage on India one bit.
after losing wars with japan, vietnam ..what major wars did china win..given they did have advantage in 1962 because of indian mismanagement and non air power usgae..??but vietnam --this is ridiculus...
after losing wars with japan, vietnam ..what major wars did china win..given they did have advantage in 1962 because of indian mismanagement and non air power usgae..??but vietnam --this is ridiculus...
:D, Why didn't you say, because india lacked of SU-30MKI, Brahmos and other advanced weapon at that time?!
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India is now bending over backwards in terms of 1962 lesson, why the hell deploy so many moutain troops? Better safe than sorry principle? Hope your ricketing financial ability gonna afford it.

India is quite worrying its ability to fast deploy troops in war time due to its lame road infrastructure.

India will waste mammoth amout of money if China is not gonna attack India, that's called opportunity cost. Instead of lavishing cash, why not improve relationships with PRC? We don't wanna be accused as root cause if India goverment go bankrupt for spending too much on military. India politicians will say: hey, its China that makes us bankruot as hell.

Joke aside, big threat to China by IA doing so.

The most pathetic thing in this world is to stipulate your policy according to your predictation. It causes war.

You have a bigger force than us on the border
& we are doing both improving relations with PRC& Strengthening up our border infra

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