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‘Aridaman’, India’s second nuclear-armed submarine, is ready for launch

HahahHahaha......... Chinese selling you 2nd class military items like jf17 fighter ( Chinese airforce us not ready to accept) and ships without as proper defense system . F22p have is having OSA class fast attack which used by India in 1971. This your new ships doesn't have air defense system same as like OSA class.

And you talking about Indian Navy. Funny Na?
lol look at your idiot post. no facts. jf17 is best fighter in asia. only second to f16 but it is american so it don't count.
now look at failed teja :haha: indians can't make teja fly. now stupid indians like you can only dream of having jf17. keep dreaming.

Pakistani air defence is superior of india. Pakistan destroyd indian junk planes on kargil. remember remember hahaha.... :sarcastic: indian navy is failed navy soon indian navy will be finished by china. indian navy will be in bottom of indian ocean hahahahaha.......:sarcastic:

C'mon we've built scores of defense equipment with ToT or transfer of assembly lines and you guys comparing PN with IN is making me to ROFL. Our coast guard could beat your navy hands down and when did you evaluate our Ships and named them as obsolete Russian designs. Do ready my posts, I'm talking about designing in-house and local production of the same. Just stop blindly bashing anything related to India saying that some country sold their designs to us without substantial backing
india begged everything with bheekh bowl. lol. now tell me where is photo of arihant? fake bravado navy lol. why so afraid of truth?

more hard facts for shupa powa idiots

indian navy doesn't have torpedos. hahahaha

indian navy doesn't have helicopters. hahahaha

indian navy ships get flipped over in docks. hahahaha

indian navy has fake nucler submarin. hahahaha

what a petectic service. indian navy is junk navy. china will destroy only in one hour.

your intelactul level is visible when you make fake claims with no evidance. lol
Hull design based 70s era Soviet based that all i trying trying to say
This no you speaking but your false Indian supa powa EGO speaking your Navy is nothing infornt of Chinese TYPE 52 series DDG and TYPE 54 FFG and upcoming TYPE 55 cruiser and forget US, Russian, European Navies you are acting like a insane kid:suicide::suicide2::help::lol::rofl::hitwall:
Does it make obsolete? It's having one of the best weapon and electronic systems.
Deluded Pakistani trying to compare a riverboat navy of Pakistan that cannot build a dingy boat without China imports with the sixth largest navy in the planet.

Indian navy spends more on toilet paper a d napkins then the annual budget of your navy

Get real you dreamer

Agosta is S French sub
F22, is S cheap small Chinease export frigate

I asked you about Indengiousv built and designed war ships

At least show me a rowing boat
Hull design based 70s era Soviet based that all i trying trying to say

This no you speaking but your false Indian supa powa EGO speaking your Navy is nothing infornt of Chinese TYPE 52 series DDG and TYPE 54 FFG and upcoming TYPE 55 cruiser and forget US, Russian, European Navies you are acting like a insane kid:suicide::suicide2::help::lol::rofl::hitwall:
Let me educate your tiny brain


Modern DDG'S & FFG's with AESA and vls cells compared to something straight out from the 1960's as shown below which looks more like a fishing boat than a Frigate:lol:. And this is the best you have got.

Don't know how our ships look like 1970's Russian ships as they have got a completely different design strategy.

lol look at your idiot post. no facts. jf17 is best fighter in asia. only second to f16 but it is american so it don't count.
now look at failed teja :haha: indians can't make teja fly. now stupid indians like you can only dream of having jf17. keep dreaming.

Pakistani air defence is superior of india. Pakistan destroyd indian junk planes on kargil. remember remember hahaha.... :sarcastic: indian navy is failed navy soon indian navy will be finished by china. indian navy will be in bottom of indian ocean hahahahaha.......:sarcastic:

india begged everything with bheekh bowl. lol. now tell me where is photo of arihant? fake bravado navy lol. why so afraid of truth?

more hard facts for shupa powa idiots

indian navy doesn't have torpedos. hahahaha

indian navy doesn't have helicopters. hahahaha

indian navy ships get flipped over in docks. hahahaha

indian navy has fake nucler submarin. hahahaha

what a petectic service. indian navy is junk navy. china will destroy only in one hour.

your intelactul level is visible when you make fake claims with no evidance. lol
No no it can do much more don't make them sad.
Jf 17 can even shot down F 22.
It can travel through time, shot a mini supernova, travel to the next Galaxy and so on.:lol::lol:
Pakistanis live in dream world.

A largest Indian city like Mumbai or Chennai generates more gdp than entire Pakistani nation.

They have a brown water cheap navy filled with fifty year old. Chinease and western ships and have the cheek to call Indian war ships Russian design S.

Open your eyes you will be shocked at the stunning warships of India
This is said to have 125 MW reactor and T/W ratio similar to chakra. It will cruise very fast and shall be capable to chase any surface ship in the world and target it with 500+ KM range Brahmos. Bloody nothing can escape. It will have state of art Indian sonar and torpedo decoy.
2 scorpenes have come now 2+1 =3 very potent Nuke subs. One more scorpene to join shortly. Though the numbers are not very big but the capability these submarine posses is mind boggling. Scorpene can target any boat in the world. Bloody nothing can escape.
The honor went to Mrs. Gursharan Kaur
View attachment 420939

Misleading source:


The Hindu


Economic times:


India Today:


Hindustan Times:


PM's wife is just doing a traditional coconut breaking ceremony being a lady which is an age old British tradition. Actually the ship was launched by the former PM.

In the UK, they break the champaign bottle.

Champaign bottle being broken against the hull at ship launch:


Deluded Pakistani trying to compare a riverboat navy of Pakistan that cannot build a dingy boat without China imports with the sixth largest navy in the planet.

Indian navy spends more on toilet paper a d napkins then the annual budget of your navy

Get real you dreamer

Agosta is S French sub
F22, is S cheap small Chinease export frigate

I asked you about Indengiousv built and designed war ships

At least show me a rowing boat
No one says india doesn't waste poor people's money on many warships. what you say is india has indiginus ships which is a big lie. you must know that india buys ships from russia - example talwar class. india buys ships from france - example scorpeopn class. now tell us how is indian navy indiginus? lol
Pakistanis live in dream world.

A largest Indian city like Mumbai or Chennai generates more gdp than entire Pakistani nation.

They have a brown water cheap navy filled with fifty year old. Chinease and western ships and have the cheek to call Indian war ships Russian design S.

Open your eyes you will be shocked at the stunning warships of India

only some indians here are living in deam world. i have clearly said in my above comment that indian navy lacks torpedos etc. so how is indian navy so powerful. do you know pakistan has nuclear missiles on ships and submarins? no you didn't know this. so go do some reserch.

This is said to have 125 MW reactor and T/W ratio similar to chakra. It will cruise very fast and shall be capable to chase any surface ship in the world and target it with 500+ KM range Brahmos. Bloody nothing can escape. It will have state of art Indian sonar and torpedo decoy.
2 scorpenes have come now 2+1 =3 very potent Nuke subs. One more scorpene to join shortly. Though the numbers are not very big but the capability these submarine posses is mind boggling. Scorpene can target any boat in the world. Bloody nothing can escape.
all hot air propaganda from indian government. india doesn't have small reactors. this is a known fact. so how india made submarin reactor?

india can't make a normal submarin byt makes nucler submrin without small reactors? without torpedos? all lies from indian goverment just face saving aginst super power china.

If i am wrong pelease tell me why indian goverment is not showing phots?

Definitely better than what Pakistan is having,n idea on Chinese developments.
indian navy is not better then pakistani navy. indian navy has more ships yes but not quality. indian sailors are not trained properly, indian ships are not having missiles and torpedos. pakistan has small tactical nuclear weapons everywhere on the ships on the submarins. Pakistani navy is force in indian ocean.
OK so. Pakistan has nuclear weapons on its tiny little obsolete navvy .


India which has five times mire ships and five times. Bigger defense budget has no nukes or torpordeos.

India has nothing but lies.

Are you Pakistanis happy now

No stop begging USA to give you money
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