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Are we heading towards World War 3

Green Ranger

Sep 20, 2016
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Recently i have been seeing rise of Far right parties across the world it all started in Asia when BJP came into power in India a nationalist party at its core but also extreme right towards it's policies towards Muslims and neighboring country Pakistan specially when there prime minister Narendera Modi
is convicted of large scale massacre of Muslims in state of Gujarat when he was the chief minister ,BJP came with an agenda of restoring the failing economy (like all Far right parties come with ), and in start it seems like they will do but not all pre election promises seems to look like can not be full filled , so they started false flags accusation against Pakistan and creating propaganda of waging war against Pakistan for its harboring of terrorist and terrorists coming from Pakistan to attack on Indian soil , there media serves as huge tool for propaganda siding with the govt and any one seem to oppose BJP is termed traitor and being suggested to take ticket and go to Pakistan , recently PM Modi has appointed a war waging general to lead the army , making him superseding two senior generals to take over the command of among one of the world largest army , the new general also seems to suggest conducting Surgical strikes in future like they claimed to do so in retaliation of Phatan Kot attack (which by the way india failed to produce any evidence of conducting )

Second biggest thing that happened was the Brexit , with UK having no post brexit plan like Obama had no post Qaddafi plan , UKIP which is compromised of mainly right wing EDL (whose propaganda minister Tommy Robinson is seen mainly on so called Alt media of Infowars and Breitbart both accused of being backed by Russian and Israel lobby) , UKIP it self seems like a disaster they only MP Douglas Carswell seems to be leaving and returning back to Conservative party , they UKIP also lacks post Nigel Farage plan that's why farage has left and return back to party to kept it alive while i don't see them wining any seats in next election either .

The whole Brexit victory is taken as inspiration for a movement , with President Trump wining US election which i believe was because mainly Hillary being so corrupt that people not choosing her and tired of seeing her face in 20 years being in politics she also rigged primaries if Berine was there chances of trump being elected were less , Although i don't see Trump as Far right i see him more as Centrist , in past he was more of a center left but due to MSM attacking him viciously with govt backed propaganda he became Center right taking platform of Alt media like druge report , crowder and most importantly BreitBart and infowars to spread his message people were tired of MSM they see CNN , NBC etc only spreading false news backed by govt , now Alt media has also become like them , People will believe ever thing what breit bart and infowars say , but the truth is they were good in past now they spread same Far right propaganda as Wise man say "if you read the news you are misinformed if you don't read the news you're not informed "

Trump victory and Brexit has taken France , Netherlands and Germany by storm with Austria being closest to appointing a complete Far right party , Seems like France and Netherlands will succeed in appointing Far right with Marine le pen and Wilder's respectively as there leaders this will lead towards another Fraexit and NethExit from Euro with every country calling for Nationalist agenda anti immigration and calling slogan of "there country first" . Leading towards cooking of broth called evil with to many cooks spoiling the broth creating a war .
Same thing happened before every World War with nations divided among agenda's and every country wanting there country products to be sold and bought .




The only country in Europe seems to be safe like in Past also is Russia , who will sit back and enjoy as neutral like always unless being interfered , Hillary was close to interfere and start a war by the way with Russia if she was elected , While Asian Giant China might go war with India who has great concern of China getting two major ports in Pakistan and Srilanka receptively to start it's trade domination with Pakistan joining China 2 vs 1 war .


While Middle east will kept on burning on sectarian violence with rise of Shia Sunni war at it's peak with Saudia and arabs country backed new army of 39 countries against insurgency of rise of Shia in Arab countries backed by Iran ,

with Israel being the player siding with both sides secretly for it's own agenda like George Soros is doing these days against trump

Is World War coming in next 10-15 years
No doubt it is coming, but as Trump said during his election campaign, "The world doesn't respect us anymore". This is because the world has moved on and become more assertive. The Americans are living in a bubble thinking that the world revolves around them. Whilst this could be argued decades ago, the world has changed drastically since then. The Americans will have to learn to accept that they are not the center of the universe anymore. The landscape has changed dramatically. Trump cannot change this fact.
One more article on World war 3 , people keep on writing since end of world war 2, every time there is same conclusion war is coming in few years.

Half century has passed without prediction coming true, so i believe another will also pass. Meanwhile people will keep advancing dates
One more article on World war 3 , people keep on writing since end of world war 2, every time there is same conclusion war is coming in few years.

Half century has passed without prediction coming true, so i believe another will also pass. Meanwhile people will keep advancing dates

since WW2 we have only seen dictators in few countries , but rise of nationalist parties and far right is happening now which used to happen before world wars
since WW2 we have only seen dictators in few countries , but rise of nationalist parties and far right is happening now which used to happen before world wars

History does tend to repeat but in its own flavor, also doesn't many countries dictatorship has fallen.that doesn't augur well for prediction.
World war is not possible anymore due to nuclear weapons
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