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Are People of Fata Aliens?

Look, you're right, they're not aliens and they deserve the same attention and facilities as us. But everyone will agree with you on that.

The 'people from FATA are terrorists' stereotype exists because of how alienated FATA is from the rest of Pakistan - let's face it, it is a tribal area. For most normal people, 'tribal' means something like people living in tents and killing eachother over little disputes. And they do. All that will go away if FATA is integrated and developed.

''You all think that all people belonging to fata are terrorists.intrinsically you all are wrong''
''What do you People think?''
''what have you done for us ?''

You're not doing anyone ANY favors by writing stuff like that. This is bashing people over the head, ''YOU all, YOU, YOU'', trying to make everyone feel guilty or something.

This is making it worse. By saying 'you' like that, by distancing the people of FATA from normal Pakistanis, more division is created. Instead of saying 'you you you', the right approach would be 'we we we', WE are in it together. If you want to help the people of FATA, accept them as Pakistanis, as your own brothers. Tell them, ''we will improve our conditions and we will help our country ''

Ironically by writing this article you've done the opposite of what you wanted to - you established that the people of FATA are different and separate, instead of that they are not completely different.

And what on Earth is this supposed to mean? ''People of Fata are more intelligent than us'' - they ARE part of US. The first step to solving this problem, this division among Pakistanis, is by accepting FATA as part of that 'us'. Don't try to isolate them, even if you want to compliment them. There are different ways of doing that too.

Try to solve the problem, for God's sake, at least don't make it worse.
FATA continues to be a relative safe heaven for militants-All Pakistani,Afghans as well as foreigners-.
8 killed today in a US drone attack

Plus there are other issues as well

Are People of Fata Aliens?Read my complete Article about People of Fata ..

Irfan Zarrar: Are People of Fata Aliens?

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Stop blaming others for the problems you do not want to solve yourself. I would argue that interior Sindh is even worse condition than FATA when it comes to health, education etc. But you don't see the people of interior Sindh harbouring foreign and local terrorists that then attack innocent Pakistani women and children? Do they?

I agree that attention hasn't been paid to the tribal areas but that is the story every where apart from a few areas of Pakistan. There is no need to attempt to paint this as a FATA exclusive thing.
Why isn't FATA considered a state of Pakistan like Punjab? It is still governed by different laws. Or why not merge it with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
Why isn't FATA considered a state of Pakistan like Punjab? It is still governed by different laws. Or why not merge it with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

That's the thing the OP conveniently missed out on. The people of FATA chose to remain detached from the central government in 1947. They see any outside influence as corrupt to their superior local customs. I know it's in fashion to blame Punjab for everything but perhaps its time the people of FATA understand that you are going to have to come in to the mainstream.
. They see any outside influence as corrupt to their superior local customs..
You are very racist and hateful

Are People of Fata Aliens?Read my complete Article about People of Fata ..

Irfan Zarrar: Are People of Fata Aliens?

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In your blog, you are saying that people of peshawer were laughing at the dress of a FATA student....why would they do that? the dress of peshaweris, the shalwar kameez, is same as those of FATA.
You are very racist and hateful

In your blog, you are saying that people of peshawer were laughing at the dress of a FATA student....why would they do that? the dress of peshaweris, the shalwar kameez, is same as those of FATA.

Telling the truth is racist and hateful? You even know in your heart that what I wrote is true. But you are not brave enough to accept it.
Metro bus had more funds allocated than entire FATA budget.

Not to say that metro bus is a waste, but I'm just using it for comparison. Just imagine how much funds does the FATA get.

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That's the thing the OP conveniently missed out on. The people of FATA chose to remain detached from the central government in 1947. They see any outside influence as corrupt to their superior local customs. I know it's in fashion to blame Punjab for everything but perhaps its time the people of FATA understand that you are going to have to come in to the mainstream.

This... End of discussion.
90% are Afghan nomadic tribal morons who cross back and forth the durand line like its their property.

No shit face you are entering Pakistani territory and that line you have crossed is an international border. Take your broke, dumb, child killing rear back to Afghanistan.

FATA requires a full cleanse. In fact I would deport everyone living there and turn it into a holiday resort.
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