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Are East Asians inherently more neat and tidy than South Asians?

Very well said @Bamxa , and you hit the nail on the head when you said that success is due to your friend working tirelessly in the library. And I also agree with you , i , too, am not a fan of the racial theories. In fact these racial theories were authored by European Imperialists during the 19th century to reinforce the concept of White Superiority and the Inferiority of colored peoples who are to be lorded over. lol.

I always find it funny when even some of my fellow East Asians start using the same racial theories that the European Imperialists touted a century ago to legitimize their right to rule. In the end, its not about race, its about environment and one's own inner drive.

Like for example in the UK. The Richest man in the UK is not even a White Anglo Saxon, but a British man of Indian origin named Lakshmi Mittal.


You can find inversion of racial politics happening USA where its cool to act like blacks. White people embrace black cultural phenomenons like rap, bling their speaking habits and dressing sense

Bro what's the name of the guest house or hotel in this picture?
I think it has to do with laws. Look at Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Mainland. Thee places with an ethnic Chinese majority.

I'd say Singapore and the Mainland are the cleanest.

Despite Hong Kong being regarded as "first world" it is in fact more dirty in many cases.
Absolutely. The ability of humans is too complex and multi dimententional.No linear measurement tools that try to use metrics on a continuum have succeeded in defining our ability. Modern IQ tests are at best a crude measure of a complex matrix. They may give you some insight but you would be foolish to rely on these alone.

I give one example, albeit a monster from history. Adolph Hitler failed at everything in his life. School, art, money and while in the army achieved the towering rank of Corporal.

Later on this man would end at the top of one of the worlds most educated, advanced countries from which position he dominated men who were better educated and had proven themselves in the past while he was beggar on the streets. Now they walked in his shadows.

Nobody can argue that he displayed incrediblle ability although his energy and vigour was directed in the advancing evil to new heights ..

@FairAndUnbiased I would like to remind you that 95% of Indus is in Pakistan but I will overlook it so that we don't derail this thread.

South Asian in general. Mahoman Singh was born in Pakistani Punjab but was leader of India. Mushurraf was born in Delhi and was leader of Pakistan. I think you have to admit that the connections between India and Pakistan are pretty significant.
People of all races commit crime. It's not limit to blacks, whites, Asians odHispanics.
But it's much more widespread among blacks and Hispanics than whites and Asians, no?
But it's much more widespread among blacks and Hispanics than whites and Asians, no?

Yes. But it's because of social economic situation than race. A white trash or triad Chinese is more likely to commit crime thanBarak Hussein Obama, who is black.
Look forward to your response. :)

Hi @Nihonjin1051

I got back home from Office and thought why not read and research a "little bit" on the concept of "Innate Goodness" ... boy oh boy ... there is SO MUCH out there. I download the 9th edition of the book you mentioned: Theories of personality / Richard M. Ryckman, its about 700 odd pages so I will read it tonight before going to bed for few hours...I am currently reading The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics (found on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) and I am quoting a para from it below:

"During the 2008 US presidential election journalists frequently referred to a candidate's characteristic beliefs or attitudes as ‘part of their political DNA’. This is an example of how in contemporary English ‘in the DNA’ or ‘in the genes’ has come to replace older phrases like ‘in the blood’. But if genetics can be used to elucidate the innate/acquired distinction it is certainly not because some traits, the innate ones, are caused by the genes whilst others, the acquired ones, are caused by the environment. While the difference between two individuals can be caused by a genetic or an environmental difference between them, the development of any trait in an individual depends on both genes and environment. Every aspect of development, including learning, consists in the regulated expression of the genome. Conversely, innumerable aspects of the environment are required at each stage in the life of the organism to keep development on its normal course, or, on other words, to ensure that the right genes are expressed in the right cells at the right time. Thus, all traits develop through the interaction of genome and environment. Philip Kitcher has referred to this as the ‘interactionist consensus’ (Kitcher 2001)".

Now a para from the book you mentioned (so much to digest will take some time to digest the complete picture) :

"The actualizing tendency has both a biological and a psychological aspect. The biological aspect includes drives aimed at the satisfaction of basic survival needs—the need for water, food, and air. The psycho-
logical aspect involves the development of potentials that make us more worthwhile human beings. In Rogers’s judgment, we are all basically good. The actualizing tendency is, thus, selective and direc-
tional; it is a constructive tendency. Organisms do not, according to Rogers, develop their capacity for nausea or self-destruction except under the most perverse circumstances (Rogers, 1977, p. 242). Instead, they develop their innate goodness, but only if society acts toward them in a helpful, encouraging way. Although Rogers was
clearly optimistic about human nature, he was nevertheless keenly aware that human beings are sometimes immature and antisocial and that they sometimes act out of fear, ignorance, and defensive-ness. Such behavior, however, is not in accordance with their basic natures, according to Rogers, but is the result of faulty socialization
practices. Thus, society can facilitate or hinder movement toward self-actualization"

I am still reading but I believe that the environment which surrounds us plays a vital role in shaping or re-shaping our behaviors; our brain constantly learn to adapt to new situations which are derived from our daily interactions with our surroundings. One of the main reasons we are NOT predestined for a particular behavior by our genes is that our environment can turn those genes on or off; when we learn how to optimize our environment, we learn how to make behavioral change easier and more successful.

I will continue my reading ... I new the underlying premise but never actually dealt with theoretical texts on this subject, I must say it is very interesting...:-)

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it is rather amusing reading the discussion on this thread..
there are a group of logical people that can be reasoned with
there is an individual who think he belongs to somewhere else, where clearly he is not
and there are a bunch of people, how should i put it... cannot be a good discussion partner, even though the reasonable people have already dumbed down their language... and worse, he thinks he is the smartest

a good mix actually
Nothing to do with IQ. It's about social development, if the people are poor, who the fk cares about dressing and manner, all they need is food and medicine and housing.
it is rather amusing reading the discussion on this thread..
there are a group of logical people that can be reasoned with
there is an individual who think he belongs to somewhere else, where clearly he is not
and there are a bunch of people, how should i put it... cannot be a good discussion partner, even though the reasonable people have already dumbed down their language... and worse, he thinks he is the smartest

a good mix actually
This will not do. You have to name and tag each user you have described here.:D
Yes. But it's because of social economic situation than race. A white trash or triad Chinese is more likely to commit crime thanBarak Hussein Obama, who is black.

Socioeconomic status is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. It is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual group. When viewed through a social class lens, privilege, power and control are emphasized.

Furthermore, an examination of SES (socioeconomic status) as a gradient or continuous variable reveals inequities in access to and distribution of resources. Socioeconomic status affects overall human functioning: our physical and mental health, the neighborhoods in which we live, our daily activities , and our access to resources. Its effects can be observed across the life span.

Variance in socioeconomic status, such as disparities in the distribution of wealth, income and access to resources, mitigate social problems. Low socioeconomic status and its correlates , such as lower education, poverty and poor health, ultimately affect our society as a whole.

Although exposure to violence affects all socioeconomic groups, groups of lower socioeconomic status indiiduals and families appear to have increased exposure:

Some studies that are pertinent include:

1) Browne, Salomon and Bassuk (1999) found that women who resided in households that earned less than $10,000 annually had a 4 times greater risk of experiencing violence than women in wealthier households.

2) Bassuk et al (1996) found that homeless mothers reported significantly more severe instance of physical and sexual assault over their lifetime than low-income house mothers.

3) Buka, Stichik, Birdthistle and Felton (2001) found youths form low-income neighborhoods witness significantly more severe violence vis-à-vis murders and stabbings than youths from middle and upper income neighborhoods.

Relevance? Yes it is relevant because one can associate the the behavioral patterning in low socioeconomic households with say greater instance of violence, which affects behavioral developing and imprinting process.

Its not Race at all. Race has nothing to do with it. Its all about the environment one is brought up in. Research vindicates this.


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