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Apprehension Of Faisal Shahzad: A False Flag To Extend The War On Terror To Pakistan?


Oct 17, 2009
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Apprehension Of Faisal Shahzad: A False Flag To Extend The War On Terror To Pakistan?​

Recently, the world saw a Pakistani associated to a failed terror attack in New York. The FBI arrested a man named Faisal Shahzad while he was onboard an Emirates flight to leave the United States. According to the claims made by the US authorities, Faisal has admitted that he left the SUV loaded with a Propane-based explosive at the Times Square in an attempt to give another massive blow to the US.

Now the main question is: Are all the “investigative” claims of the US authorities pertaining to the involvement of a Pakistani-American named Faisal Shahzad to be believed to any degree? Or, is it just another false flag framing a Pakistani Muslim to create a scenario so as to justify some actions on part of US against Pakistan in the near future?

The “sole-supreme power on Earth” has done that before! They never launched any serious and comprehensive investigation on 9/11 neither they could manage to produce any plausible evidence as to the involvement of Afghanistan in any way; but they bombed the poor country. They claimed the possession of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” by the Iraqi regime and they devastated the country and crushed the people; no WMD were ever found there!

Is it Pakistan’s turn now? With such a callously crafted false flag attack, proving that Pakistan is an ideal breeding ground for terrorists and young men are being trained and exported overseas to become walking terror for United States and other countries, and that the terrorists are getting closer and closer by the day to take control of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, are they planning to launch another “anti-terror” campaign and extend the so-called war on terror to Pakistan? Do they intend to land on Pakistani soil and somehow take control of Pakistan’s Nuclear assets? If the series of recent events and past records analyzed carefully, all clues and hints lead to such a theory.

This attack on “America’s freedom” has also served as a justification to exert more pressure on Pakistan to launch a major operation in North Waziristan and to go after the militants stationed at the Pak-Afghan border. These are the groups said to be associated with the Haqqani and Hikmatyaar network fueling the Afghan freedom struggle and a forceful Pakistani offensive might help the NATO forces devise a facing saving exit strategy for the miserably losing war. This is not Pakistan’s war, but the international powers want to shove Pakistan into it so as to find a way to leave Afghanistan respectfully.

Despite US claims that Faisal Shahzad has already confessed his intentions and that he is “cooperating”, there is a fair possibility that he has just been framed by the intelligence agencies to create a situation to achieve aforementioned objectives. Using a clay-pigeon or a fake subject by either exploiting his situation or by trapping him is an established intelligence strategy exercised by the spy networks to execute covert operations.

The involvement of the Indian-origin US Federal Attorney Preet Bharara, who is aggressively shouting from the roofs about the possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction by this Pakistani-American also points out towards the Indian desperation to somehow tag Pakistan as a terrorist state and paralyze its Nuclear capability. It would be India and Israel’s worst nightmare and a serious threat after the departure of US/NATO forces from the region, so they would leave no stone unturned that Pakistan be declared a terror-sponsoring state to try and put Pakistan’s Nuclear arsenal under assured international vigilance and eventually complete control.

The pattern of events that are unfolding one after the other, points towards an organized international conspiracy hatched to encircle and pressurize Pakistan. Ajmal Kassab’s conviction as a Pakistani terrorist waging a war against India, the kidnapping and subsequent murder of ex-ISI official Khalid Khwaja, the sudden emergence of Hakimullah Mehsud, his vow to attack US and TTP senselessly claiming responsibility of the Times Square bombing and the verdict of Dr. Afia’s case which is due shortly, all of these events somehow directed to malign Pakistan’s position internationally and dub it as a nuclear-armed terrorist state, the nuclear arsenal of which is just on the brink of falling in the hands of militants.

Therefore, the stage is set to build this impression of Pakistan which could serve to give a justification for foreign invasion and take over of Pakistan’s nuclear assets and to push the Pakistan Army further to go after the Afghan Mujahideen to help US/NATO a respectful withdrawl from Afghanistan.

The possible covert and sinister motives of the nexus of US/Israel/India can only be seen with the bigger picture in mind and by putting all pieces of the puzzle together.

Pakistan’s foreign policy must be revised and its defence/military strategy devised to undo and counter this negative re-branding so as to defend Pakistan from external threats and to protect its national as well as international interests.

//PKKH :pakistan:
Just angry citizen of US , he lost his job and home he was angry at the financial institutes that failed him

Nothing to do with Pakistan
There are reports from US newspapers that some of Government officials have said that they had no mounting evidences as mentioned in NY Times and it was overy hyped.

That guy was just found purchasing non explosive fertilizer and they found fertilizer in the car too and it was concluded that he was about to bow it up, whereas even if he had done so it would have just put the car on fire, without any chance of blast or any other fancy stuff!!
Apprehension Of Faisal Shahzad: A False Flag To Extend The War On Terror To Pakistan?​
//PKKH :pakistan:

The timing of Time Square incident and announcement of verdict in Ajmal Kasab case coupled with travel advisory from five countries of G20 are co-incidence or there is some kind of smell.
The statement of Ms.Clinton issuing threats of dire concequences, statement of US Attorney General Eric Holder that crime was abated from Pak Taliban.
The US intelligence agencies are on rivalries and giving different version of Time Square incident. The security agencies are negating the theories of each other. Wait and see who was behind the Time Square incident and who abated it.
The claim from TTP and Withdrawal of claim from TTP.
Pakistan is willing to undertake the investigation of Time Square incident and offered all out assistance to US agenceis for reaching to the truth.

I would not mind.

If they come here kill all the bad people and then leave, I will be OK with it.

These people are very bad for Pakistan.

This nonsense must not continue anymore.
Lets look at this tale first.

A US citizen born in Pakistan , highly educated who goes to strip clubs and bars , travels to Pakistan and stays for 5-6 Months and according to US during that period he eventually becomes radicalized in that short period of time by terrorists and he graduates from Bomb making training .

Then he goes back to US and buys a Van on the Internet where obviously you will give all of your details and IP adress too.

He makes the bomb at home without anyone knowing not even CIA :lol:

Then he "Successfully" gets into time sq evading all latest American technology and Intelligence and parks his Bomb truck on the target but decides not to detonate the bomb(Yankees would say the bomb didn't exploded than let me ask that if he had training in bomb thing , he must have done it before and why eventually his real bomb proved to be a dud ??) and walks out of the car in front of hundereds of CCTV cameras.

Then instead of running to some safety he runs to the "International air port" which is a ultra security zone and finally gets caught.

All it speaks to me is that CIA wanted to create a hoax avoiding the damage on their soil yet gaining enough laverage over GOP to push them for operation in NW.

Its simple that they wanted a pakistani to do this dirty work & they can easily get it done by using their faciast tactics and temptations , Black mailing.

Yanks have done a Bloody good job haven't they ???
I would love to see american troops on ground in waziristan. It will mean only one thing, good supply of body bag's back home.

American's should have learn't some thing from Russian's, but i guess they dont want to learn from other's mistakes.

Pakistan is a Hornest nest, u r welcome any time :cheers:
An examples of "faulty" intelligence...........
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