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Anyone heard of kratom?


Apr 24, 2022
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I just came out of a huge psychosis/delusion and I was thinking it may have been caused by marijuana but I'm wondering if kratom had anything to do with it.

Kratom helped me with mood, anxiety, and I was able to function a little normal on kratom.

now im just a zinda laash suffering from many illnesses. Atleast on kratom I felt normal and was able to work but my psychosis scares me I wanted to kill people when I was in a psychosis and I don't want to get to that point again.

I don't know what to do, stay in my current state and be a burden on my family and remain a zinda laash or try kratom and atleast be able to work to take care of my family and life.

Go see a dotor bro.
In the past 2 years, ever since I went into my first psychosis due to taking psychedelics(shrooms) I have been to many psychiatrists but nothing has helped. Only kratom made me feel like a normal person and gave me energy to do things. I'm currently taking antipsychotics and mood stabilizers but they're not helping me much.
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I just came out of a huge psychosis/delusion and I was thinking it may have been caused by marijuana but I'm wondering if kratom had anything to do with it.

Kratom helped me with mood, anxiety, and I was able to function a little normal on kratom.

now im just a zinda laash suffering from many illnesses. Atleast on kratom I felt normal and was able to work but my psychosis scares me I wanted to kill people when I was in a psychosis and I don't want to get to that point again.

I don't know what to do, stay in my current state and be a burden on my family and remain a zinda laash or try kratom and atleast be able to work to take care of my family and life.


I use Kratom to boost energy, when i am getting 3 to 4 hour sleep because of work.. its a miracle monster stimulant and has been used for ages and allowed in USA
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@Raja420, sincere advise : throw your dog into a river and then join a progressive group that works for the welfare of the poor and the oppressed including the females. Devoting intellect and time to such work will vanish your zinda laash state and make you feel liberated and useful to humanity.
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Can you seek treatment abroad?

If not, definitely keep your pets by your side but involve yourself, as has been suggested, in productive / community service-type projects. The "high" of helping others is a profound (and positive!) drug, and I hope it will become your addiction of choice. Feel useful. Feel integrated. Feel needed. Don't waste time thinking about it --- get involved.
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I just came out of a huge psychosis/delusion and I was thinking it may have been caused by marijuana but I'm wondering if kratom had anything to do with it.

Kratom helped me with mood, anxiety, and I was able to function a little normal on kratom.

now im just a zinda laash suffering from many illnesses. Atleast on kratom I felt normal and was able to work but my psychosis scares me I wanted to kill people when I was in a psychosis and I don't want to get to that point again.

I don't know what to do, stay in my current state and be a burden on my family and remain a zinda laash or try kratom and atleast be able to work to take care of my family and life.

How are you feeling now? I got expierence with kratom and I don't believe it really induces psychosis. Cannabis, but only if you're like sensitive to that. And I think weed with cbd & of the indica kind. so I wouldn't keep off kratom just out of fear, especially if it helps you. Cbd works anti-psychotic too. Abilify is a pretty good med too, works anti depressant as well, perhaps discuss it with your doctor.
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It's important to prioritize your health and safety above everything else. While kratom may have helped with your mood and anxiety, consulting with a medical professional is essential. Exploring other treatment options and coping mechanisms for your illnesses is great.
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It's important to prioritize your health and safety above everything else. While kratom may have helped with your mood and anxiety, consulting with a medical professional is essential. Exploring other treatment options and coping mechanisms for your illnesses is great.
Oahu Kava Bar West Palm Beach may be a good place to learn more about kratom and connect with a supportive community. Remember, your health and well-being should always come first.
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I'm sorry to hear about your experience with psychosis and delusions. It sounds like a really difficult situation to be in, and it's understandable that you're scared of going through that again. I've heard of kratom before, and I know some people find it helpful for managing mood and anxiety.
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I'm sorry to hear about your experience with psychosis and delusions. It sounds like a really difficult situation to be in, and it's understandable that you're scared of going through that again. I've heard of kratom before, and I know some people find it helpful for managing mood and anxiety.
Personally, mindbodygreen.com helps me with these conditions, maybe it will be useful for you too. It's important to remember that any substance can have potential side effects, and it's possible that kratom may have played a role in your previous psychotic episode.
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