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Anybody expert in Computers? Which one should i buy?

buy chinese android tablet..
Does everything a computer can do at fraction of cost..and added bonus of portabolity and battery life.
for official work/surfing/media ... go for ... Apple MacBook Air... 13"

for gaming/graphics design ... go for ... customized CPU set ups ...
buy chinese android tablet..
Does everything a computer can do at fraction of cost..and added bonus of portabolity and battery life.

was never a fan of android. besides, i already spent like 600 bucks on apple ipad.
Don't buy Chinese mate if u buy quality it will last longer, I got a Alienware gaming laptop myself but the aftersales support is rubbish but the actual system is very good but i have had to change the battery on it as well as the keyboard so that pissed me off a bit considering it's a alienware machine.

Here is another tip I bought my machine from dell and I spoke to a guy in India who gave me a better deal compared to if i called Alienware itself, the guy gave me money off on the actual price as well as 2 years support but since I bought it I have had to call Alienware a few times and their aftersales which is based in Europe is not great.
I can help u out with Desk tops ,, i thoroughly despise Laptops.

Just tell me wahyt ur getting for ur desktop ill recomend alternatives..

And anyone recommending Alenwhare dont know jack **** about getting a PC.... the premium on alenware systems is through the roof.

a similar contraption will cost u just 1/3 of the price of an alenware assembled system, but u got to haggle some.

although it wont be as goo d looking as Alenware cabinets ..but u can go for good coolermaster towers if u got the urge to splurge.
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