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Another attack on salala checkpost, but by militants

Its so funny that both Afghanistan and Pakistan are accusing each other of the same thing...

Actually it is always easier to blame others,, admitting own fault is hard and takes guts. The Goverments don't admit it as it would be considered their failure.
Is there any early warning system, drones, ground intelligence or any asset which can detect cross border movement and later pin point the location so we can later destroy them. :sick:
They are coming from Afghan side in majority cases, they hit the border posts and return back to live comfortably under the protection of ANA, Afghan warlords and NATO/US.

and Pakistan had been allowing guns and ammo for nato/US through its soil for 10 years....
now does this makes any sense to you sir??????
these Afgan, Raw,Cia backed millitants must be killed and if they dont stop sending them fire these missile on them Babar, Raad. Pakistan is preparing.
Just a small suggestion what about placing radar's at various trouble spots like we did in Kashmir that way you can monitor all activities day or night.
Before opening up your mouth, go and see what area harbors Mohmand Agency and who is controlling that area and who used to control the area and then ran away to be controlled by Pak based militants.
Tell me...Is NATO/ANA giving protection to TTP in those areas,as you were claiming?Or Afghan taliban?
There is no evidence for the stupid theory that NATO is protecting TTP anywhere but there are lots of incidents of TTP and afghan taliban cooperating.There was even a recent video of them pledging supports to each other..
It is obvious that if NATO withdraws from some area,afghan taliban's influence will increase(especially if that area is >90% pashtun) and if TTP is sheltered there then it is due to the fact that afghan taliban,not NATO allows them to be sheltered there.
Will there be similar outrage in pakistan this time or for that matter any outrage at all. :coffee: will letters from martyrs will be published or the news will be silently buried as in the case of beheading of Pak rangers.
Why dafuq are these militants always attacking Pakistani soldiers and never NATO or American forces??
Tell me...Is NATO/ANA giving protection to TTP in those areas,as you were claiming?Or Afghan taliban?
There is no evidence for the stupid theory that NATO is protecting TTP anywhere but there are lots of incidents of TTP and afghan taliban cooperating.There was even a recent video of them pledging supports to each other..
It is obvious that if NATO withdraws from some area,afghan taliban's influence will increase(especially if that area is >90% pashtun) and if TTP is sheltered there then it is due to the fact that afghan taliban,not NATO allows them to be sheltered there.

When you Indians come and blame us that by not attacking NW, the PA army or govt is giving protection to the Afghan Taliban, then similarly NATO/US/ANA not attacking or retaking their own land inside Afghanistan where TTP is living comfortably means that its an official policy of NATO/US/ANA to not attack those who attack Pakistan.
Any militant captured alive... In such attacks the source of militant hideouts should be investigated and attacked back.

This attack also have a symbolic meaning. USA has turned its back towards Pakistan and has intensified done strikes just to show how mindless it can get. This attack may have a linking with that mindlessness. But its good that 20 of those terrorists were killed but Pakistan should also make sure terrorists are attacked at their heart and with the force to drain all blood out of this pile of viciousness.
Astonishing.. How can TTP attack on a mountainous base??? :S ..
A large part of the terrain in that region is mountainous, so to answer your ludicrous question one would have to first answer another ludicrous question of 'Astonishing ... how can the residents of FATA live in a mountainous area'?

They are under protection of afghan taliban...Not NATO/US or ANA.
So the inability of the US/NATO/ANA to eliminate the sanctuaries of these terrorists in Afghanistan indicates 'complicity in terrorist attacks on Pakistan', given the same arguments made by the West and Indians when arguing 'Pakistani complicity'.

It is obvious that if NATO withdraws from some area,afghan taliban's influence will increase
Well then, why are they 'withdrawing', and allowing 'safe havens/sanctuaries' for terrorists to exist, while at the same time demanding that Pakistan, with significantly fewer military and economic resources, expand its operations into North Waziristan?

The US should first control the majority of Afghanistan, before blaming Pakistan for the insurgency in Afghanistan.
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