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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

The question was not about whether Devyani should be booked under US law or not....question was the way she was treated with total disregard to the fact that she is diplomat that too of a friendly country ...and wosre than that this particular case trahses Indian judicial process ...

This is arrogant US authorities telling that an Indian maid won't get justice in India and that's why we will take moral high ground to defend maid, maid's family not only from Diplomat but also from indian government and Indian judiciary ....
the case is not a simple as you make it to be ....

American court takes zero cognisance of Indian legal courts, of course! Whats there to complain here??? Besides the alleged crime took place in USA, their right to take action. The maid has also approached her country of residence and the country where crime took place - USA for help has she not???

Indian govt has removed security barriers from US embassy. And you blame US prosecutors for suspecting that the might of the indian state will be used to deny the maid justice - because she messed with the babu-politician-media alliance? Seriously?

Indians need to wake up and concentrate on real issues, instead of being driven like sheep to safeguard the interests of our rich fat rulers.

Whats stopping you ? , there are enough American diplomats and Embassy staff who have been known for child abuse , their spouses working without permit , homosexuality etc.... etc.....

And there are more than enough examples were Russian and Saudi diplomats have committed worse crimes and not been charged or imprisoned . Even if she did do something wrong the treatment given to her was insulting ..no don't even bother with "normal procedure BS" ....

India should implement our laws strictly to US staff too, I'll fully support that. What I do not support is making this into an emotive issue and damaging India- US ties.

Let me repeat, the issue of a rich pampered yet ''dalit'' dimplomat with lots of govt gifted properties is priority ZERO for Indians. But the media, thats part of the same rich pampered ruling class and also receives lots of govt gifted properties is taking poor indians for a ride.

Star wars, please think about this more carefully.
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You just don't give up and continue beat on the dead horse, I don't know what to say. Clinton stated he didn't have sexual relationship with the woman, and the court agree with him. What more to be say?

Oh you can't continue to argue with me the case of hypocrisy of US system ....so you want me to give up ..?

Well i won't ....!!!

Clinton is not God and his word is not Divine decree ....

We all know ...in whole episode Clinton despite being guity on several counts....abuse of his office , adultery , lying under oath, obstruction of justice and he got away because of Hypocrite system...

and yeh court did agree with him ...that is the crux of the issue ...trhat US courts are hypocrites...despite the overwhelming evidence ....they agreed with serial sex offender, liar President !
Whats stopping you ? , there are enough American diplomats and Embassy staff who have been known for child abuse , their spouses working without permit , homosexuality etc.... etc.....

And there are more than enough examples were Russian and Saudi diplomats have committed worse crimes and not been charged or imprisoned . Even if she did do something wrong the treatment given to her was insulting ..no don't even bother with "normal procedure BS" ....
Your spineless government is already on their knees...do the right thing and follow their shining example....
If giving BJ's to white boys was a crime your whole nation would be up on charges....

since you admitted your lack of intellect short while ago...No credence is to be given to your nonsensical tirades ...

Your spineless government is already on their knees...do the right thing and follow their shining example....

Your government with extra-rigid spine is already begging our government to stop media blitz and complete back channel talks so that they have breathing space to create safe passage for our diplomat ...
American court takes zero cognisance of Indian legal courts, of course! Whats there to complain here??? Besides the alleged crime took place in USA, their right to take action. The maid has also approached her country of residence and the country where crime took place - USA for help has she not???

3. In fact considering America's history with illegal immigrants, Why was it that even though the nanny absconded from her work place in July and had her Indian passport revoked she was not arrested by the NYPD ?

4. Why was it that when the Delhi High court passed an injunction against the nanny that she was not declared an illegal fugitive in the eyes of the law ?

5. Why did the govt. of US provide such special treatment to an illegal Indian fugitive from law ?

6. Why did the US further provide a visa for her husband and child by 10th December and facilitate their escape into the US and THEN arrest the Indian diplomat on 12th December ?

Indian govt has removed security barriers from US embassy. And you blame US prosecutors for suspecting that the might of the indian state will be used to deny the maid justice - because she messed with the babu-politician-media alliance? Seriously?

You are talking complete and utter nonsense , removing Barriars have nothing to do with Maids Justice

Indians need to wake up and concentrate on real issues, instead of being driven like sheep to safeguard the interests of our rich fat rulers.

India should implement our laws strictly to US staff too, I'll fully support that. What I do not support is making this into an emotive issue and damaging India- US ties.

Stop acting like you are the only person who knows the truth and rest are sheep..That a disgusting attitude over a person who has a different point of view . Get back to earth ....

Let me repeat, the issue of a rich pampered yet ''dalit'' dimplomat with lots of govt gifted properties is priority ZERO for Indians. But the media, thats part of the same rich pampered ruling class and also receives lots of govt gifted properties is taking poor indians for a ride.

Nobody gives a flying **** about personal generalized opinion about Indians .. Get out of what ever complexity you are having.

7. It was the nanny who claimed a salary of more than 4,500$ when she filled the DS 160 form for A3 visa. Why is she not arrested for Visa fraud when she already had a contract with the diplomat for a far lesser salary ?

8. It can be clearly seen that the nanny was the one perpetuating the fraud, worst that can be claimed is that the Indian diplomat aided and abetted in this fraud (alleged).

Relevant clause is Article 41 which states,

1. Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority. (Grave crime is usually defined as Murder, Rape, Robbery etc. )

2. Except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, consular officers shall not be committed to prison or liable to any other form of restriction in their personal freedom save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect.

3. If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular officer, he must appear before the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the proceedings shall be conducted with the respect due to him by reason of his official position and, except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, in a manner which will hamper the exercise of consular functions as little as possible.

Article 72 does discuss customarily favored treatment beyond the limits of the Convention. This could be what infuriates Indian officials so much.

privilege that consider exists under Article 72.

The Maid's pay should not even be a issue.

Some Indians just love showcase their moral and ethical superiority over other Indians.
MEA 'bent' rules to favour Devyani Khobragade - The Times of India

Devyani Khobragade made false statement to get Adarsh flat: Panel - Times Of India

Who is Devyani Khobragade, the Indian diplomat at the center of the firestorm? - The Washington Post

Khobragade was born in a town near Mumbai, into a family of Dalits — the name for the country’s lowest caste, once called the “untouchables.” Her professional success shows how far India has come in recent years.

Her father, a bureaucrat, owed his career in part to a policy to set aside 15 percent of jobs in India’s government for members of lower castes. His daughter benefited from this quota when she joined the foreign service in 1999.

The Khobragades are a prominent family from a sub-caste of Dalits called Mahars, who were once street sweepers and village watchmen forbidden to enter temples or drink water from the same wells as the upper castes. In recent years, as India’s rigid system of social stratification weakened, Mahars have risen to prosperity and professional careers.

“Their life is far better than it was 40 years ago,” said Badri Narayan, a social scientist and expert on Dalit issues at the Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute in Allahabad. “They’re very assertive against any kind of discrimination.”

Khobragade’s father, Uttam Khobragade, said Friday that the family experienced little discrimination during his daughter’s youth, when she was a studious and “extremely bold child” who river-rafted and won a gold medal in a horse show.

On her first diplomatic posting, in Germany, she met an academic, Aakash Singh Rathore, who would become her husband — “a love marriage,” her father said. The couple has two daughters, ages 7 and 4.
since you admitted your lack of intellect short while ago...No credence is to be given to your nonsensical tirades ...

Your government with extra-rigid spine is already begging our government to stop media blitz and complete back channel talks so that they have breathing space to create safe passage for our diplomat ...
Your "diplomat" is soon going to have a "girlfriend" with a marine tat. Hope you charge her for it when she gets back. I would also say you should charge her for cheating indian war-widows of their due....but those cowards deserve nada
Your "diplomat" is soon going to have a "girlfriend" with a marine tat. Hope you charge her for it when she gets back. I would also say you should charge her for cheating indian war-widows of their due....but those cowards deserve nada

we would charge her for whatever we need to...
This US habit of prescribing lessons to others which it doesn't follow is the reason why it is called as the most hypocrite country ...

Your country is good enough in only telling others what to do ..?

some piece of Justice to Paula Jones and Monica Lewenski would have been good ...

But your judiciary has no spine to punish your serial sex offender , liar preisdent !!!

so keep your advsie to your courts ...they need it all the more .

Understand this is the first lesson of the day for you ....
Looks like more skeletons are tumbling out of this lady's closet. Bending the rules conveniently to have her way. What a crook she and her daddy is taking everyone for a ride.

The rules for allotment of foreign language to the IFS officers on the basis of their rank in the select list was changed only for her batch (1999) to ensure she got her chosen language.

The Supreme Court found this in a judgment that was delivered three and half years ago while reinstating a dismissed IFS officer Mahaveer V Singhvi and imposing a fine of Rs 25,000 on the Union government for wrongfully terminating the services of the 1999 batch IFS officer.

MEA 'bent' rules to favour Devyani Khobragade - The Times of India
I like your analogy.

Exactly. It is dangerous to handle international affairs with emotions. It is even more foolish to give ultimatums which India doesn't have anything to back it up with.

Release her or else. Or else what?

And you think diplomats with decades of experience won't know when to posture and when not to. some troll like you knows better. BTW the inside news is that the US has decided to give full immunity. In this poker game, we knew our hand quite well.
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And BTW ....i fully support her arrest and life imprisonment when she comes back to India , but this whole arrest was a clear case of entrapment over a loophole which they found out . The Maid ran away with several documents ,mobiles earlier and NYPD had refused to do an investigation..its clear cut case of spying and protecting her family.... They should never get away with it

You cant bow down to a bully over a weakness they found and tried to exploit .. I will never accept a case of deliberate entrapment , even if it is Sonia Gandhi...

Its not about the Individual anymore ....
Looks like more skeletons are tumbling out of this lady's closet. Bending the rules conveniently to have her way. What a crook she and her daddy is taking everyone for a ride.

The rules for allotment of foreign language to the IFS officers on the basis of their rank in the select list was changed only for her batch (1999) to ensure she got her chosen language.

The Supreme Court found this in a judgment that was delivered three and half years ago while reinstating a dismissed IFS officer Mahaveer V Singhvi and imposing a fine of Rs 25,000 on the Union government for wrongfully terminating the services of the 1999 batch IFS officer.

MEA 'bent' rules to favour Devyani Khobragade - The Times of India

and US has passed strictured against same judicial system that court is hand in glow with police to silence the maid....

If you are highlighting the Supreme court ( i don't understand for whose benifit) ...then why not give them chance to settle the case ..
after all the case was registered in India first ....and US authorities had been informed ...

US authorities have made mockery of same Indian judicial system....by shielding the maid and surreptiously evacuating the family and arresting the diplomat ..with total disregard to judicial process in India.

and some slaves are out to wag their tails to greet their masters .....
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