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Anglophile Owner of Cafe Cannoli in Islamabad Harass Manager for "Poor English Accent".

This has been in the making for 75 years. We are still slaves in mind. From day one English suite boot tie has been criteria of educated sophisticated. Entire generation has grown up with this mind set. This will get way worse and especially for Muslims in Pakistan i mean actuall Muslims with kaam naam zubaan zehan rehan sehan Muslims. Sooner or later this will be used to beat religiousity out of Muslims ... U r so backward u un educated peasent look at you shame on u ... That kind of attack will become norm in another 25/50 years.

Pakistanis have no national pride. They are almost ashamed to be Pakistani. There has to be a nationalistic movement similar to Hindu RSS but Pakistani version that beats shit out of people for speaking dress displaying shop signs in English. These bitches need to be put in their place. I pray mob burns their house n shop. Ameen.
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I couldn’t even understand the black woman and the white drag queen sounded Guyanese lol
We should all learn from this pathetic behaviour and Pakistan should adopt and make it mandatory Pakistani dress in schools, colleges, Universities and through out all the offices with few exceptions and same goes for the national language.
When our mind set is going to change, Britain have left our soil in 1947 but shame they couldn't ship out brown sahib with them. If you go to France even they can speak English but still they will make sure if you want any help, then you have to speak to them in the French and it applies to many other countries as they are proud of their heritage. Its not very hard to establish just looking at us we are not Westerners but still we can't help ourselves even in our own country to proof to others brown sahib have missed the boat and still around.

let’s order some takeaways :D
The women can't speak English properly themselves.. why are they taking the piss.
Its Pakistan everyone speaks urdu. No issue for the manager. Surely he isn't paid to speak English he is paid to run a profitable restaurant
I am sorry but those anglophile don't have a good accent either, In Canada a even a choora even speaks better English than them.
I was thinking the same...they are trying super hard to speak English with its proper accent...but that just makes it more cringey TBH...
...the fact that they are acting superior...making fun of that guy while they themselves can't speak it with the proper accent.

Ppl should boycott this cafe. If english was a requirement for the job...they should have verified that during the interview process while hiring that guy. If he was found to have met the requirements...was hired...and is doing an adequate job then that's that. Just bcuz they are the owners...doesn't mean they can treat their employees like this.
These ugly Hoes think they are speaking perfect English or they sound native English Speaker? :lol:
These Pakistani angrez speak such pathetic English and they believe by speaking English they are an exception. This is nothing but inferiority complex in our educated, elite class.

Also as our society has a very high level of discrimination, the elite English speaking class deosnt even relate to problems and challenges of the other classes.
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