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An unposted letter to PM Singh

She should apply for Indian visa , leave her good job in Pakistan and stay there , its a free world and she is free to chose where she wants to live, if she gets the visa. Or use her pen and keep fighting for what she think is right for Pakistan , and yes she is right, law and order in Pakistan has gone down the drain.

There are countries which are willing to join India on conditional agreements we welcome them . Even after independence in 1947 Nepal is willing to join India but some how it never happened. The Present day scenario the Island countries in Indian ocean are threatened by rapid Islamic radicalization with the help of Wahhabi Oil money.

Ooops. No thanks.

Dear "dejected Pakistani", I am so sorry for you, can feel your anguish and would like to sympathize with you. Consider I just put my hands across your shoulder in a supporting gesture while typing this. But you we already have 1.3 billion population and if we start letting each and every dejected Pakistani into India, then the population left in Pakistan might become demographically unstable. India is not the country for you, after all it was that same country you fled/rejected some 60 years ago fearing persecution. Nothing much has changed here. So do your best to change the system and improve it or better yet apply for a refugee status in some western country or OIC country and move on with your life.

All the best.

The focus towards Hindus (and Sikhs) because that was TNT, the result of which was your country, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and no, there is absolutely no need for chalk out any 'startegic' or 'tactical' plans for you people. I say this with a heavy heart. Ahmadis were at the forefront of the Pakistan movement - bankrolling it - so kindly bear with karma.

Mate even though these are the same people who never believed in the idea of India, the present state of Pakistani minorities is alarming, If they seek asylum we should welcome them and give asylum. We can send them back when things are sorted out in Pakistan. India has a long history and tradition of giving asylum to Zorastrians, Bengalis and Christians.
Not a big achievement keeping in view the resourced India got at the time of partition and what we had got.

Besides keeping in view the situation in bothe country where Pakistan had been constantly in the storm of international geo-political game faced with active wars uptill now and India having peace all these decades so what India is today is NOT a big deal.

The amusing thing is the condition of common man in India is still worst than Pakistan.

The answer to your question about safety of minorities from Pakistan, in India well i say NO a big NO . A country like India where your minority is not safe how can you provide safety to ours.

The Hindus whom India is giving citizenship are those who are victims of Feudalism in Pakistan

Yes Pakistan was been & still is been used by west for geopolitical aims. But thats not fault of any other nation, Pakistan has kissed devil's feet itself.

Madam, do you know how properous sindh & punjab province was, do you have idea of potential resources that balochistan treasures ??? Can you name any more fertile & prosperous region than Sindh & Punjab in british india??

you got more than two-third (2/3rd) of punjab & almost 90% of sindh which were most fertile region of continent ( thanks to Jinnah's diplomacy skills & his loyality for Angrez & his influence on british) but still you whin about resources during partition??

We when we were concentrating on building IIMs ,IITs, failing but attempting to build industrial sectors you were much more properous than India was infact Pakistan was fastest growing economy. But you failed to imvesting in right feilds funding anti-hindu school of thoughts & extremist-islamic-elements is paying you what you are going through now.

So correct your reply and say Pakistan had resources but they invested them on wrong places you still have resources hope your leaders n policy makers use it effectively in future.

About common man, you are totally wrong.what you said was true 2 decades before but now welcome to 2012 & update yourself with realities.

Your economy is less than economy of a single indian state like maharashtra forget about india as whole. India being a trillion economy can be NO BIG DEAL for Pakistanis only but world is taking our economy seriously.

About minorities in India they have problem but their families are much more safer than hindus in Pakistan. 900 pakistani hindus who embraced indian citizenship are testinomial of same. Near about 1400 pakistani hindus waiting for indian citizenship after visa expiry also suggest same.
Atleast their 12 year old girls wont be kidnapped and married off to 40 year old maulvis or their side-kicks along with converted to Islam, their loved ones will not be kidnapped and ransomed for crores of rupees, atleast their young kids wont get thrashed for drinking water from mosques..basically they might still be poor, but atleast no one will persecute them for their religion and they cna practise it with honor and dignity.

Yes you are absolutely right my friend, i take my words back. There is no concept of forced child marriages, religious riots, kidnapping, murder, rape, lack of sanitation and poverty in India. I forgot to add in my analysis that Indian standard of living is comparable to that of Scandinavian countries. India has proved that she is the beacon of democracy and tolerance by preaching religious harmony, the recent clashes between Hindus and Muslims in Assam were viciously created by the evil ISI.

I sincerely urge the Indian Government to grant Ms. Faiza immigration so she can happily settle in India, the land of peace and prosperity. We Pakistanis living in Pakistan are very happy with our lives here and have no intention of leaving Pakistan :).
I guess these guys need to take a trip down in rural Sindh and look at he massive wealth the rich Hindu Landlords have accumulated, most of it exploited from their own fellow poor Hindu labourers.

I currently reside in Lahore and am very happy with my life here. I possess a Canadian passport but have no intentions of moving back there, great country but for me Pakistan is better. These people migrating to India don't realize the consequences of their decision. What exactly are they going to do in India? Will their qualification and education be accepted in India? Is the Indian Government setting up any rehabilitation programs for their resettlement? Will they be quick enough to learn the tricks and trade of the new market? They will sell their houses and will have to buy property in India which is more costlier than the one in Pakistan. This story sort of relates to many educated white collared Pakistanis giving up everything in Pakistan to fulfil their dream of moving to the West. Once they are there, they realize that their qualifications are simply useless, they end up working low paying jobs and usually go into depression. Don't believe me, go to Jackson Height or Gerrard Street and look at the old gents over there regretting their life and thinking of the good ole days back home when they had money and power. I didn't talk about issues in India relating to social, religion and economics as i did not want to start a troll war.

You seem to lost the point here. The author of this excellent piece is not talking of immigration either to India or to the west, but is talking of persecution of minorities in Pakistan. Change you laws, change your attitude, give equal status to minorities, and strictly punish the culprits everything will be OK with Pakistan.

I should say, you are your own enemies.

I think she tried "Ek teer se do shikar"


Faiza Mirza


shia ?
Yes you are absolutely right my friend, i take my words back. There is no concept of forced child marriages, religious riots, kidnapping, murder, rape, lack of sanitation and poverty in India. I forgot to add in my analysis that Indian standard of living is comparable to that of Scandinavian countries. India has proved that she is the beacon of democracy and tolerance by preaching religious harmony, the recent clashes between Hindus and Muslims in Assam were viciously created by the evil ISI.

As I said, still even Muslims dont have their daughters abducted out of their homes and married off to wealthy Hindus and converted to Hinduism and people go about justifying that or Muslim businessmen get kidnapped and are held at ransom for crores of ruppes by Hindu groups, as we see in Pakistan.

The Hindus in Pakistan who emigrated to India did a wise thing. You need not care for them. They are no longer your citizens. Worry about the ones who are still stuck there.

Oh btw, she is NOT welcome in India, atleast by me. She can migrate to any western country of OIC country.
Looks like its not a very rare thing as many Pakistani are considering it.....

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She should apply for Indian visa , leave her good job in Pakistan and stay there , its a free world and she is free to chose where she wants to live, if she gets the visa. Or use her pen and keep fighting for what she think is right for Pakistan , and yes she is right, law and order in Pakistan has gone down the drain.

Time will tell

I was wanting for the day I can reply to this lady and show her the India's she wants go and leave Pakistan - Now she can see the true face of Hindu extremism and hate . Where low cast are equal to dog , you can't eat cow and any one can kill you by blaming to do so .
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