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American desperation to influence CPEC

You know I don't hold any particularly negative view of USA. Many Americans are nice people. Indeed I would feel more comfortable in a town in USA then I ever would in Russia. I mean America is not a monolith. They have political factions and power centres competing againsy each other with the dominant narrative presiding which is not always the right one.

In the US/Pak relationship there was much Pakistan gained. Any loss Pakistan sustained was not Washington's fault but failure in Islamabad to look after it's interests. Now the American's erroneously have pitched their wagon with the Indian's in the hopes of containing China. This is where they are mistaken. I always look at India as a giant sewer pool where good % of the world garbage is floating. From this sewer pool you can always recycle some pure water but most of the rest is going to be sludge. Americans only get to see or choose to see the refined layer because that is the few % that goes to America. India will never match China even if US does everything possible. It does not have the demographic for it. There is just not enough Parsee, Brahmins etc etc that form the upper crust. But the Americans see Nikey Haley or the Google boss as typical Indians and forget that your typical Indian is a Ganga slumdog who can't even learn toilet manners in 21st century.

So let the Americans learn in time. The American's in addition perhaps as symptom of a decling society allowed all sort of lobbies to take root which are not helping American interests. For instance we now see many Indian's in these lobbies and media who of course give them a very warped view of Pakistan. This goes on to inform US policy. Going on and being informed by warped policy is not good for America as they will find out in time.

WE are NOT looking to BEAT china.

WE cant its impossible

BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.
its ALREADY the sixth largest GDP on the PLANET
WILL 100% guaranteed rise to become the 3RD most powerful GDP power by 2030

You can talk about SLUMS DNA british and moslem rules centuries ago

BUT you cant change the WORLDS natural ORDER

Euro Zone

The rest WILL just look listen & BOW
How dare they interfere and think of something that Pakistan might help Pakistan.


Look who is here. America begging and worried to help Pakistan. America helped greatly during Salala.

A big fvcking middle finger to you and backstabbing America. America can shove its help where the sun doesn't shine.
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BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.
You simply made more fcukin babies, mostly the shudra-abo type. That does not make you better intrinsically. Have you ever bothered to check your population? Even nearly 1.4 billion pile of shyte will carry some value.
WE are NOT looking to BEAT china.

WE cant its impossible

BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.
its ALREADY the sixth largest GDP on the PLANET
WILL 100% guaranteed rise to become the 3RD most powerful GDP power by 2030

You can talk about SLUMS DNA british and moslem rules centuries ago

BUT you cant change the WORLDS natural ORDER

Euro Zone

The rest WILL just look listen & BOW

You and your daddy America lost. Admit it. Everything is beyond your control.

Now is the China century. We belong in the China camp and there is nothing anyone can do about that.
I just checked the Indian GDP nominal. India comes at 6th place just above France - a country nearly 25 times smaller. I checked Pakistan. It comes 41st. However if you multiply Pakistan's GDP by 6.5 [to match India's baby making ability] Pakistan would slot in at 9th position. That is just two countries below. And this slumdog is wanking himself over his Gangaslum.

United States 19,390,600
China[n 1] 12,014,610
Japan 4,872,135
Germany 3,684,816
United Kingdom 2,624,529
India 2,611,012
France 2,583,560
Brazil 2,054,969
Italy 1,937,894

Pakistan 303,993 times by 6.5* = 1,969,000 would lift Pakistan to displace Italy at 9th slot.

*6.5 times is the differance in Indian population compared to Pakistan.
I just checked the Indian GDP nominal. India comes at 6th place just above France - a country nearly 25 times smaller. I checked Pakistan. It comes 41st. However if you multiply Pakistan's GDP by 6.5 [to match India's baby making ability] Pakistan would slot in at 9th position. That is just two countries below. And this slumdog is wanking himself over his Gangaslum.

United States 19,390,600
China[n 1] 12,014,610
Japan 4,872,135
Germany 3,684,816
United Kingdom 2,624,529
India 2,611,012
France 2,583,560
Brazil 2,054,969
Italy 1,937,894

Pakistan 303,993 times by 6.5* = 1,969,000 would lift Pakistan to displace Italy at 9th slot.

*6.5 times is the differance in Indian population compared to Pakistan.

the correct statistic you're trying to make is called GDP/capita ( it can be either PPP or nominal ).
Thanks for teaching a old dog economics !

If you're simply multiplying by population, you would also have to adjust other countries by population . which GDP/capita does. Which obviously you didn't. So . Italy would be higher than Pakistan way higher. Dont fudge numbers to try to make a point.
WE are NOT looking to BEAT china.

WE cant its impossible

BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.
its ALREADY the sixth largest GDP on the PLANET
WILL 100% guaranteed rise to become the 3RD most powerful GDP power by 2030

You can talk about SLUMS DNA british and moslem rules centuries ago

BUT you cant change the WORLDS natural ORDER

Euro Zone

The rest WILL just look listen & BOW


Are you for serious here?

Both BD and Pakistan will become middle income countries by 2030 with populations in excess of 200 million each.

That would give each of them a huge ability to build strong military forces. Add in the China factor and I can guarantee that India will not be dominating anything in S Asia.
BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.

No it's not, you cannot wrestle GB or AK from us, you cannot stop our forces from attacking yours along the LOC or directly in IOK, you cannot establish a pro Hindustani government to rule over Afghanistan, you cannot dissuade Burma, Sri Lanka, or Bangladesh from using Pakistani weapons, etc.
WE are NOT looking to BEAT china.

WE cant its impossible

BUT india is already the DOMINANT power in SOUTH ASIA by a factor of ten times.
its ALREADY the sixth largest GDP on the PLANET
WILL 100% guaranteed rise to become the 3RD most powerful GDP power by 2030

You can talk about SLUMS DNA british and moslem rules centuries ago

BUT you cant change the WORLDS natural ORDER

Euro Zone

The rest WILL just look listen & BOW

If India doesn't develop cutting edge value added industries over the next 30-40 years, its growth will due to its demographic dividend, and then crash like the Soviet Union. The African Population growth expected over the next 30-50 years will generate the cheap labor that will pull the bottom out of the Indian economy in a generation.

Secondly, India will have limited prospects of having one of the highest GDP long term, if it doesn't have peaceful borders. East Asia, Western Europe, and North America have peaceful borders for the most part. Even North Korea hasn't impeded economic development in the region, but by contrast has gotten work from Chinese companies due to being close in proximity to Chinese industries.

The most economical trade growth is with neighbors, which is why north African countries benefit so much from European trade, and Latin America benefits from Trade with the US. India is surrounded by hostile neighbors and/or developing nations. Its location on the globe limits its prospects, unless it makes lasting peace with its neighbors and can reduce transit costs to increase its market share. This has been what Poland did starting in the 1980's and Turkeys has been doing for over 20 years. Had Iran been more friendly with Europe and Turkey at least, Pakistan could trade through Iran, Turkey, right into Europe.
Agreed. It is obviously an opinion devoid of ground realities and facts. Nonetheless, it is good to know what our foes believe and think.

It wouldn't be far-fetched to believe that much of the American academia and political elites hold similar views regarding Pakistan.

One interesting revelation is that America just cannot get over CPEC. They are preoccupied and cannot let go.

its funny how all think tanks's finding are perfectly aligned with US policy, they are just tin tanks
Its really infuriating when these Muslim killing savages talk about saving Pakistani "civilians" from the evil Army. While not too long ago they were killing Pakistani civilians in FATA and are now promoting ISIS in Afgahistan. What ever that comes out of their mouth - believe in exactly the opposite. This evil army and its policies are the reason we aren't subservient to these white nibas... more power to them.
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