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american attack on iran

ali ahmad

Jul 25, 2006
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if america attacks on iran then will pakistan or saudi arabia support them?? as pakistan did in the case of afghanistan..

and from where they will attack iran??

from iraq? from afghanistan?? from arabian sea??
ali ahmad said:
if america attacks on iran then will pakistan or saudi arabia support them?? as pakistan did in the case of afghanistan..

and from where they will attack iran??

from iraq? from afghanistan?? from arabian sea??

If they attack saudi-arabia then paksitan will jump right in. heck not just Paksitan every muslim country will, US cant do this mistake.

If iran is attack then I guess there goes the oil for China & it will effect gawader port. only time will tell that kind of action will Paksitan take.

I will post some more stuff in this topic.
if americans attacked iran then from where they will attack???

from iraq, afghanistan or from gulf??
An adviser to Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz told The Observer: 'We are finally going to fight Hizbollah on the ground. The Israeli people are ready for this, and the Sunni Muslim world also expects us to fight Shia fundamentalism. We are going to deliver.'


to prevent any intervention of their killing of palestinians and lebanese, they're provoking sectarian strife in the muslim world. but they're nothing but fools, the only ones who fall into their plans are taliban and wahhabis.
we all muslims are brothers.there only a few who provokes sectarianism..but in general we behaves well....but we are not becoming united...if we be united then i dont think so usa can attack iraq or afghanistan
lets see will america attack on iran or in their plans.....

after the "rice" statement of new middle east i thinks about what they can and what they doing

lets go to its history

1-israel fell into war with egypat and syria and capturing some of their territory...

2-after that egypt become an ally of united states and doing no trouble for their agenda....

3-iraq was the biggest threat to their agenda.....

usa fell into gulf war and destroyed most of their power and israeli airforce destroyed their atomic reactor....

4-still iraq was a power and have relations with al-qaida

results into usa iraq war and iraq gone to usa.....two threats for their agenda removed....

5- Al-Qaida.......

al-qaida was getting stronger and stronger and can resist their aim to control oil rich middle east and was resisting american preasence in saudi territory...

so they eliminated their home....in afghanistan war.....

6-Iran is the biggest threat for their plans after revolution....

now americans are sitting in two sides of iran and creating environment to attack iran....but not succeded yet......

if usa can control iran then there will no power who can stop usa and israel to NEW MIDDLE EAST
ali ahmad said:
if americans attacked iran then from where they will attack???

from iraq, afghanistan or from gulf??

first of all, there is no chance that US attack Iran as It will be a suicide for US and Israel. the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and whole Israel is in the range of Iran's Shahab-3D and Zelzal-3D Missiles. also, Iran have all kind of SRBM, Scud and MRBM. with these missiles, Iran can do oil blockade of euope and US by hitting evey oil tanker in gulf sea.
Sighs. Apart from Officer of Engineers and Salim, are there any actual military people on this board?
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