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American And Muslim


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
On February, 3rd President Obama visited theIslamic Society of Baltimore, a mosque where thousands of Muslim American families exercise their first amendment rights. His speech highlighted the principle of acceptance, tolerance, diversity and unity upon which our country is built and thrives.

"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

During the past decade or so, we have all witnessed a rise in the violent narratives propagated by various militant and terrorist groups to justify their actions. They base these narratives upon dogmatic interpretations and blatant lies, creating an environment of fear, mistrust and misunderstanding between people of different religions. Yet they have succeeded in recruiting a small number of disenfranchised, ill-informed and susceptible people. Today, our tolerance, understanding and compassion is being tested and so we all have to overcome our fear and mistrust and recognize that we are all in this fight together.

And speaking personally, I couldn’t agree more with his statement. Yes, I am a proud American and a Muslim.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

Just wait till some nutjob Republican gets elected in the office. Just wait till these people stop being "politically incorrect". It is just round the corner and a matter of time. These election campaigns have already revealed how deeply divided this nation is regarding the Muslims in the US. Islam and Muslims have become an important theme in these US elections. Things are set to get worse and we better be prepared for the worst outcome. Things are looking very bleak for particularly the Muslims in the US and I'm not exaggerating. There would be no place for Muslims under a Republican leadership in the US.
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"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

Just wait till some nutjob Republican gets elected in the office. Just wait till these people stop being "politically incorrect". It is just round the corner and a matter of time. These election campaigns have already revealed how deeply divided this nation is regarding the Muslims in the US. Islam and Muslims have become an important theme in these US elections. Things are set to get worse and we better be prepared for the worst outcome. Things are looking very bleak for particularly the Muslims in the US and I'm not exaggerating. There would be no place for Muslims under a Republican leadership in the US.

What could possibly be the worst outcome?
Like I said, a Muslim hating Republican winning the primary elections.

I don't really think so, this tactic of republicans will make them win.

"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

Just wait till some nutjob Republican gets elected in the office. Just wait till these people stop being "politically incorrect". It is just round the corner and a matter of time. These election campaigns have already revealed how deeply divided this nation is regarding the Muslims in the US. Islam and Muslims have become an important theme in these US elections. Things are set to get worse and we better be prepared for the worst outcome. Things are looking very bleak for particularly the Muslims in the US and I'm not exaggerating. There would be no place for Muslims under a Republican leadership in the US.

Somewhat agree and somewhat not. Yes
USA presidency elections are right at the corner and now Muslims, Islam, terrorism, extremism/extremists will be a hot topic in USA politics. Many will try to brag about to get the votes in their voting banks. Yes some people will get fooled and vote such people. Big example is trump. But first of all I think again this term is going to favor democracy and make them win. But if republicans win, they will not make things hard for Muslims. Since, Muslims are not in small #s anymore and they are now getting mature day by day regarding this all hate. They are learning to fight it and face it. Plus, Muslims are paying enough effort, time, and money in to make USA strong to stand. Muslims are doing all the jobs, from a cashier to a judge. 'No place for Muslims in USA' means no more title of superpower in hand of USA. Sounds funny? Maybe. But I mean to say it and remember countries need each other politically and this earth has many Muslim countries. Even if 3 of them stand up for Muslims rights in USA, it will make things difficult for USA.
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Republican are good for Pakistan. Democrats are mostly pro-Indian. When it comes to Islamophobia and other policies both are equally worthless, despite once in awhile obama's stunt.

"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

Just wait till some nutjob Republican gets elected in the office. Just wait till these people stop being "politically incorrect". It is just round the corner and a matter of time. These election campaigns have already revealed how deeply divided this nation is regarding the Muslims in the US. Islam and Muslims have become an important theme in these US elections. Things are set to get worse and we better be prepared for the worst outcome. Things are looking very bleak for particularly the Muslims in the US and I'm not exaggerating. There would be no place for Muslims under a Republican leadership in the US.
Republicans are not the enemy of Muslims.

Look at history; several Republican Presidents had good attitude towards Pakistan and other predominantly Islamic states in general.

American interests might differ from those of an Islamic state at times but their is no grand conspiracy to wipe out the Muslims in the world.

Even the dreaded and hated (former) Republican President George W. Bush, had this to say about Muslims right after 9/11 event: George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks

It is being reported that George W. Bush attempted to control anti-Muslim sentiments in the US after the 9/11 event. He went as far as to visit Mosques and meet with Islamic leaders in the US to assure them that they are not the target and their contributions are appreciated. Unfortunately for him, his foreign policy towards Iraq, white-washed his good deeds.
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"I want every Muslim American who may be wondering where they fit in to know that you're right where you belong - right here, because you're part of America, too. You are not Muslim or American. You are Muslim AND American." – President Obama

Just wait till some nutjob Republican gets elected in the office. Just wait till these people stop being "politically incorrect". It is just round the corner and a matter of time. These election campaigns have already revealed how deeply divided this nation is regarding the Muslims in the US. Islam and Muslims have become an important theme in these US elections. Things are set to get worse and we better be prepared for the worst outcome. Things are looking very bleak for particularly the Muslims in the US and I'm not exaggerating. There would be no place for Muslims under a Republican leadership in the US.

I would like to differ on the future of Muslims in the USA, which is increasingly becoming diversified. Demographic composition will not allow racism based approach to winning the presidential election. In this highly colorful mosaic Muslims InshaAllah will find their rightful place. America has seen much worse regarding race, religion or ideology relationships. If she had overcome those, she will overcome present reshaping also.
I don't really think so, this tactic of republicans will make them win.

Somewhat agree and somewhat not. Yes
USA presidency elections are right at the corner and now Muslims, Islam, terrorism, extremism/extremists will be a hot topic in USA politics. Many will try to brag about to get the votes in their voting banks. Yes some people will get fooled and vote such people. Big example is trump. But first of all I think again this term is going to favor democracy and make them win. But if republicans win, they will not make things hard for Muslims. Since, Muslims are not in small #s anymore and they are now getting mature day by day regarding this all hate. They are learning to fight it and face it. Plus, Muslims are paying enough effort, time, and money in to make USA strong to stand. Muslims are doing all the jobs, from a cashier to a judge. 'No place for Muslims in USA' means no more title of superpower in hand of USA. Sounds funny? Maybe. But I mean to say it and remember countries need each other politically and this earth has many Muslim countries. Even if 3 of them stand up for Muslims rights in USA, it will make things difficult for USA.

Don't be too sure. The ignorance and hatred at display during these elections is very different from anything we have ever seen before. The atmosphere is hostile and nasty. Trump crushed his opposition yesterday. The only thing that motivates the dirty bigots who overwhelmingly voted for Trump is the extreme hate and prejudice they hold against immigrants and Muslims in particular. Don't tell me that this is just some fairytale or hoax. It is real. Muslims are going to be targeted. Be rest assured about that.
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I would like to differ on the future of Muslims in the USA, which is increasingly becoming diversified. Demographic composition will not allow racism based approach to winning the presidential election. In this highly colorful mosaic Muslims InshaAllah will find their rightful place. America has seen much worse regarding race, religion or ideology relationships. If she had overcome those, she will overcome present reshaping also.

America is a racially divided and segregated society. A country where African Americans are still targeted by the police and in churches. A country where during election debates and speeches minorities such as Mexicans and Muslims are openly scolded cannot be termed as tolerant or open minded. Americans love to boast about diversity and tolerance. Yet, these election campaigns have exposed a very nasty and intolerant side of this country. It is for everyone to see. The elections in New Hampshire have shown to the world how a bigot like Trump was able to win with a huge margin despite the indiscriminate hate-mongering towards minorities. It doesn't take Nostradamus to predict that the US is going to get more and more intolerant and hostile towards minorities. Especially Muslims which are blamed and despised for everything negative. This is an open secret.

Republicans are not the enemy of Muslims.

Look at history; several Republican Presidents had good attitude towards Pakistan and other predominantly Islamic states in general.

American interests might differ from those of an Islamic state at times but their is no grand conspiracy to wipe out the Muslims in the world.

Even the dreaded and hated (former) Republican President George W. Bush, had this to say about Muslims right after 9/11 event: George W. Bush Addresses Muslims in the Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks

It is being reported that George W. Bush attempted to control anti-Muslim sentiments in the US after the 9/11 event. He went as far as to visit Mosques and meet with Islamic leaders in the US to assure them that they are not the target and their contributions are appreciated. Unfortunately for him, his foreign policy towards Iraq, white-washed his good deeds.

The Republicans have used Pakistan and its military leaders effectively to their benefit. They don't love Pakistan, but only care about their interests. They have a more subtle and different approach as compared to the Democrats. From the Cold War to General Musharraf. The writing was always on the wall.

The Republicans consist of extremist Evangelicals and conservatives who openly despise Islam and Muslims. These are the same Republicans who oppose good terms with Iran another Islamic nation. Just have a look at all the Republican candidates who mutually agree that the US can never have a Muslim president. Is this what you term a good attitude towards Muslims?

We all know how much blood George W. Bush has on its hands. His visit to a mosque doesn't undo his grave sins. Today his legacy has turned the world into a much unsafer place. The Iraqis in particular don't thank him for interfering in their country.
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America is a racially divided and segregated society. A country where African Americans are still targeted by the police and in churches. A country where during election debates and speeches minorities such as Mexicans and Muslims are openly scolded cannot be termed as tolerant or open minded. Americans love to boast about diversity and tolerance. Yet, these election campaigns have exposed a very nasty and intolerant side of this country. It is for everyone to see. The elections in New Hampshire have shown to the world how a bigot like Trump was able to win with a huge margin despite the indiscriminate hate-mongering towards minorities. It doesn't take Nostradamus to predict that the US is going to get more and more intolerant and hostile towards minorities. Especially Muslims which are blamed and despised for everything negative. This is an open secret.

The Republicans have used Pakistan and its military leaders effectively to their benefit. They don't love Pakistan, but only care about their interests. They have a more subtle and different approach as compared to the Democrats. From the Cold War to General Musharraf. The writing was always on the wall.

The Republicans consist of extremist Evangelicals and conservatives who openly despise Islam and Muslims. These are the same Republicans who oppose good terms with Iran another Islamic nation. Just have a look at all the Republican candidates who mutually agree that the US can never have a Muslim president. Is this what you term a good attitude towards Muslims?

We all know how much blood George W. Bush has on its hands. His visit to a mosque doesn't undo his grave sins. Today his legacy has turned the world into a much unsafer place. The Iraqis in particular don't thank him for interfering in their country.

Yes, there are race problems in the USA; however, it varies from place to place. If the USA were that intolerant how come smart folks from all over the world find success here? Moreover, they know it's just the beginning since their kids will be even better off provided they're hardworking for the system supports the upward lift of level headed people. Bottom line: follow the footsteps of the Jewish folks who came here earlier and you'll be OK - example being the Asian immigrants and their next generation kids..
What's wrong with you people? America has over 6 million muslims. The objection even by Trump is to stop terrorists sneaking into the country. And since there is no way to tell the difference between a refugee muslim and a terrorist muslim, he said stop them all and investigate before letting them in. What else will you do given this situation?

To turn that into America is against muslims because Trump said simply shows your propensity to playing the victim card and conveniently gloss over your own failings.
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