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Featured Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation called on COAS at GHQ

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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A delegation headed by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation called on COAS at GHQ, today. Ambassador Mohammad Sadiq, Pak’s Special Representative for Afghanistan was also present. Matters of mutual interest, regional security and ongoing Afghan Reconciliation Process were discussed during the meeting.

The visiting dignitary greatly appreciated Pakistan's role in the ongoing peace process and said that it could not have succeeded without Pakistan's sincere and unconditional support.

COAS said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has given clear vision regarding peace and connectivity in the region and all elements of national power are united towards making that vision a reality to ensure long awaited peace, progress and prosperity in the region.

Although not directly related to the subject under discussion. . But it is interesting to see the above things with this pic in mind.... I am not suggesting any thing. -)
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Although not directly related to the subject under discussion. . But it is interesting to see the above things with this pic in mind.... I am not suggest any thing. -)View attachment 676179
Those three were completed there education in USA via scholarships granting them from US embassy in Kabul in 1957.

They are from the right: -
Zalmay Khalilzad.
Sher Muhammad Abbas.
Ashraf Ghani
Then ask yourself about this strange coincidence where fate made Zalmai an ambassador of America for Afpak issues or in charge , made (Sher Muhammed Abbas) the head of the Taliban movement, and made (Ashraf Ghani) the president of Afghanistan ??.

At the same time.
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Those three were completed there education in USA via scholarships granting them from US embassy in Kabul in 1957.

They are from the right: -
Zalmay Khalilzad.
Sher Muhammad Abbas.
Ashraf Ghani
Then ask yourself about this strange coincidence where fate made Zalmai an ambassador of America for Afpak issues or in charge , made (Sher Muhammed Abbas) the head of the Taliban movement, and made (Ashraf Ghani) the president of Afghanistan ??.

At the same time.
now i can say there is allah's hikmat behind everything
The firing/incursions on Pakistan's western border should be discussed too.
Wow if US is not asking them to "do more" that must mean army really is giving them what they want. COAS also credits IK for the vision and this is true he has always openly supported peace through negotiation in Afghanistan. This is good for everyone but Mayor of Kabul.
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