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Alleged UAE spy kills himself in Istanbul prison, Turkish state media says

@waz @Irfan Baloch @The Eagle
Kindly check this thread and let the Pakistani members understand that we are not the party between any of two since both Gulf Countries and Turkey are our brotherly countries.
Let them handle their own internal and external affairs with each other and if the both countries like we should mediate to ease the tension between the two Muslim countries.

Dont worry, we know the Pakistani stance already, brothers until money is involved you showed it to all the Turks here when Chinese trolls were making lies about Turks and Uighurs. Pakistanis can not show the unconditional support Turk's do to Pakistan.

Stick with your Saudi and UAE brothers, enjoy your servitude we dont need your support to cleanse a UAE spy from the list.
Kindly check this thread and let the Pakistani members understand that we are not the party between any of two since both Gulf Countries and Turkey are our brotherly countries.

I don't see any representatives of the Turkish state interfering in Pakistani affairs
I don't see any Turks behaving subversively in Pakistan.
I don't see any Turks supporting separatists or miscreants in Pakistan in any capacity.
I don't see any Turks outwardly supporting India and the current extremist Indian administration.

All of the above how ever applies specifically to the city states and their toxic behavior. Now we know this kind of behavior is not only occurring in Pakistan but in Turkey too.

Time for Pakistanis to call a spade a spade.
Dont worry, we know the Pakistani stance already, brothers until money is involved you showed it to all the Turks here when Chinese trolls were making lies about Turks and Uighurs. Pakistanis can not show the unconditional support Turk's do to Pakistan.

Stick with your Saudi and UAE brothers, enjoy your servitude we dont need your support to cleanse a UAE spy from the list.
Uigur issue is an american illusion, you can not blame Pakistanis not to get involved it. And you open your eyes and not get involved this conspiracy too.
Uigur issue is an american illusion, you can not blame Pakistanis not to get involved it. And you open your eyes and not get involved this conspiracy too.

China's oppression of Uighurs is very real and has been happening for decades. Politics aside Pakistanis did not show the moral support that should be afforded to their Muslim "brothers", Turks on the other hand show unconditional support to Pakistan. Ha ok if your saying their are different degrees and levels of Muslims I completely agree, for example there are normal Muslims who show support regardless of country, colour, politics, Turks for the most part voice their opinions about oppressed Muslims regardless of where and who they are. And there is Ummayad left overs like you who are quick to fly the rebellion flag of Palestine but can not even voice the oppression against Uighurs.

In Turkey we call your type comar.
China's oppression of Uighurs is very real and has been happening for decades. Politics aside Pakistanis did not show the moral support that should be afforded to their Muslim "brothers", Turks on the other hand show unconditional support to Pakistan. Ha ok if your saying their are different degrees and levels of Muslims I completely agree, for example there are normal Muslims who show support regardless of country, colour, politics, Turks for the most part voice their opinions about oppressed Muslims regardless of where and who they are. And there is Ummayad left overs like you who are quick to fly the rebellion flag of Palestine but can not even voice the oppression against Uighurs.

In Turkey we call your type comar.
Supporting Palestinians and preventing israeli expansion is the national necessity for Turkish State. Uigur issue is an american illusion to destablize Turkish good relationship with China.
Yes i am Comar, kangal Comar. I don't care your f... saying to me.
I am just defending my nation, my homeland and my muslim people.
Supporting Palestinians and preventing israeli expansion is the national necessity for Turkish State. Uigur issue is an american illusion to destablize Turkish good relationship with China.
Yes i am Comar, kangal Comar. I don't care your f... saying to me.
I am just defending my nation, my homeland and my muslim people.

And Uigurs are no Muslims?

How can Uigur issue to be an american illusion. In which matter?
And Uigurs are no Muslims?

How can Uigur issue to be an american illusion. In which matter?

They have a conspiracy theory for everything, uighur oppression is not new however I am not surprised they went so low to throw there "ummah" brothers into the drain, money is everything for these spineless people.
Supporting Palestinians and preventing israeli expansion is the national necessity for Turkish State. Uigur issue is an american illusion to destablize Turkish good relationship with China.
Yes i am Comar, kangal Comar. I don't care your f... saying to me.
I am just defending my nation, my homeland and my muslim people.

if you talk this way it would be very easy to do the same in palestinian issue.. you could easily without any problem say.. its the palestinians fault! its their matter its an illusion created by some nationalistic arabs.. there is no problem.. if you throw stones at police where in the world this is not answered? yes in turkey you can throw molotov cocktails and nothing happens.. you shoot rockets to cities and nothing happens? where do you live? what kind of illusions do you have? there would be no bombing and no security issue if palestinians would start to behave and not to be the kurds in israel.. and you know they flirted with pkk and greekos and so on...

you are disgusting... supporting palestinian issue calling them brothers ín your brain and so on but when it comes to our kind you have a blind eye..

this behavior is seen by many of your kind.. no emotions until someone respected of your ppl start to have emotions or do a talk about that..

I talked years about that with turks in germany they didnt listen and suddenly they had pictures and flags and why? because someone respected from their middle was talking about that issue.. than it began to be real..

And Uigurs are no Muslims?

uygurs are no arabs this ppl think arabs are like holy ppl.. higher above themselves.. what a pity to be born as a turk..
if you talk this way it would be very easy to do the same in palestinian issue.. you could easily without any problem say.. its the palestinians fault! its their matter its an illusion created by some nationalistic arabs.. there is no problem.. if you throw stones at police where in the world this is not answered? yes in turkey you can throw molotov cocktails and nothing happens.. you shoot rockets to cities and nothing happens? where do you live? what kind of illusions do you have? there would be no bombing and no security issue if palestinians would start to behave and not to be the kurds in israel.. and you know they flirted with pkk and greekos and so on...

you are disgusting... supporting palestinian issue calling them brothers ín your brain and so on but when it comes to our kind you have a blind eye..

this behavior is seen by many of your kind.. no emotions until someone respected of your ppl start to have emotions or do a talk about that..

I talked years about that with turks in germany they didnt listen and suddenly they had pictures and flags and why? because someone respected from their middle was talking about that issue.. than it began to be real..

uygurs are no arabs this ppl think arabs are like holy ppl.. higher above themselves.. what a pity to be born as a turk..
Timur i thought you are more reasonable than others. i am not seeing Arabs holy people. Are you crayz?? Yes uigur issue is an illusion, there are tens of youtube vlogers showing sinjan region in China, and uigur people are freely living their muslim life without restriction

Reuters claiming there is a prison with 1 million prisoners. Can you believe in that bullshiit? They are always fabricating lies for every country against their f... interests. They have already fabricated many lies about kurds in Turkey.
And again i am saying Palestine issue is beyond Ummah dawah, it is a National security issue for Turkey. israel is a virus and should be terminated.
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if you talk this way it would be very easy to do the same in palestinian issue.. you could easily without any problem say.. its the palestinians fault! its their matter its an illusion created by some nationalistic arabs.. there is no problem.. if you throw stones at police where in the world this is not answered? yes in turkey you can throw molotov cocktails and nothing happens.. you shoot rockets to cities and nothing happens? where do you live? what kind of illusions do you have? there would be no bombing and no security issue if palestinians would start to behave and not to be the kurds in israel.. and you know they flirted with pkk and greekos and so on...

you are disgusting... supporting palestinian issue calling them brothers ín your brain and so on but when it comes to our kind you have a blind eye..

this behavior is seen by many of your kind.. no emotions until someone respected of your ppl start to have emotions or do a talk about that..

I talked years about that with turks in germany they didnt listen and suddenly they had pictures and flags and why? because someone respected from their middle was talking about that issue.. than it began to be real..

uygurs are no arabs this ppl think arabs are like holy ppl.. higher above themselves.. what a pity to be born as a turk..

To be honest a lot of people dont know about East Turkistan until today is due to exposure. Palestine is such a well known one due to exposure and how Jerusalem is the holy city.

Ask Muslims about East Turkistan and other regions like Bangsamoro in The Philippines how the Muslim Moros have been at war for 400 years against invaders. Many Muslims dont even know that Thailand are oppressing Muslims in Patani. Iraqi Turkmens are overlooked along with Syrian Turkmens. Azerbajiani Turks who live in Iran are treated like crap not to mention oppression done upon Sunnis in Iran.

It is all crickets to be honest.

Central Asian Turkic countries have done nothing about East Turkestan either. Uzbeks even killed our Ashika Turk brothers.

How many Central Asian Turkic countries consider themselves Turk. I seen videos of Kyrgz saying they dont like Turks. Go to Kazakhs themselves and say we are Turks they would look down upon it is like that you swore at them.

Then you have some Central Asian Turks calling us fake Turks.

Turkey should care about itself help the people that at least appreciate us and make Dua for us. Somalis have always been thankful and love us so much while palestinians are cursing and swearing at us.

We dont ignore our Uygur brothers or our Rohinga brothers just because they are not Arab.
People who were wondering the motive of suicide may watch the video. There is no difference. Same manthality, same culture.
Is it funny to suspect suicide of a Muslim Palestinian Arab guy!

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