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All US troops to leave Afghanistan by September 11, 2021

Never believe the Americans. Taliban are smart to pull out of turk meet. Americans never have been trustworthy.

Taliban Back Out of Turkey Talks, Dealing a Blow to Afghanistan Peace Efforts
Ahead of a May 1 deadline to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the Biden administration had hoped the talks would yield a cease-fire agreement

I bet we have zero plans in place for what happens afterwards.
Never believe the Americans. Taliban are smart to pull out of turk meet. Americans never have been trustworthy.

Taliban Back Out of Turkey Talks, Dealing a Blow to Afghanistan Peace Efforts
Ahead of a May 1 deadline to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the Biden administration had hoped the talks would yield a cease-fire agreement

Wow. Man that’s some next level foresight.
The only thing the US cares about at this point is Afghanistan becoming a haven for terrorists like Al-Qaeda and other such groups. But you don't need troops permanently based in Afghanistan for CT ops. Using the military to fight terrorism is like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly. Regardless, it's in the interests of the regional players to keep the region free of terrorism.

As long as USA does not see any risks to its security emanating from the region again, it is all good, as you said.
LOL I can't believe some people really think the US will withdraw.. the US will never ever withdraw from Afghanistan, they will keep thousands of soldiers in a well protected base away from harm's way to maintain influence on the Afghan govt.

when 9/11/2021 comes they will say "we always do what we promise that is why today we are withdrawing all combat troops from Afghanistan and we will keep 3k instructors to train the Afgan army".
End game finally approaching and Pakistan seems to have got the result it wanted. At the height of occupation there were 120,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan. 14 Indian "consulates", major Indian projects, Afghan officers being trained in India and a distinct threat to Pakistan, and at one point even our nuke capability.

When US and foreign forces leave, you can be assured Indians will be in a major panic to leave to, without foreign support Government will fall to a Taliban that is very much pro Pakistan.

20 years and what does India and US have to show for it? Zero.
Let see the new moon.

Can we at least get a few eff solas and pinky promise not to sell endians any fancy toys???
all troops who invaded Afghanistan with stiff ne necks & inflated chests because of 9/11/2001 will now leave Afghanistan as a defeated & humiliated force by 9/11/2021...ominous, very ominous!

We came there and changed the regime, instilled democracy, the beginnings of them being part of the world order. A small contingent of our troops will always be there permanently. Your anti-American dream and wishful thinking will need to be on hold. Meanwhile, enjoy living off the welfare our country affords you.
We came there and changed the regime, instilled democracy, the beginnings of them being part of the world order. A small contingent of our troops will always be there permanently. Your anti-American dream and wishful thinking will need to be on hold. Meanwhile, enjoy living off the welfare our country affords you.
Did Biden tell you something different from what his advisors have been telling the media and the world community?
If the USA really pulls out physically from Afganistan the importance of Pak will increase manifolds!!! I am pretty sure they will chalk out a very detailed action plan and modes of execution with the Pak General Staffs. No wonder Blinken has already called General Bajwa......
Thank You USA for giving Pakistani forces much needed time to establish state's writ for the survival of Pakistan. You kept them busy, while we secured our borders. Good bye :usflag:

I think we will be able to hold the afghan border for now on our own.
If this really happens, thasts just fantastic. US terror scum should gtfo of middle east, faster is better.
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