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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

You must be congratulated for the discovery that a nation is familiar with the modalities of rape; it is quite a change for a Bengali to hear this from a Pakistani.

As for the ISPR statement, the point was not about a contradiction. It was about the gradual and furtive introduction of the theme into the successive messages put out by ISPR. Try and think this through before wading through the technical detail that you so kindly and so unnecessarily provided.
Better than what kashmiris have been facing ..
Not that bright, are you? I'm sure you are but the circumstances are such that you all find yourself forced to adapt iodine deficiency syndrome just like the other old idiot.

L.e.t m.e e.x.p.l.a.i.n i.t t.o y.o.u s.l.o.w.l.y
S.o. t.h.a.t y.o.u.r.s.e.l.f a.n.d t.h.e r.e.s.i.d.e.n.t. I.n.d.i.a.n I.d.i.o.t o.l.d m.a.n g.e.t.s. i.t

(The resident old Indian idiot is not the distinguished, scholarly badmouth @Joe Shearer here people, although I admit that I've seen him challenge, get owned and scoot at the hands of @coffee_cup . Anyway, don't get the wrong idea @Path-Finder @PakSword , lol.)

So here is the simple point; Hindustan times is just another Indian media outlet. Where as Foreign Policy and Time Magazines are international publications of well known standing and repute.

The above and more has been amicable explained by @Trailer23 here . I am only here to remind an old friend that he once challenged me and then scooted half way into his reply, literally, lol...

So I guess it is only civil to console the continuous spanking and ever deeper reddening of an old man's "Bahaind", ouch!
what is going on?

It would be nice if this US report puts an end to Indian nonsense claims. One more arrow in Modi's behind.

Did India Shoot Down a Pakistani Jet? U.S. Count Says No.

New Delhi and Islamabad had conflicting accounts of a February dogfight.
By Lara Seligman | April 4, 2019, 7:50 PM

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi waves at the public rally in Kolkata, India, on April 3. (Atul Loke/Getty Images)

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India’s claim that one of its fighter pilots shot down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet in an aerial battle between the two nuclear powers in February appears to be wrong. Two senior U.S. defense officials with direct knowledge of the situation told Foreign Policy that U.S. personnel recently counted Islamabad’s F-16s and found none missing.

The findings directly contradict the account of Indian Air Force officials, who said that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman managed to shoot down a Pakistani F-16 before his own plane was downed by a Pakistani missile.

It is possible that in the heat of combat, Varthaman, flying a vintage MiG-21 Bison, got a lock on the Pakistani F-16, fired, and genuinely believed he scored a hit. But the count, conducted by U.S. authorities on the ground in Pakistan, sheds doubt on New Delhi’s version of events, suggesting that Indian authorities may have misled the international community about what happened that day.

The news comes just days before the start of India’s general elections, in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking another term in office. In the weeks leading up to the election, tensions between India and Pakistan escalated to levels not seen in decades after a Pakistan-based militant group killed more than 40 Indian security officers in a Feb. 14 suicide bombing in India-controlled Kashmir. Both sides have been accused of spreading disinformation and fanning nationalistic flames.

Although the news likely won’t sway Indian voters, Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at MIT, said the way the events have unfolded may affect India’s efforts to deter Pakistan in the future.

“As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians,” Narang said. “It looks increasingly like India failed to impose significant costs on Pakistan, but lost a plane and a helicopter of its own in the process.”

The dogfight between the two nations occurred on Feb. 27, when India says a group of Pakistani jets entered its airspace in response to the first Indian air raid on Pakistani territory since a 1971 war. India scrambled its own jets and gave chase. During the aerial battle that ensued, Varthaman took a missile hit and ejected safely into Pakistani territory.

He was captured by the Pakistani army and released days later in an effort to de-escalate the crisis.

One of the senior U.S. defense officials with direct knowledge of the count said that Pakistan invited the United States to physically count its F-16 planes after the incident as part of an end-user agreement signed when the foreign military sale was finalized. Generally in such agreements, the United States requires the receiving country to allow U.S. officials to inspect the equipment regularly to ensure it is accounted for and protected.

Some of the aircraft were not immediately available for inspection due to the conflict, so it took U.S. personnel several weeks to account for all of the jets, the official said.

But now the count has been completed, and “all aircraft were present and accounted for,” the official said.
good luck convincing a nation that accepts F-16 Naswar as proof

no amount of American or Ugandan clarification will be satisfactory
F-16 Naswar.png
Just tagged you too because you were engaged in a discussion back in the thread with the same lost cause of an ignoramus old Indian idiot that myself and @PakSword have spanked in the past. Have fun.

The way i see it Joseph Goebbels DNA exists in india too when the aryans came possibly the branch that gave us Joseph Goebbels has its tentacles in india too! The excessive lies and keep fabricating more.
You must be congratulated for the discovery that a nation is familiar with the modalities of rape; it is quite a change for a Bengali to hear this from a Pakistani.

As for the ISPR statement, the point was not about a contradiction. It was about the gradual and furtive introduction of the theme into the successive messages put out by ISPR. Try and think this through before wading through the technical detail that you so kindly and so unnecessarily provided.

What's there to discover? You lot are rape capital of world. Rape and India are synonymous.

Contradictions, inconsistencies, there are none in ISPR statements. Technicalities are important for those who are losing their marbles in India after the surgical strikes of 27th. We can only try to make sense. I am struggling to understand why India is completely silence about the ground strikes, the targets hit , the ground impacts of PAF bombs? IAF jets getting shotdown can be classed as collateral damage, the real deal was the ground strikes.

Anyway, when are you letting Russian experts count your su30 inventory? ISPR is also asking questions to India to come clean about the second IAF jet shotdown.
Has India produced downed F-16 wreckage after 40 days ?

Sorry but now Indians as everyone for fact knows are basically chutiyeys....the more you bang them the more they feeling nothing cuz they live to lie, they propagate lies.....so keep banging them left and right with full fun and they get used to bullying, losses and defeats.

Indian Lt Gen H S Panag in its long twitter messages replies under the below twitter has concluded IAF senior officers, Media and Indian government 'lied' outrightly to everyone.

Without wreckage on the ground, nobody can prove anything for sure.

Thank you for trying. You decided to not address my question about who called who's bluff. India did not follow through despite two decades of noise about CSD.

India didn't call Pakistan's bluff, unless one expected a nuclear response over a crow. Pakistan kept its promise to retaliate at the time and place of its own choosing and followed through. Winning was great but in large scheme of things was secondary. Following through is the difference: India called the escalation an act of war, but did not follow through. How do you deny, on factual grounds, that it was Pakistan who called India's bluff? (Please don't respond. Just a rhetorical question.)

Article below might help clear up any misconception of Pakistan not prepared to retaliated in case of future adventures.

Feb stand-off exposed India’s conventional bluff
Looming threat of another aggression again gives a wake-up call to international community to exercise its influence for solution of outstanding issues India making new deployments on its western border


Sohail Nasir
April 08, 2019

Islamabad - The failed Indian attack near Balakot and next day early morning retaliation by the PAF and subsequent events not only exposed conventional bluff of India but also stabilised the nuclear threshold by bestowing upon Pakistan the confidence that it could effectively take on arch rival in the realm of conventional warfare.

Pakistan, without going to war, smartly established its superiority by outclassing India in air, land, sea, diplomacy, intelligence and information combat. Stunning performance by PAF and vulnerabilities of IAF really surprised the military circles all along the world. ISPR, led by Major General Asif Ghafoor, without applying any propaganda tool, took lead over India by providing true and real time information of land and air skirmishes.

Despite these setbacks, India’s instinctual appetite for escalation and sheer madness to avenge the recent humiliation is once again putting the region in danger. Reportedly India is making new deployments of armoured, infantry and air defence contingents on its western border with Pakistan. On LOC, it has increased ceasefire violations many-fold. Prime Minister Imran Khan has explicitly made it clear that threat is not over yet and Pakistan will have to remain vigilant until the end of upcoming election process in India. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, during his Sunday press conference in Multan, even gave the timeline of India’s likely aggression by saying that there was danger of another misadventure by India between 16th to 20th April. It seems that another Pulwama is in making. It would be worth mentioning that Indian general elections are scheduled to be held in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. The looming threat of another round of aggression and February standoff between two nuclear weapon states again gives a wake-up call to international community to exercise its influence for solution of outstanding issues. Pakistan-India military conflict would have devastating effects on region and beyond as the war between two countries could spiral out of control.

With return of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, , so far Pakistan has taken a number of steps for de-escalation and also re-initiated dialogue process on Kartarpur corridor. Instead of showing reciprocity, India consistently making hostile manoeuvres, giving impression that any peace move with Pakistan will be electorally damaging for BJP but this is mere deception. According to assessment of security quarters in Pakistan, Jingoistic design of India are based on a three dimensional strategy. Firstly, malign and try to subdue Pakistan by using sheer kinetic force for electoral and political gains. Secondly, to impede CPEC through military tension and thirdly to put Kashmir issue on back burner.

Since ever, India has hysterically been trying to militarily cope with Pakistan once for all but so far it has been unsuccessful to figure out that how to do it. 2001 military standoff with Pakistan provided Indian political and military leadership with an opening to bring about doctrinal changes in its operational strategy to fulfil the dream of trampling Pakistan. Pursuing this agenda, India evolved so called cold start doctrine which simply means to attack Pakistan with amazing swiftness, using unimaginable massive, integrated land and air force, capturing sizeable area and leave Pakistan with no option but to crumble. Be it BJP or Congress, the idea presented by India generals always fascinated top ranks of both parties.

Bringing about doctrinal changes in military strategy is by all means a gigantic task and there are very rare examples of its success. A military fantasy like cold start doctrine can be a successful story in an Indian film but on the ground there are very serious obstacles in way of strategy formulation and its execution. After consistent efforts of 18 years, the culmination of cold start doctrine was formation of integrated battle groups in limited numbers .IBGs and IAF, two month ago, carried out two separate exercises near Pakistan border to assess its abilities in battleground environment. Ironically, through pulwama episode, India created an opportunity to test the CSD but Pakistan nipped the evil in bud by pre-empting India designs.

What India needs to know is that during 18 years of development of CSD, Pakistan has successfully plugged gaps by construction of superstructure of roads, bunkers, canals and subsidiaries on eastern flank. This enabled Pakistan, for real time military buildup, ensure safety of troops and civilian population and disable Indian advance into Pakistani territory. On the top of that battlefield range ballistic missile NASR, short range ballistic missile Ghazanvi and small nuclear arms fully neutralised CSD. NASR tipped with small nuclear arms is sufficient to wipe out any Indian military formation advancing on Pakistani soil.

Aerial bout on LOC also exposed the myth of Israeli technology where Indian Mirage jets had to drop their payload of SPICE 2000.Much propagated SPICE bomb kit of Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defence Systems consists of a sophisticated guidance system, inertial navigation, satellite guidance and electro-optical sensors for pinpoint accuracy, and control fins to a conventional unguided bomb. Claims made in Israeli media it turns the bomb into sophisticated long-range munitions. With this state of art and lethal weaponry, Indian planes could only create several large craters, flipped over some trees and killed one black crow. Failed Indian attack near Balakot must have negatively impacted the marketing of Russian jets and Israeli munitions.

In February India attacked Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which is main land Pakistan but International community kept silent on blatant Indian aggression. At the same time, powerful countries cannot always scramble to defuse India –Pakistan tension.

Economic stability, political harmony and internationalization of Indian threat to CPEC are the factors that can halt India. CPEC is part of Belt and Road project which intends to link more than 66 countries from different continents. Any attempt by India to hamper CEPEC would tantamount to damage the interest of all member countries of B&R project.
What's there to discover? You lot are rape capital of world. Rape and India are synonymous.

Contradictions, inconsistencies, there are none in ISPR statements. Technicalities are important for those who are losing their marbles in India after the surgical strikes of 27th. We can only try to make sense. I am struggling to understand why India is completely silence about the ground strikes, the targets hit , the ground impacts of PAF bombs? IAF jets getting shotdown can be classed as collateral damage, the real deal was the ground strikes.

Anyway, when are you letting Russian experts count your su30 inventory? ISPR is also asking questions to India to come clean about the second IAF jet shotdown.
I believe things r heading towards second jet shot down that day Indian claim of F16 is debunked by Americans now only thing left is Su30 imagine how embarrassing would be for Bakhts when they will be called clowns again by rest of the world.i Beleive Indian mistake was claiming F16 down but they did to prove AMRAAM they found exploded on theior side.

Then both took him to the hospital and reported that separately too, Lol, you guys are so full of it, lol,:enjoy: no wonder the Indians here are dizzy, being spun around in circles, lol.
Two pilots he said was due to two separate units went for pilots and they found same guy Abhinandan they took him to CMH he later calrify that only one pilot is in custody.

Thank you for trying. You decided to not address my question about who called who's bluff. India did not follow through despite two decades of noise about CSD.

India didn't call Pakistan's bluff, unless one expected a nuclear response over a crow. Pakistan kept its promise to retaliate at the time and place of its own choosing and followed through. Winning was great but in large scheme of things was secondary. Following through is the difference: India called the escalation an act of war, but did not follow through. How do you deny, on factual grounds, that it was Pakistan who called India's bluff? (Please don't respond. Just a rhetorical question.)

Article below might help clear up any misconception of Pakistan not prepared to retaliated in case of future adventures.

Feb stand-off exposed India’s conventional bluff
Looming threat of another aggression again gives a wake-up call to international community to exercise its influence for solution of outstanding issues India making new deployments on its western border


Sohail Nasir
April 08, 2019

Islamabad - The failed Indian attack near Balakot and next day early morning retaliation by the PAF and subsequent events not only exposed conventional bluff of India but also stabilised the nuclear threshold by bestowing upon Pakistan the confidence that it could effectively take on arch rival in the realm of conventional warfare.

Pakistan, without going to war, smartly established its superiority by outclassing India in air, land, sea, diplomacy, intelligence and information combat. Stunning performance by PAF and vulnerabilities of IAF really surprised the military circles all along the world. ISPR, led by Major General Asif Ghafoor, without applying any propaganda tool, took lead over India by providing true and real time information of land and air skirmishes.

Despite these setbacks, India’s instinctual appetite for escalation and sheer madness to avenge the recent humiliation is once again putting the region in danger. Reportedly India is making new deployments of armoured, infantry and air defence contingents on its western border with Pakistan. On LOC, it has increased ceasefire violations many-fold. Prime Minister Imran Khan has explicitly made it clear that threat is not over yet and Pakistan will have to remain vigilant until the end of upcoming election process in India. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, during his Sunday press conference in Multan, even gave the timeline of India’s likely aggression by saying that there was danger of another misadventure by India between 16th to 20th April. It seems that another Pulwama is in making. It would be worth mentioning that Indian general elections are scheduled to be held in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. The looming threat of another round of aggression and February standoff between two nuclear weapon states again gives a wake-up call to international community to exercise its influence for solution of outstanding issues. Pakistan-India military conflict would have devastating effects on region and beyond as the war between two countries could spiral out of control.

With return of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, , so far Pakistan has taken a number of steps for de-escalation and also re-initiated dialogue process on Kartarpur corridor. Instead of showing reciprocity, India consistently making hostile manoeuvres, giving impression that any peace move with Pakistan will be electorally damaging for BJP but this is mere deception. According to assessment of security quarters in Pakistan, Jingoistic design of India are based on a three dimensional strategy. Firstly, malign and try to subdue Pakistan by using sheer kinetic force for electoral and political gains. Secondly, to impede CPEC through military tension and thirdly to put Kashmir issue on back burner.

Since ever, India has hysterically been trying to militarily cope with Pakistan once for all but so far it has been unsuccessful to figure out that how to do it. 2001 military standoff with Pakistan provided Indian political and military leadership with an opening to bring about doctrinal changes in its operational strategy to fulfil the dream of trampling Pakistan. Pursuing this agenda, India evolved so called cold start doctrine which simply means to attack Pakistan with amazing swiftness, using unimaginable massive, integrated land and air force, capturing sizeable area and leave Pakistan with no option but to crumble. Be it BJP or Congress, the idea presented by India generals always fascinated top ranks of both parties.

Bringing about doctrinal changes in military strategy is by all means a gigantic task and there are very rare examples of its success. A military fantasy like cold start doctrine can be a successful story in an Indian film but on the ground there are very serious obstacles in way of strategy formulation and its execution. After consistent efforts of 18 years, the culmination of cold start doctrine was formation of integrated battle groups in limited numbers .IBGs and IAF, two month ago, carried out two separate exercises near Pakistan border to assess its abilities in battleground environment. Ironically, through pulwama episode, India created an opportunity to test the CSD but Pakistan nipped the evil in bud by pre-empting India designs.

What India needs to know is that during 18 years of development of CSD, Pakistan has successfully plugged gaps by construction of superstructure of roads, bunkers, canals and subsidiaries on eastern flank. This enabled Pakistan, for real time military buildup, ensure safety of troops and civilian population and disable Indian advance into Pakistani territory. On the top of that battlefield range ballistic missile NASR, short range ballistic missile Ghazanvi and small nuclear arms fully neutralised CSD. NASR tipped with small nuclear arms is sufficient to wipe out any Indian military formation advancing on Pakistani soil.

Aerial bout on LOC also exposed the myth of Israeli technology where Indian Mirage jets had to drop their payload of SPICE 2000.Much propagated SPICE bomb kit of Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defence Systems consists of a sophisticated guidance system, inertial navigation, satellite guidance and electro-optical sensors for pinpoint accuracy, and control fins to a conventional unguided bomb. Claims made in Israeli media it turns the bomb into sophisticated long-range munitions. With this state of art and lethal weaponry, Indian planes could only create several large craters, flipped over some trees and killed one black crow. Failed Indian attack near Balakot must have negatively impacted the marketing of Russian jets and Israeli munitions.

In February India attacked Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which is main land Pakistan but International community kept silent on blatant Indian aggression. At the same time, powerful countries cannot always scramble to defuse India –Pakistan tension.

Economic stability, political harmony and internationalization of Indian threat to CPEC are the factors that can halt India. CPEC is part of Belt and Road project which intends to link more than 66 countries from different continents. Any attempt by India to hamper CEPEC would tantamount to damage the interest of all member countries of B&R project.
That is big victory for Pak that they shattered Indian conventional Bluff now balance is changed.

Good move All focus on pak f-16 and not actual su-30 and mi-17 debacle ;)
It won't get long when Pak put more on table.Dhonna should be fire from his job he deserves to be i believe he is feeding all these fake stories to save his skin.
Agree about BS Dhonna. He seems half asleep whenever he talks to media. Probably hungover from the night before.
Agree about BS Dhonna. He seems half asleep whenever he talks to media. Probably hungover from the night before.
This all bull we seeing in media is fed by IAF Dhonna and Co they saving theior skin nothing more but for how long?
Pardon me, but the mention of rape, since you as a nation is very familiar with its modalities, was used to hammer home some brutal realities of 27th Feb.

There is no contradiction in ISPR statement. The strike package which conducted the surgical strikes around Indian military targets, only comprised of Jf17s and Mirages. NO F16 WAS USED. Simply because the stand off weapon systems used are made in Pakistan and can only be carried by JF17s and Mirages, we do not have sourced code for F16 to mate these weapons with it. F16 cannot take part simply because of these technical reasons. Now if F16s were CAPing the area, and dealt with IAF jets which breached Pakistani airspace, proven with wreckage of Mig21 falling within Pakistani territory with pilot captured, then it's a completely different issue.

Bottom line is, F16s were not part of strike package which hit targets in India.
F 16s were there for escort
Two pilots he said was due to two separate units went for pilots and they found same guy Abhinandan they took him to CMH he later calrify that only one pilot is in custody.

Kindly go through the links in following message too. There was no need to explain anything dear:
You can read my two cents about it here and here. We are on the same page but I didn't go into the exact nitty-gritty as it doesn't matter but for Indians themselves to keep guessing.
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