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Algerian MiG-21


Algerian Air Force is short on legs, they have only su-30 and mig-29 as their multi-role.

It would be a really good move for them to replace mig-25 with a squadron of sukhoi-35 and upgrade su-30 to su-35 standards.
Algerian Air Force is short on legs, they have only su-30 and mig-29 as their multi-role.

It would be a really good move for them to replace mig-25 with a squadron of sukhoi-35 and upgrade su-30 to su-35 standards.

They have MiG-29 and Su-30 filling the multi role section
MiG-25 are there high speed interceptors
and Su-24 are good ground attack planes
All these Algerian Russian planes are in first class condition
So rite now I dont think hey should replace them
but buy additional Su-35
They have MiG-29 and Su-30 filling the multi role section MiG-25 are there high speed interceptors and Su-24 are good ground attack planes, All these Algerian Russian planes are in first class condition So rite now I dont think hey should replace them but buy additional Su-35

I mentioned mig-25 specifically not su-24, relevance of mig-25 has diminish in that part of region and most due to spare parts infact russians themselves operate only 2 squadrons as of 2010-2011. Again short on legs 72 airframes su-30/mig-29 still i would not rely on wikipedia information but it is a confirmed new Algeria returned 15-20 mig-29s due to inferior quality and maintenance issues thus first class condition I am not so sure. some sites point of 105 mig-29s and 44 su-30s and some sites states 72 migs-sukhois but 72 seems to be more correct. replacing mig-25s with su-30/35 would be feasible and more in harmony with current sukhoi platform and one more less Type in service means, so four types in service would be maintenance nightmare.
Air forces still use MiG-25? :lol:
Air forces still use MiG-25? :lol:

So is the Russian Air Force
So is the Russian Air Force

Albeit in limited numbers.

Although, I like its NATO code-name - Foxbat :D
Albeit in limited numbers.

Yes you are correct about limited in number, they could be phased out before 2018 by russian air force, so it is strange why Agerians are operating 11 odd numbers it would be a sane decision before costs of operation reach the peak to replace them with more su-30 or a new platform su-35 which has more than relevance and syn with su-30.
Command post ZCY-45 for Algerian PLZ-45 :china:


Command post ZCY-45 for Algerian PLZ-45 :china:





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Algeria along with Libya, Tunisia and Morocoo and may be Egypt should join in with Pakistan on their 5th/6h Generation fighter program.... Along with some trainers too..
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