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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

@loveicon the knowledge given to india by alien Gods were far high level than todays scientists.... A mantra are recited 108 times (a set).... It should be any amount set but all set should be 108 times each.... Why? The answer is distance between each planet.... Yes its 108 times.... Now tell me how come a big bang created our solar system and placed planets exactly 108 times distace to each other?.... See? Scientists are little new born kid.... This solar system was created for life on it. Our earth not the only planet to have life in our solar system.... Even neptune (total sea), saturn has life on it.... The creator is god of universe.... Every religion number 40 important. in india we recite mantras 40 days, we keep fast ones a week. For christians 40days important too.... While in islam fasting too important.... everything has a meaning.... Want to know everything? please visit the link below and am sure it will expand your knowledge and it will give u power to understand universe which scientists dont understand.... MUST VISIT....
Astrophysics And Why Mantras Are Repeated 108 Times::Indian Culture And Traditions
UFO: Was it there?

Samudra Tapu, a de-glaciated valley in Himachal Pradesh. A 12-km, eight-hour trek from Chandratal, it is approachable only via a 180-km deep trek from Batal, the nearest roadhead on the Manali-Leh highway. Kaksar, 70 km away, is the nearest inhabited town.
Tucked away high in 15,000-ft glaciated mountains, Chandratal, the only sacred lake in the Lahaul-Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh , has for long been steeped in mythology. Legend has it that the crescent-shaped pristine water body is an abode of fairies who descend on Earth on moonlit nights. But the glacier-bound uninhabited terrain has come to be associated with an equally incredible tale doing the rounds in India's top space and defence establishments—the sighting of an unidentified flying object or UFO at the Samudra Tapu region, a deglaciated valley at an eight-hour trek from Chandratal.

More than a year after a five-member team of glaciologists and geologists had a 40-minute encounter with a balloon-shaped object straight out of The X-Files, the incident continues to baffle a section of the Indian scientific community. Both Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the army are aware of the matter which figured even in Parliament last year when the minister of state with the Prime Minister's Office had, in a written reply, confirmed the ISRO report on the UFO sighting.

It was the penultimate day of a week-long expedition undertaken by Ahmedabad-based Space Application Centre (SAC) of ISRO on September 27, 2004. The team comprising three SAC scientists and two geologists had pitched camp in the valley some 17,000 ft above sea level. They were studying the Chandra basin glacier using satellite data. Around 6.45 a.m., as the scientists were preparing to leave their tents, one of the porters spotted a white object on top of an adjacent mountain ridge, and screamed: "Sir, the snow man is coming."

Anil Kulkarni, a senior ISRO scientist who has been mapping glaciers for a quarter century, and his team members saw what appeared to be a robot floating a few inches above the ground, approaching the camp along the mountain slope. Kulkarni and his co-researcher, geologist Sunil Dhar, pulled out their digital cameras and began shooting the object even as the team raced towards the mountain to investigate.

The oblong object, between 3 and 4 ft high, kept moving down the slope towards the team. It had a cylindrical head with two balloon-type attachments, a body, hands and two legs. It seemed to be walking, planting and pacing its steps like a human being, recalls Dhar. It seems when the object reached the lower edge of the hill, 50 m away from the stunned scientists, the team members excitement alarmed it. It stood still for a few seconds, turned and started a steep 70-degree ascent towards the ridge top. By this time, apparently due to the rays of the rising sun, its colour had changed to black. Soon it changed to white again, hovered above the camp for five minutes before noiselessly receding into a white *** in the sky. Ever since 1947 when businessman Kenneth Arnold sparked off a worldwide UFO mania reportedly spotting flying discs, thousands of fake sightings have been reported from across the globe. It would have also been easy to write off the Samudra Tapu sighting as a mistaken aerial phenomenon except that it was observed and reported by a group of scientists willing to stick out their necks and reputations to swear by what they saw.

From the photographs, the UFO looks like a bunch of balloons caught in a mountain draft, but an SAC report claims the object displayed complex manoeuvrability. It is a riddle beyond human perception, says Dhar who, along with Kulkarni, has contacted robotic labs across the world to determine what is technologically possible in unmanned flying vehicles. It didn't look like a man-made object, adds geologist Rajesh Kalia. Even more incredible is the photographic evidence.among the first in India for a UFO sighted on the ground. of the experience classified as a close encounter of the first kind in common UFO parlance. Was it an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on a cross-border spy mission or an extraterrestrial being? Or was it simply a helium-filled weather balloon which had lost its way? The jury is still out.

The scientists circulated the account of their close encounter in ISRO, army headquarters, Snow and Avalanche Study Establishments (SASE), an affiliate of Defence Research and Development Organisation which runs weather monitoring stations in high altitude regions, and among district authorities in Kullu. The army and SASE are the only agencies stationed in high altitude areas.

I thought it was a helium balloon, but Kulkarni's description indicates an object with ahead-of-age technology, says R.N. Sarwade, director, SASE.

Perplexed, the scientists are now wondering if it could be something man-made. But there is no known matching technology yet in the civilian realm to explain the mysterious object we saw so up close, says Kulkarni. Over the past year, Kulkarni and Dhar have been critically examining their sighting to deconstruct the object technologically, contacting top robotic laboratories in the US, Germany and Sweden. Kulkarni has shared his report with the director general of military operations. Efforts to demystify the Samudra Tapu UFO sighting have made little headway, given the sheer high altitude, heavy snow cover and peculiar weather conditions which render the snowbound region virtually inaccessible for both air and ground expeditions.

But the quest for demystifying the sighting has not stopped. One way to understand the mysterious object is to undertake more expeditions in the area, says Dhar. But the question is whether the object will ever be sighted again? Unless the sighting is repeated, it will remain a puzzle, says Kulkarni. Till that happens, this is an enigma scientists may have to live with.

Was it a spy drone from across the border? Was it a weather balloon? Was it a UFO? : North, News - India Today

More than a year after a five-member team of glaciologists and geologists had a 40-minute encounter with a balloon-shaped object straight out of The X-Files, the incident continues to baffle a section of the Indian scientific community. Both Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the army are aware of the matter which figured even in Parliament last year when the minister of state with the Prime Minister's Office had, in a written reply, confirmed the ISRO report on the UFO sighting.

in this news ,this part is interesting ...they reported this to PMO ,not a fake one
Sorry for late update.... i have many latest news on india-china border about the aggresive greys.... i will give all details later.... for now i want to give bit info on most deadly reptilian race 'The alpha draconians'.... i am including whole ashtar galactic command worried about this reptilian race.... They are far deadly than aggressive greys.... alpha draconian is what am scared about.... Alpha draconians were born alot before humanoids born. That makes them far ahead than humanoids.... They use technology that is faster than warp drive.... Right now they are some 1000 light years away indulge in war destroying planets that have human life.... They have technology to create black hole that destroyes the planet.... Alpha draconians attacked many human planets in pleiades star system.... for ashtar galactic command the alpha draconians are lord of death because alpha draconians only knows destroying human life.... However ashtar galactic command prepared for any war.... be it aggressive greys or alpha draconians.... In alpha draconian they teach the reptilian kids that humans are dirty insect and reptilians far superior race so they owner of whole universe.... There are few alpha draconians heading towards earth and they are few in number and just few light years away.... Ashtar galactic command has capablity to tackle them. Its our luck that large army of alpha draconians busy some 2000 light years away from earth.... Alpha draconians has the most powerful military in universe.... Here what scientists found which they cant explain....
The Milky Way
Here about alpha draconians.... Must read to know this far deadly reptilian race.... They can eat aggressive greys for bfast, lunch and dinner.... They are enemy of humanoids and human race....
Sorry for late update.... i have many latest news on india-china border about the aggresive greys.... i will give all details later.... for now i want to give bit info on most deadly reptilian race 'The alpha draconians'.... i am including whole ashtar galactic command worried about this reptilian race.... They are far deadly than aggressive greys.... alpha draconian is what am scared about.... Alpha draconians were born alot before humanoids born. That makes them far ahead than humanoids.... They use technology that is faster than warp drive.... Right now they are some 1000 light years away indulge in war destroying planets that have human life.... They have technology to create black hole that destroyes the planet.... Alpha draconians attacked many human planets in pleiades star system.... for ashtar galactic command the alpha draconians are lord of death because alpha draconians only knows destroying human life.... However ashtar galactic command prepared for any war.... be it aggressive greys or alpha draconians.... In alpha draconian they teach the reptilian kids that humans are dirty insect and reptilians far superior race so they owner of whole universe.... There are few alpha draconians heading towards earth and they are few in number and just few light years away.... Ashtar galactic command has capablity to tackle them. Its our luck that large army of alpha draconians busy some 2000 light years away from earth.... Alpha draconians has the most powerful military in universe.... Here what scientists found which they cant explain....
The Milky Way
Here about alpha draconians.... Must read to know this far deadly reptilian race.... They can eat aggressive greys for bfast, lunch and dinner.... They are enemy of humanoids and human race....

I think you've contradicted yourself by 1000 years there.
Alpha draconians has the most powerful military in universe.... Here what scientists found which they cant explain....
The Milky Way

That happened 26.000 years ago....:rofl:
@obambam i forgot to add 'S' in the 1000. Its 1000s.... am in hurry so i typed fast. this is the reason u can see many spelling mistakes and missing alphabets in my post.... Sorry for that. right now am very busy chantin mantra.... i have to chant upto quarter of million times.... Later when am free i will update the latest news i got for you all....
@audio read my post again.... Alpha draconians has technology faster than warp drive.... Light speed is outdated technology. And the war still going on.... It just we earth getting what happened 1000s of years ago.... The war is on.... And that rays we will get 1000s years later if human race alive by than.... Read and comment. And if you still think this all are nonsence than stay out of this thread.... i told few months ago about aggressive greys taking over china's vital areas but none believed.... Now they are showing up and it will increase in comming months.... Later i update on it....
@audio read my post again.... Alpha draconians has technology faster than warp drive.... Light speed is outdated technology. And the war still going on.... It just we earth getting what happened 1000s of years ago.... The war is on.... And that rays we will get 1000s years later if human race alive by than.... Read and comment. And if you still think this all are nonsence than stay out of this thread.... i told few months ago about aggressive greys taking over china's vital areas but none believed.... Now they are showing up and it will increase in comming months.... Later i update on it....

xD...you saved yourself nicely this time with the "war is going on for 1000's of years", but still, rays of radiation from the black hole are remains of matter that has fallen in it and since it cannot gobble it all up it shoots that out. There's a pretty solid physics theory in regards to this....the only unknown here is why is it doing this every day, and voila, theres already a NASA mission on it:

NASA's NuSTAR Spots Flare From Milky Way's Black Hole - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

But ofcourse, i'm a simple man that operates with logic and is not privy to the plans of the intergalactic alliance like yourself.
@Audio you are just a simple human who believes your fake lord world goverment and its scientists.... i have given 1000s of evidence till now and asked few questions to you which u ignored it or havent seen it.... Let me remind u the questions i asked you.... First was tell me the nuclear war evidence been found.... Whats your views on it? Scientists views were exact same what was written in mahabharata.... My second question to you was how come big bang theory placed planets 108 times distance to each other and how india knew 8000years ago the distance was 108 times?????.... if you cant answer it than kindly dont not post garbage here.... and here is the war evidence on Mars.... Mars was near planet sun multi million years ago covered with 60percent ocean.... On mars there were pleiadians when few bunch of Alpha draconians with dragons attacked it with black hole and astroid.... However black hole with astroids couldnt destroy planet mars but the gravitational force of planet jupiter and saturn thrown planet mars further away from planet sun.... Millions died and few were shifted on Earth by humanoids after destroying dinosaurs by huge astroids nuclear explosions.... War evidence are here.... This pics are by NASA and russia....
here is PHOBOS astroid that didnt collided after alpha draconian thrown towards Mars along with million astroids.... (btw i hope u know on mars there are millions of astroids impacts evidence and scientists didnt know where it came from).... Btw your scientist admited moon the one who brings low tide and high tide.... They admited in 1970s while we said that 8000years ago.... Your scientists are new born kid when compared to humanoids....
Mars Moon Mystery - Where Did Phobos and Deimos Come From?
The Mars' Findings of Zecharia Sitchin
Life on Mars planet Evidence weapons, skull, ruins, helmet, bone, bottle - YouTube
Real Life On Mars You Must See It Unbelievable Nasa We Want The Truth Ufo Ovni Disclosure Project - YouTube
@Audio you are just a simple human who believes your fake lord world goverment and its scientists.... i have given 1000s of evidence till now and asked few questions to you which u ignored it or havent seen it.... Let me remind u the questions i asked you.... First was tell me the nuclear war evidence been found.... Whats your views on it? Scientists views were exact same what was written in mahabharata....

What nuclear war evidence?

My second question to you was how come big bang theory placed planets 108 times distance to each other and how india knew 8000years ago the distance was 108 times?????....

they're not:

How Big is the Solar System?

Put the Sun ball down, and march away as follows. (After the first few planets, you will want to appoint someone else to do the actual pacing-call this person the "Spacecraft" or "Pacecraft"-so that you are free to talk.)

10 paces. Call out "Mercury, where are you?" and have the Mercury-bearer put down his card and pinhead, weighting them with a pebble if necessary.

Another 9 paces. Venus puts down her peppercorn.
Another 7 paces. Earth
Already the thing seems beyond belief. Mercury is supposed to be so close to the Sun that it is merely a scorched rock, and we never see it except in the Sun's glare at dawn or dusk-yet here it is, utterly lost in space! As for the Earth, who can believe that the Sun could warm us if we are that far from it?

The correctness of the scale can be proved to skeptics (of a certain maturity) on the spot. The apparent size of the Sun ball, 26 paces away, is now the same as that of the real Sun-half a degree or arc, or half the width of your little finger held at arm's length. (If both the size of an object and its distance have been scaled down by the same factor, then the angle it subtends must remain the same.)

Another 14 paces. Mars
Now come the gasps, at the first substantially larger leap:

Another 95 paces to Jupiter
Here is the "giant planet"-but it is a chestnut, more than a city block from its nearest neighbor in space!

From now on, amazement itself cannot keep pace, as the intervals grow extravagantly:

Another 112 paces. Saturn
Another 249 paces. Uranus
Another 281 paces. Neptune
Another 242 paces. Pluto

if you cant answer it than kindly dont not post garbage here.... and here is the war evidence on Mars.... Mars was near planet sun multi million years ago covered with 60percent ocean.... On mars there were

Mars lost it's atmosphere because the internal geological processes in the planet stopped, ie the molten iron stopped spinning, magnetic field faded and Sun's radiation stripped it of atmosphere.

@Audio you are wasting my time.... Now you dont even know the nuclear war evidence.... do you know when america exploded nuclear bomb than father of american nuclear bomb have said in interview he not the first one.... He pointed towards india.... Now please dont tell me to post everything again.... Go through this thread.... Read link below. Read what scientists found after reading mahabharata.... A myth dont produce Evidence.... (let me know your views)
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?
Again you havent done any research and yet u kept posting garbage here.... Go read magical number 9.... 108 is the most important number in our solar system.... 108 equals to 9.... and so does million things about our solar system. Read everything before posting garbage post.... Its easy to make fun but hard to explain the evidence. You been making fun since long.... i remember you told me u have putten me in your ignore list. How come you are able to read my post? Stop making fun here.... If dont know anything than you should learn instead of posting garbage.... No shame in learning.... Must Read....
Astrophysics And Why Mantras Are Repeated 108 Times::Indian Culture And Traditions
Ken Holmes & Tibetan Buddhism
The deal with ET is, they cannot be proven exist in the universe we chartered, but that does not mean they do not exist.

If they are not yet to be found and if they are out there, there are only 2 reasons. Either they do exist but they do not want to be found (Hence our searching tech is way behind them) or they are there and they hasn't hiding, (Hence our searching tech is not up to their startard) so either way, if they do exist, their tech will be ourcasting any of us and if they do attack us now, i can safely say that none of us would have a chance to fight back, it doesn't matter if we form a earth wide union, as they can reach us, we can't reach them.

So it bring to the second question, if they do exist and why would they invade us? Resource. Earth is an unique place where you can find water in liquid form and with layer of Ozone with the Co2 content just right and the surface temperature are simply just right. Any organic lifeform live off water and if you got ice, ice will be indigestable, and if you got steam, the water will not be able to catch and consume. So you need liquid H2O and this is commonly feature as a reason why the alien attack us if they do exist.
@Audio you are wasting my time.... Now you dont even know the nuclear war evidence.... do you know when america exploded nuclear bomb than father of american nuclear bomb have said in interview he not the first one.... He pointed towards india.... Now please dont tell me to post everything again.... Go through this thread.... Read link below. Read what scientists found after reading mahabharata.... A myth dont produce Evidence.... (let me know your views)
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?
Again you havent done any research and yet u kept posting garbage here.... Go read magical number 9.... 108 is the most important number in our solar system.... 108 equals to 9.... and so does million things about our solar system. Read everything before posting garbage post.... Its easy to make fun but hard to explain the evidence. You been making fun since long.... i remember you told me u have putten me in your ignore list. How come you are able to read my post? Stop making fun here.... If dont know anything than you should learn instead of posting garbage.... No shame in learning.... Must Read....
Astrophysics And Why Mantras Are Repeated 108 Times::Indian Culture And Traditions
Ken Holmes & Tibetan Buddhism


you are temporarily off ignore so i can mock you easier and "waste" your time more efficiently. Also your sources are best there is.

Dude, not a lot you say is true, and i dont know about aliens, but if your knowledge of astrophysycs is a clue into your general knowledge, then its safe to say you are totally clueless and deluded.
You post links to this amateurish websites, saying they are the ultimate truth, but when one goes to see from where they picked up their sources there is nothing. Some dude like you with rudimentary knowledge of php put them up.

Example from bibliotecapleyades link-this is a debunk of your theory so you dont say i waste your time again:

I noted a couple of things that immediately stood out: 1) much of what Jeff Rense touts as "truth" is utter fantasy; 2) there were no sources to follow in order to get at the "scientific" evidence (i.e. the "arch[a]eologist Francis Taylor" and his published findings).

So I dug a little... not much, just enough to see what was and what was not.

The only reference I could find to a "Francis Taylor" was Taylor, Francis Henry, 1903-57, American museum director, b. Philadelphia. He apparently was not an archaeologist... so I went to Anthropology Plus, perhaps the worlds largest anthropological database. The closest match was Taylor, Franciscio Manzo who apparently co-authored a paper titled Clovis fluted points from Sonora, Mexico with Manuel Robles Ortiz. His only bibliographical entry and it was in 1972. Not our guy.

So I gave up and looked for references in archaeological/anthropological databases for "Rajasthan" and "radioactive." This is what I found:

The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Unit-1 had to be shut down. More than 2,000 workers were exposed to excess radiation and 300 had to be hospitalized. [...] Surendra Gadekar, leading light of Anumukti, a Gandhian nuclear resistance group, points out that the nuclear dream is really a nightmare. 'The scientists and bureaucrats in charge of our nuclear program are above accountability,' he laments. He and his doctor wife Sangamitra investigated the condition of villagers at Rawatbhatta in Rajasthan, where they discovered gross radiation-related deformities.

This is a story told to Surendra Gadekar. One day in Narora a worker with a geiger counter went to take tea in the canteen. His geiger counter suddenly went crazy. On investigating he found that the radioactivity was coming from the fire used for preparing the tea. Further investigation led to the discovery that the wood being burnt had originally been used for scaffolding inside the plant, and had got contaminated and hence should have been stored as low-level waste. Instead it had been sold to a contractor, who had fortunately sold it back to the canteen: hence this sordid practice of how the establishment deals with its waste was detected.

Could it be that someone in the Indian government contrived a story using some ancient mythology to reinforce it in order to cover for gross negligence... even if that someone was at a low-level office (mayor, councilman, etc)? Or perhaps local residents searching for explanation turned to mythology and legend?

Whatever the real story is, it seems clear that there is no "ancient city destroyed by nuclear weapons." These weapons are a product of the last 50 years...
1. There is a government defense laboratory in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
2. No standard newspapers carried the news
3. Indian Archeology department does not know anything about this
4. Indian colleges know nothing about this.

So...make up your conclusions.

So, nuclear war evidence is far more likely to be a safety protocols fuck on the part of modern day Indians.
Additionally, in your story there a date mentioned, 8000 years ago. By all logic the area should not have been heavily contaminated because radioactive materials have a decay period and 8000 years is a long time for them to lose much of their radioactivity.

But ofcourse, you wont accept the simple man's logic.
@Audio am glad you have accepted it you are wasting my time.... there are multi billion people like you to whom we regard as closed brain.... You seriously need to go school. Read the links below before posting your garbage post.... Your saying that it was indian goverment who did that? Well thats a stupid comment.... Rajasthan people were living on that area since ages.... they always had cancer problem dating 1000s of years generation to generation.... You have never heard of carbon dating may be.... according to you everything decays within 8000 years.... Well in that sense your scientists are fooling you on dinosaur bones, human bones and the date humans came on earth.... they shown proof of nuclear explosion dating way back multi million years.... 8000 years is nothing.... the site in rajasthan was closed due to increase of cancer patient dating since last 1000s of years. So are you saying indian army exploded nuclear bomb 1000s years ago? The scientists told army to clear the village. When whole village was shifted than scientists dug the ground and way back inside they found city which was destroyed by nuclear war. The bones had totaly radioactive and the bones carbon dating proved it was 8000 years old.... This all done by russian, american and uk scientists.... None were indian scientists.... They found many old hand made weapons like sword, bow and arrow with jwellary on the nuclear effected site.... The area totally closed now and you can visit it by permission of indian army in rajasthan.... This was my last reply to you as you accepted u are here to waste my time.... My job here is to save life.... Even saving one life will be worth it.... People like you came on earth to eat, breath and die.... My job is to make humans know the real history of Earth and not the fake that been enforced on us by corrupt and evil goverment of world.... There are many scientists who broke away from this idiotic corrupt goverment and came out to tell the truth.... Must Read everyone....
Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast -
Ancient City Found In India Irradiated By Nuclear Blast 8,000 Years Ago...
A Pre-Historic Nuclear War? Reflections on Worlds Before Our Own >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds
Evidence of Ancient Nuclear War in North America
Radioactive waste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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