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Alert! Travel Advisory by 7 countries against traveling to America | Terrorist attack, Mass shootings, Hate crimes, Theft | Economic Default of USA


Nov 1, 2010
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United States

A spate of travel advisories about to travel to United States | Is everything Ok in America?​

But the unthinkable has taken place. Late last month, news broke out of several countries issuing a travel advisory to their citizens about travel to the United States. A travel advisory is put out when a government deems that it is not safe or secure a condition for their nationals to travel to, and usually issued during times of great conflict within the country.

But America is not at war with some foreign body on its soil. So why push the panic button? Travel Noire, a boutique travel company reported last month that at least seven countries had issued travel advisories to their citizens cautioning them about travel to what once was the promised land. And some of the seven are among America’s closest allies.

The United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, and Uruguay all encouraged their citizens to be on alert and stay diligent when visiting America.

The UK government advised its residents to stay vigilant when travelling to the States. They listed possible occurrences of mass shootings and terrorist attacks and strongly urged their nationals to read the guidance in the travel advisory on responding to an active shooter.

France pointed out certain urban cities that pose potential threats, such as mugging, carjacking, theft, and walking alone at night. “The ministry provides a breakdown of potential threats in neighbourhoods in major US cities, such as Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.”

New Zealand went so far as to alert travellers that individuals or groups may target the US through terrorist acts in areas where tourists frequent. The country’s current travel advisory level for the US is a 2 out of 4, meaning travellers are advised to exercise increased caution.

Travel Noire stated that “New Zealand’s government attributes the rating to the threat of terrorism. The US remains a target of terrorist interest from both international terror groups and domestic-based extremists.”

The Canadian government whose country borders that of the US was concerned enough to mention in its advisory the high rate of firearm possession in the US and that it is “legal in many states for citizens to openly carry firearms in public.”

Growing polarisation​

Due to increased mass shootings, Canada advises tourists to “familiarise themselves with how to respond to an active shooter situation.” Canada’s travel advisories also detail and warn residents about possible criminal incidents at the US-Mexico border.

Australia’s travel warning lists the possibility of an impending terrorist attack citing the growing polarisation in American society and the Great Divide within political parties.

It also has the US classified at a level 1, instructing travellers to exercise standard safety precautions. Like Canada, Australia does warn citizens that violent and gun-related crimes are more common in the US and provides tips on how to avoid such deadly encounters.

Venezuela and Uruguay had also issued travel warnings against the US since 2019. The “proliferation of acts of violence and indiscriminate hate crimes,” was the reason that Venezuela recommended citizens postpone travel to the US while Uruguay’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged travellers to take extreme precautions against the same hate crimes and increased firearm violence. Could this signal something more deeper?

What is even more disturbing is the rise of Americans living overseas and going on social media to announce that they will not be going back! Clip after clip of young and elderly Americans saying they were fed up with the ways things are going in the US and had no plans to return. They were talking about what once was the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Series of Reports of Economic Default, Terrorist Attacks, Mass-shooting, Discriminate Hate Crimes.

Shouldn't Pakistan also issue a travel advisory ?
Yes, everything is ok. Think of it like this; if you lived here would you be on any more of an alert, No.

Don’t come if you don’t want to. In fact we are kind of busy with the border as it is so … :usflag::-)

A spate of travel advisories about to travel to United States | Is everything Ok in America?​

But the unthinkable has taken place. Late last month, news broke out of several countries issuing a travel advisory to their citizens about travel to the United States. A travel advisory is put out when a government deems that it is not safe or secure a condition for their nationals to travel to, and usually issued during times of great conflict within the country.

But America is not at war with some foreign body on its soil. So why push the panic button? Travel Noire, a boutique travel company reported last month that at least seven countries had issued travel advisories to their citizens cautioning them about travel to what once was the promised land. And some of the seven are among America’s closest allies.

The United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, and Uruguay all encouraged their citizens to be on alert and stay diligent when visiting America.

The UK government advised its residents to stay vigilant when travelling to the States. They listed possible occurrences of mass shootings and terrorist attacks and strongly urged their nationals to read the guidance in the travel advisory on responding to an active shooter.

France pointed out certain urban cities that pose potential threats, such as mugging, carjacking, theft, and walking alone at night. “The ministry provides a breakdown of potential threats in neighbourhoods in major US cities, such as Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.”

New Zealand went so far as to alert travellers that individuals or groups may target the US through terrorist acts in areas where tourists frequent. The country’s current travel advisory level for the US is a 2 out of 4, meaning travellers are advised to exercise increased caution.

Travel Noire stated that “New Zealand’s government attributes the rating to the threat of terrorism. The US remains a target of terrorist interest from both international terror groups and domestic-based extremists.”

The Canadian government whose country borders that of the US was concerned enough to mention in its advisory the high rate of firearm possession in the US and that it is “legal in many states for citizens to openly carry firearms in public.”

Growing polarisation​

Due to increased mass shootings, Canada advises tourists to “familiarise themselves with how to respond to an active shooter situation.” Canada’s travel advisories also detail and warn residents about possible criminal incidents at the US-Mexico border.

Australia’s travel warning lists the possibility of an impending terrorist attack citing the growing polarisation in American society and the Great Divide within political parties.

It also has the US classified at a level 1, instructing travellers to exercise standard safety precautions. Like Canada, Australia does warn citizens that violent and gun-related crimes are more common in the US and provides tips on how to avoid such deadly encounters.

Venezuela and Uruguay had also issued travel warnings against the US since 2019. The “proliferation of acts of violence and indiscriminate hate crimes,” was the reason that Venezuela recommended citizens postpone travel to the US while Uruguay’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged travellers to take extreme precautions against the same hate crimes and increased firearm violence. Could this signal something more deeper?

What is even more disturbing is the rise of Americans living overseas and going on social media to announce that they will not be going back! Clip after clip of young and elderly Americans saying they were fed up with the ways things are going in the US and had no plans to return. They were talking about what once was the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Series of Reports of Economic Default, Terrorist Attacks, Mass-shooting, Discriminate Hate Crimes.

Shouldn't Pakistan also issue a travel advisory ?
Yes, everything is ok. Think of it like this; if you lived here would you be on any more of an alert, No.
Don’t come if you don’t want to. In fact we are kind of busy with the border as it is so … :usflag::-)

Everytime countries issue travel advisory, 9/11 or mass shooting incident is expected. Hope American is fine as Trump is warning up things in USA. Is all USA states are fine? No Mugging, Hate Crimes, No theft?
Everytime countries issue travel advisory, 9/11 or mass shooting incident is expected. Hope American is fine as Trump is warning up things in USA. Is all USA states are fine? No Mugging, Hate Crimes, No theft?
It’s not ubiquitous, which is why the media covers each event in detail. In a country of 333 million with 400 million guns in private hands the number of incidents would be a lot higher if there was real anarchy. In a country as diverse as the US, we are doing relatively well in terms of prosecuting hate crimes. Theft is another issue in our major cities, but that is due to politics. I don’t know the stats on mugging.

Depending on the location and time of day/night, drunk drivers are a more realistic threat.
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Mental illness combined with Guns, is a extremely dangerous combination, specially in current polarized Political situation.
It’s not ubiquitous, which is why the media covers each event in detail. In a country of 333 million with 400 million guns in private hands the number of incidents would be a lot higher if there was real anarchy. In a country as diverse as the US, we are doing relatively well in terms of prosecuting hate crimes. Theft is another issue in our major cities, but that is due to politics. I don’t know the stats on mugging.

Depending on the location and time of day/night, drunk drivers are a more realistic threat.

You are generally correct. But I do think there is a societal breakdown--and a rapid one. I am not a social scientist to comment on the causes. Perhaps political polarization. Perhaps breakdown of 'family' structures. And too easy availability of Automatic Rifles doesn't help. But there is a growing problem and I bet not just in America except here random mass-shooting incidents make a headline almost every few days.
A few weeks ago, a Gora coworker from Washington, DC asked me if I was from Pakistan? I guessed he figured out from the accent and/or my profile photo in corporate meetings--we have never met. I said, yes, I am from Pakistan. He said: "Next time you go to Pakistan, take me with you! This country is becoming too dangerous. Even Bogota [Colombia] where I was seemed safer than here".
Mental illness combined with Guns, is a extremely dangerous combination, specially in current polarized Political situation.

Agree. USA people needs to change. Otherwise with the US going Default. Frustrations and Crimes are for sure going to rise.
Just avoid the inner city jungle monkey infested shitholes, which no one goes to anyways. Those are not representative of America and its society.
But there is a growing problem and I bet not just in America except here random mass-shooting incidents make a headline almost every few days.
Mass shootings in America are overblown, the way the mainstream media tends to report mass shooting tragedies gives off the false impression that every corner of America has bullets flying in every direction. While I do admit there is an underlying issue, the media tends to misrepresent and overblow it.
You are generally correct. But I do think there is a societal breakdown--and a rapid one. I am not a social scientist to comment on the causes. Perhaps political polarization. Perhaps breakdown of 'family' structures. And too easy availability of Automatic Rifles doesn't help. But there is a growing problem and I bet not just in America except here random mass-shooting incidents make a headline almost every few days.
A few weeks ago, a Gora coworker from Washington, DC asked me if I was from Pakistan? I guessed he figured out from the accent and/or my profile photo in corporate meetings--we have never met. I said, yes, I am from Pakistan. He said: "Next time you go to Pakistan, take me with you! This country is becoming too dangerous. Even Bogota [Colombia] where I was seemed safer than here".

A lot of migration of people (especially over the last 10 years due to cost of living) out of the most expensive cities to the suburbs and southern states means people in these areas are experiencing what us New Yorkers have been living with our whole lives.

As a life long New Yorker, we have been on a general sense of alert our whole lives. We have an expectation of encountering certain percentage of weirdos if we interact with a large number of people everyday.
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Just avoid the inner city jungle monkey infested shitholes, which no one goes to anyways. Those are not representative of America and its society.

Inner city shitholes like? name states all cities which should not be traveled to.

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