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"Albania and Romania collude to weaken Greeks"

Bosniaks seem to align more with the Islamic World than Europe due to what happened in the 90s

Older Gen yes but I think the younger gen not so much the migrant crisis has put a dent to that
Our elders have a nice saying "The one barks a lot, does not bite"

ahh the Balkans are just funny folksy people with all these disputes but I know a lot "Islamists" tend to be pro Albanian but Albanians are the least religious Muslims I have met and are generally American b..tlickers and pro zio folks out there

its funny how some Turks are also pro Albanian when it was the Albanians that were anti Ottoman and anti Turkish plus the PM of Kosovo was in support for Kurdistan a few years ago

1. Albanians love America because they helped them out over Kosovo when other Muslim countries where powerless to stop the Serbian onslaught. So from that point of view Albanians loving American makes perfect sense.

2. Your average Albanian has more in common culturally with your average Turk than a Pakistani does. Any anti-ottoman resentment an Albanian has is probably just reserved to that - anti-otamanism and love of Prizren league and Skenderbeg. But there is NO hatred towards Turks. Perfectly reasonable way of thinking in my opinion.

At the conclusion of the Kosovan War the Turkish minority in Kosovo where literally the only group the KLA did not commit revenge attacks against.

3. There are a lot of nonreligious muslims everywhere and this is not just limited to Albania. Some of the stories my white male freinds from the West tell me about Saudi girls they have met on the street and what they ended up doing with them is to graphic for me to even detail on this forum. So there goes that.

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