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Al-Qaida Kills Eight Times More Muslims Than Non-Muslims


Aug 26, 2007
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Few would deny that Muslims too are victims of Islamist terror. But a new study by the Combating Terrorism Center in the US has shown that an overwhelming majority of al-Qaida victims are, in fact, co-religionists.

In the battle against unbelievers, can one also kill Muslims? Even the terror network al-Qaida is troubled by this question.

A leading al-Qaida ideologue for the terror network, Abu Yahya al-Libi, has developed his own theologically-based theory of collateral damage that allows militants to kill Muslims when it is unavoidable.

Even the Iraqi affiliates of Osama bin Laden's terror group, who are known to be particularly bloodthirsty, claim that they too consider this question. For instance, in a message claiming responsibility for an August attack in Baghdad, the group wished those Sunnis injured in the "operation" a speedy recovery and expressed their hope that those killed would be accepted by God as "martyrs."

But even as such apologetic communiqués from al-Qaida show the terror network stylizing itself as a defender of the true faith wrestling with religious concepts, they also make it look as though any dead Muslims are regretful but isolated cases. The facts, though, tell a different story.

Between 2004 and 2008, for example, al-Qaida claimed responsibility for 313 attacks, resulting in the deaths of 3,010 people. And even though these attacks include terrorist incidents in the West -- in Madrid in 2004 and in London in 2005 -- only 12 percent of those killed (371 deaths) were Westerners.

New Report Shows Many More Muslims Killed Than Non-Muslims

It is, of course, no surprise that al-Qaida kills more Muslims than non-Muslims -- particularly for people in the Islamic world. But a new report by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at the United States' Military Academy at West Point in New York -- which has gathered together these and other relevant figures in one report ("Deadly Vanguards: A Study Of al-Qaida's Violence Against Muslims "), spells out the discrepancy in black and white.

The authors of the study admit that their report likely omits a number of Muslim victims. But that was the price of their rigorous methodology, used in an effort to avoid accusations of partisanship.

The researchers only counted the attacks for which al-Qaida claimed responsibility, thus preventing accusations that they were seeking to make al-Qaida look even worse than it is. Still, it is well known that al-Qaida does not claim responsibility for every attack perpetrated, meaning that many victims are likely left out of the report. Furthermore, the researchers only included attacks reported on by the Arab media and relied on the numbers they reported -- out of a conviction that the Arab media is more highly regarded in the Muslim world than the Western media. That, though, is not always the case.

Blurred Figures And Inexact Categories Are Problematic

The greatest potential for inaccuracy in the report, however, is the placing of victims into only one of two categories: Western or non-Western. The assumption being that Western would also mean non-Muslim and vice versa. The problems with such a system of categorization are myriad. Not all those living in the Muslim world are Muslim: In Iraq, al-Qaida has launched attacks against Kurds, Yazidi and Christians. Secondly, a lot of the Muslim victims are actually -- and deliberately -- Shiites. A Sunni group, al-Qaida considers the Shiites to be unbelievers.

Unfortunately news reports don't tend to differentiate between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, explains Scott Helfstein, one of the writers of the report. This is also the reason for the non-Western and Western categories. "It is easy for journalists to count nationality but they rarely, if ever, identify religion," Helfstein writes in reply to e-mailed questions from SPIEGEL ONLINE. The report's writers were well aware of the problem. "But we were not able to find a way around it," Helfstein notes.

Indeed, the report's authors confront the shortcomings of their methodology head on. In one passage, they remove attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan from their calculations altogether, resulting in the share of Westerners killed in al-Qaida attacks rising to a much more significant 39 percent. If one removes the Madrid and London attacks from the statistics, though, the share of murdered Westerners drops back down to 13 percent.

Perhaps more significantly, if one only examines attacks in 2007 and disregards those having been perpetrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, the share of non-Westerners killed by al-Qaida rises to 99 percent. In 2008, it was 96 percent.

Non-Westerners 38 Times More Likely To Be Killed

Put another way, between 2006 and 2008, non-Westerners were 38 times more likely to be killed by an al-Qaida attack than Westerners.

"Since al-Qaida has limited capability to strike against its Western enemies, the group maintains its relevance by attacking countries with Muslim majorities," the study concludes.

The conclusions reached by Helfstein and his co-authors are hardly world changing. They are valuable nonetheless, in that they provide a numerical foundation to the relationship between Muslim and non-Muslim al-Qaida victims.

Still, critics will no doubt point out that the study comes from the CTC, an organization that is part of an American military school. In recent years, the CTC has released a number of excellent studies on terrorism. But because it is actually supplying arguments, backed by scientific research, for the fight against terrorism to decision makers, politicians and military personnel in the US, it cannot be considered strictly neutral. That also applies to this case, especially since a number of American officials have recently begun stressing the point that al-Qaida is particularly violent toward Muslims and can now rely on solid data to back up their argument.

This perceived lack of neutrality doesn't change the fact that the fundamental findings of the report are correct and meaningful. The authors conclude that if they compare statistics for the years from 1995 to 2003 (excluding the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the US as a solitary event), they find that al-Qaida is becoming more violent and "increasingly indiscriminate" in its attacks.

Just how big a problem this discrepancy between Muslim and non-Muslim victims will become for al-Qaida remains to be seen. Even prior to the report's release, however, it had become a subject of intense debate within the Jihadist seen -- with more and more ideologues coming to the conclusion that al-Qaida's fight on behalf of the downtrodden Muslims isn't worth it.

Ikhwanweb :: The Muslim Brotherhood Official English Website
they are not muslims they are stupids
This is news? These are terrorists we're talking about, not freedom fighters! A terrorist's first move is to secure his base by terrorizing the populace. Freedom fighters don't have to do that.
they are not muslims they are stupids
They would say the same to you.

We have reached the threshold. Any more taliban apologists visiting with the good Taliban Bad Taliban theory?
Few would deny that Muslims too are victims of Islamist terror

Islam and Muslims have been from the start the Target of alqeada and its sympathizers.
That's right today alone Al Queda killed over 100 shia pilgrims in Iraq. AQ has declared war on shia. AQ leadership based in tribal area of Pakistan near Afghan border is ordering killings in Iraq and entire Islamic world is tongue tied and Pakistani leadership & Mullahs are quiet, even Iran does not seem to be concerned about Shias. America and Nato can not alone get rid of AQ unless countries like Iran join in to fight AQ. Afghani Taliban (backed by ISI) also have worse history than AQ in killing Muslims, they eliminated tens of thousands of Hazaras in Afghanistan but their worst crime was destruction Bamyan Budhas, that wasn't just crime against Muslims but entire humanity and Pakistan(defender of Islam) did not do anything to prevent that. Another example of Muslims killing Muslims is in Sudan where Arabic tribes are killing nonArabic Muslims (only Western world doing something to prevent that, entire Muslim world & Ummah is silent). Similarly in Bosnia & Kosovo when Muslims were massacred Nato took the lead in protecting them.
Other examples of Muslim massacres are in Chechnya where Putin has carpet bombed & burned entire villages with Muslim population, Bush white house strongly opposed it but Obama now is not going to get involved. But the cake of Muslim killings goes to Pakistan's friend China. China had 40 million uighur Muslims in Jinxing province 20 years ago now only 10 million left, in 2 more decades none will be left. america has no animosity towards Muslims but when will Pakistanis realize this?
First of All The Myths - THE BIG one

Nato protected ppl in Europe, A NATO bombing campaign began in August, 1995
When did the conflict started ??? 1992!!!

So for 3 years , no one was allowed to supply weapons to Bosnians to protet themselves , Pakistan opened its doors to Bosnians fleeing for their lives - yes you won't find those stories in books easily now , but I have met many bosnians who lived in that time and fled to pakistan , and grew up now and they thank Pakistani for that time

As far as I recall when the majority of Ethnic cleansing was taking place, the Nato and UN was debating and most of the countries that wanted to Arm , Bosnians were not allowed to do so as that would have started a new world war, so the guilty party was allowed to finish their task and then , Nato stepped in and did some air raids to end the crisis , but by then 90% of Muslim areas were cleared up

Of course this would not get added on the wikipedia , becasue normally data like this is normally deleted fairly quickly

Most of the Muslim nations were willing to Army to Bosnians NATO prevented any supply from Muslim Armies to interfer there was a blockade as far as I know do you really think Muslim countries would not have sent in airforce to protect anyone

Second Myth ISI created this mess lol I am noticing that Pentagon goons are starting to edit the wikis and making it appear ISI was mastermind behind things
when all scholors agree it was US who supported these initiative its 100 % reality FACT

US Army personnel/media is running a psych ops operations to convince, the 70% undecided public , that what happend in 80's was fault of ISI, just like they blamed all their old garbage on Saddam Hussain ... similarly they are looking for a future scrape goat... unfortunately for them , Abdul Qadir Khan gave us the Nuclear weapons, so they can't just waltz in and do what they want


USA sponsored Talibans
a) With Weapons
b) With dollars
c) With more weapons

This is not a myth , its a reality , today the articles may read that some how ISI from pakistan was involved but the reality is that US was the main issuer of funds and directions to the Talibans/Mujahideen during 80's - During that time , trade and economy in Pakistan suffered as we got influx of immigrants with no documentation who brought in norcotics and drugs into Pakistan as means to earn quick money.

I mean yesterday not long ago , Rumsfield ate Turkey dinner with Saddam and his sons probbly played in Uncle Rumsfield's laps , but few years ago he was named as the worse thing possible to Middle east.

The main problem is the US forigne policy does not forsees anything long term , they look at short term goals and then end of a Presidential term , no one remembers what someone else did.

Finaly so who is doing all the bombings? Good question

Since the US military even with its FREEDOMS to commit crimes and then pack bags to home with clean slate ocassionally gets court marshalled now and and then ... so a CIA fool proof system has been the usage of Mercenaries (Bounty Hunters) , its a very common US system , where contractors are given contracts to do tasks that a normal employee of Army would not do ....

These Mercenaries are not responsible to report to no one , they only have END GOALS
HOW THEY REACH their END goals is their own choice, if they choise to kill civilians or infrastructure, that does not matter as long as they get their own goal

Right now , the goals are

a) Develop a sence of feeling Talibans are also present in Pakistan
This allows US to ban all military aid to pakistan and close any promise by
Bush to Pakistan in past

b) Random targeting of Civilian and Army structures
ONLY SOMEONE with clearance or diplomat can break a protected zone

c) Develop a sense of hate for taliaban in local population so ppl would freely
cooperate with police/army (Divide and conquer) Taliban are not bright I doubt they
can even write their names

Psychological Operations well militaries engage in Psychological warfares to
win favour of population, where military goals can be achived due to that support

The psychological operation personnel are assigned different locations for diferent purpose
REFERENCE: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/apr2000/cnn-a18.shtml

Reference: Video on US roles on forigne countries from 1968


This movie is funny when viewed in current crisis , view point lol I am just watching this to relate this 1968 movie to 2009 situation worth a watch lol

MOVIE MADE IN USA lol SHOWS exactly what Karzai is doing

Also , when one looks at the goals of any political agendy the first thing any smart person looks at is MOTIVE and who has the most the gain ...

A EXTREMIST woud be the last person on planet earth to bomb a mosque ....but if you can make population believe an extremist does bomb a mosque , then you have effected the psychology of people in city to help an forigne army to help catch Extremist , its a dangerous but a simple psychological warfare

To say some taliban does a mosque bombing is stupid idea that can only be thought of by some old goof in Pentegon only Pentagon goofs 50 somethings , are dumb enoug to plane these dumb ideas and operation with out any thought process

Secondly - US is known to carry out false flag operations - so for me its not hard to believe that US has conducted , an flase flag operation to , rouine Taliban image in public so they can divide and conquer the enemy , which is a tactical move - nothing more

I mean really lol why would a extremist blow up his own mosque , soochne wali baat hai na ...

Finaly China & Russia are dealing with their own internal national issues , its not like US who flew 4000 miles away from their own country to conduct these operations on free nations damage economies of world with the recklessness

You don't see Russia going to CUBA or attacking Brazil just becasue they don't like someone they follow a democratic and UN process which US DOES NOT

The international legal rules governing the use of force take as their starting point Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter, which prohibits any nation from using force against another. The charter allows for only two exceptions to this rule: when force is required in self-defense (Article 51) or when the Security Council authorizes the use of force to protect international peace and security (Chapter VII).

a) Did we recover WMD in iraq (NO was anyoen fired , did anyone go to jail for deaths
of civilians in Iraq) NO ..

b) Did security council authorized anythig ?? NO ...

c) Did Iraq invaded US no ...

I don't think US was under any threat never , was never will be they created a false flag to go in these wars to surround Russia and China and take oil routes

Now they are hiding their exposed bums with excuses and blaming things on ISI , china , Russia , Taliban, India , Iran , Imams, Madrasas, Tora bora every thing but the
PEOPLE IN THEIR own administration to wasted 10 trillion USD for 8 years !!!!

All these other ppl suffering are just nemeric numbers to somone in pentagon nothing more , or to someoen who creates the forigne policies

What WE NEED TO DO is kick out all the embassy "DIPLOMATS" and then carpet bomb all the borders, and moe in 100,000 soliders to take control of Afghanistan, put AWACS on Indian side of border and armd 2-3 Nukes that should keep things in balance and then work to clean up the mess left behind by US army and send them a INVOICE for their damage to Pakistani Trade and economy 150 billion dollars
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So what crap is this? If Al qaeda had killed 8 times more non-muslims than muslims they would be good? This kind of retarded thinking is what is the problem in the same place. The same retarded thinking that says suicide attacks are unislamic (like as if normal killings are ok in islam) - and this by apparently renowned scholors. So what if Alqaeda killed more muslim, muslims are human right -just like non muslims sharing same blood divided by ideology or is this the ideology that compares some to worse than pigs etc. And to think that people are still confused about right and wrong.
So Al-Qaida isn't an imaginary organization created by USA themselves, & it is the name to hide out many things?

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