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Airshow China 2014: Russia to supply China with more RD-93 turbofans UPGRADED

These engines are for block 2.
Keep in mind that there is one engine kept in reserve for the jets.
That would mean the first 100 were for block 1 while this batch is for block 2.
That will also tally nicely with current production estimate, i-e 2016.
Block II is already in production...The first contract would be for them but the second contract which i am talking about is a future development program....
China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) had signed an agreement to upgrade the RD-93.
Block II is already in production...The first contract would be for them but the second contract which i am talking about is a future development program....
Sir even first BLOCK 2 hadn't shown yet let alone production

Let me share something with you---if there was war---paf would go to battle with the RD 93 and not the WS13----why----RD93 is a proven and tested system---thousand and thousands of hours of actual service---pilots know how it is going to perform---technicians know what to service to keep tem going----.
WS-13 is under development not even started production yet so let it first develop
WS-13 is under development not even started production yet so let it first develop


You addressing the wrong poster----. I hope I did not confuse you with my post----. Your post has nothing to do with what I am saying ----.

Let me share something with you---if there was war---paf would go to battle with the RD 93 and not the WS13----why----RD93 is a proven and tested system---thousand and thousands of hours of actual service---pilots know how it is going to perform---technicians know what to service to keep tem going----.

I agree with you as a recent development Russia seems to interested to start defense co operation with Pakistan i think Pakistan may equip their current 50 and at least next 50 of block 2 aircraft with reliable and more powerful RD-93MA Engine as they have years of experience with this RD-93 engine. may be if thing goes right Pakistan may directly import and overhaul this engine inside Pakistan.
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