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Air collision at South China Sea 2001, pictures!

The EP-3 was within 70 miles of the Chinese coastline. In contrast, the US warns to shoot down any unidentified aircraft within 200 miles of US coastline. Even if international waters extend at 70 miles from the Chinese coastline, the EP-3's close range to the Exclusive Economic Zones and the clear provocation of Chinese territories is more than enough for the Chinese defenses to label it as an attack.

The EP-3, especially modified to spy submarine facilities, further made it clear to the Chinese that this was an American spy mission on the Hainan submarine base, one of the largest submarine bases in China.

From a radio transcript taken from the conversation of the other J-8 pilot and ground radar stations, the J-8 pilot asked for permission to shoot down the US plane, as it had continued to travel towards Chinese airspace and resulted in the loss of his wingman's J-8. He was denied, because the radar operators viewed it as an accident and did not want to start a war.

Clearly, the Chinese restrained from taking serious defensive measures.

As many people asked, what would the US do if a Chinese Y-8T aircraft appeared within 70 miles of the US coastline and continued to fly straight for the US with the clear intention of surveilling US naval bases?
To be fair, the Soviet Union had "fishing trawlers" that sat 13 miles off of American coast and collected intelligence, just a mile off territorial water. The United States navy and coast guard did nothing except watched. United States considers Exclusive Economic Zone to be international water and can freely operate. China on the other hand does not consider spying in EEZ to be a legitimate activity.

It's a conflict of opinion and useless to drag it out. There will be a day when China does the same to United States. No empire remains standing forever, especially one in decline.
To be fair, the Soviet Union had "fishing trawlers" that sat 13 miles off of American coast and collected intelligence, just a mile off territorial water. The United States navy and coast guard did nothing except watched. United States considers Exclusive Economic Zone to be international water and can freely operate. China on the other hand does not consider spying in EEZ to be a legitimate activity.

It's a conflict of opinion and useless to drag it out. There will be a day when China does the same to United States. No empire remains standing forever, especially one in decline.

Soviet "fishing" trawlers gives a different impression to defensive forces than that of an EP-3 spyplane that can reach the Chinese coastline in minutes. The US also did not quite want to induce conflict with the USSR, which, at that time, was a superpower. Exclusive Economic Zones are treated different in different countries; the US has to respect the fact that China does not want any foreign military assets in that area. In a way you can say that the EP-3 crew was warned.

I have no doubt that China will eventually launch its own surveillance missions, but until that happens, it's illogical to call it "even".
To be fair, the Soviet Union had "fishing trawlers" that sat 13 miles off of American coast and collected intelligence, just a mile off territorial water. The United States navy and coast guard did nothing except watched. United States considers Exclusive Economic Zone to be international water and can freely operate. China on the other hand does not consider spying in EEZ to be a legitimate activity.

It's a conflict of opinion and useless to drag it out. There will be a day when China does the same to United States. No empire remains standing forever, especially one in decline.
Actually, the US congress did NOT approve the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). they reserved the right to fire any aircrafts within 300miles from their coast. Ironically, they asked other countries to abide UNCLOS. And did the US have any legitimate claims in Cuban missile crisis? the answer is negative. the US never give a damn to treaties they signed when it no longer serve its own interests. Historical study shows the US breached hundreds of territorial treaties they made with Native Americans and recently they override the treats it signed with Russia to develop TMD and NMD.
I will narrate the story... Chinies AF saw an unidentified flying object in their air space (as they claim), Two J8 intercepted it. It was ES3 (bigger, bulkier and heavier). they asked ES3 to surrender. in between one of the J8 Hit the ES3.. It damage the ES3, USAF had no choice, they landed to nearest port (a brave act of landing damaged machine).. "Accident ho gaya..."

Thats all... Later China ask heavy compensation and apology from USA.. USA didn't apologize niether paid compensation, but felt sorry bout the dead fighter plane.. USA prez send condolence to deceased fighter's wife...

Gambit is saying it human error , while chinies member believe that J8 fighter was hero (No reason)... Thats all going on here...

First it's EP3 not ES3.

Second Chinese pilot asked it to leave not "surrender", American spy aircrafts and ships come from South Korea and Philippine everyday. Anyway thanks for your version of story.

Last, please refrain from using "chinies". your post has been reported.
Still pathetic...If Wang Wei had exercised better flight discipline, the EP-3 would not have been damaged in the first place. This is a terrible line of logic am seeing. So much for 'high Chinese IQ'...:lol:

you deserve a right to believe whatever you believe. however, please refrain from bring in 'IQ', which has nothing to do with this thread. If you have any doubts on scientific statistics, you are encouraged to express your opinion on IQ-related forums or publish your findings on academic journals.

You are doing a terrible job of arguing with a military professional who knows more about aircraft that most people on this forum. About the pilot, did you not see the photo of him flashing paper signs to earlier US flights? Is this the sign of a professional? Or that of a hot shot fool? You tell me.

Everyone is encouraged to express their own opinions. Let's leave it to readers to judge it's terrible or not. A person you worship as military professional might seems a teenage fanboy to me. your might not want to use it as a reason to discourage other persons.
Soviet "fishing" trawlers gives a different impression to defensive forces than that of an EP-3 spyplane that can reach the Chinese coastline in minutes. The US also did not quite want to induce conflict with the USSR, which, at that time, was a superpower. Exclusive Economic Zones are treated different in different countries; the US has to respect the fact that China does not want any foreign military assets in that area. In a way you can say that the EP-3 crew was warned.

I have no doubt that China will eventually launch its own surveillance missions, but until that happens, it's illogical to call it "even".
Were there any actions by US warships that were as rash as Wang Wei's actions in the air? That is the issue. Why do airshows have aircrafts flying so close to each other? Because they have a purpose in mind and they trained for that purpose. Did the lumbering four engines reconnaissance aircraft and the Chinese jet fighter trained for such a purpose? No. So why did Wang Wei flew as close to the much larger aircraft the way he did? Foolishness. Foolhardliness is independent of intelligence. Wang Wei was certainly intelligent enough to qualify himself as a pilot. But his foolhardliness got the better of his intelligence and needlessly killed him, caused an international incident, and deprived the PLAAF of a valuable human investment. Call him a 'hero' if you like, but the international aviation community knows better and have the more appropriate label: fool.
Foolishness and possibly incompetence.

Word. You seem to know aweful lot about this first hand. :woot:

Seriously, the Chinese pilot accomplished more than you could ever dream of. It is ignorant wannabes like you that openly mock someone's death that degrades the quality of this forum. Even our Indians brothers have more class than you...Viet?
Were there any actions by US warships that were as rash as Wang Wei's actions in the air? That is the issue. Why do airshows have aircrafts flying so close to each other? Because they have a purpose in mind and they trained for that purpose. Did the lumbering four engines reconnaissance aircraft and the Chinese jet fighter trained for such a purpose? No. So why did Wang Wei flew as close to the much larger aircraft the way he did? Foolishness. Foolhardliness is independent of intelligence. Wang Wei was certainly intelligent enough to qualify himself as a pilot. But his foolhardliness got the better of his intelligence and needlessly killed him, caused an international incident, and deprived the PLAAF of a valuable human investment. Call him a 'hero' if you like, but the international aviation community knows better and have the more appropriate label: fool.

If you want to know what actions US warships put out, there's a plane called Iran Air 655 that lies underwater because of those actions. You might also know the USS Impeccable (ring any bells?).

What did you expect Wang Wei to do? Sit back and continue to flash his email card while the US spyplane continued its spying mission of Chinese territory? As a pilot yourself I thought you would understand Wang Wei's situation. As US commanders later said, the J-8 was more maneuverable than the EP-3, so Wang Wei knew he had full control of the situation. Why did he go down? This "foolishness" ended when a wing of the EP-3 crushed Wang Wei's canopy and eventually cut his J-8 in half. Did you even read both sides of the argument?

A pilot's job is to defend his country's security at all costs. Wang Wei knew the risks and yet the EP-3 was successfully brought down. As proven in a radio transcript, the other J-8 pilot asked permission to shoot down the EP-3, was denied, and forced the EP-3 from escaping into international airspace and forced it to land. A pilot that stands idly by while the enemy spied on his country is what is truly defined as a "fool".

By your definition of "foolishness", then most of US pilots lost in the Gulf Wars (especially the Package Q strike) were "fools". And how about Scott O' Grady, that pilot who virtually ignored all missile warnings and was downed by a SA-6? Why is the US honoring "fools" as heroes?

Casualties are a part of conflict. Accept that.
You are talking yourself.You are simply foolish,why not a bird hit an elephant?Forgot what happened during the kamikaze attack?ROFL.

Do i need to laugh on this post??? What do you want to say??? Chinese did "KK attack??"...

By this post you are making fun of your own pilot... better delete this post...
Do i need to laugh on this post??? What do you want to say??? Chinese did "KK attack??"...

By this post you are making fun of your own pilot... better delete this post...

From which point you see the thread starter are making fun of the pilot?From your special indian view?:rofl::rofl: Stop embarasing yourself.And do I meant that post for you?Go get it clear before you troll bark around.
From which point you see the thread starter are making fun of the pilot?From your special indian view?:rofl::rofl: Stop embarasing yourself.And do I meant that post for you?Go get it clear before you troll bark around.

This was your post

You are talking yourself.You are simply foolish,why not a bird hit an elephant?Forgot what happened during the kamikaze attack?ROFL.
Original Post By Bigoren

correct me If am not able to understand ur post....
1, you gave an example of Kamikaze attack.. What I thought is you are trying to say is "J8 pilot did suicide attack on EP3".
2. "ROFL" , form this I thought you are passing sarcasm on chinese pilot..
3. I misunderstood your flag as chinese flag .. (My bad)
This was your post

You are talking yourself.You are simply foolish,why not a bird hit an elephant?Forgot what happened during the kamikaze attack?ROFL.
Original Post By Bigoren

correct me If am not able to understand ur post....
1, you gave an example of Kamikaze attack.. What I thought is you are trying to say is "J8 pilot did suicide attack on EP3".
2. "ROFL" , form this I thought you are passing sarcasm on chinese pilot..
3. I misunderstood your flag as chinese flag .. (My bad)

ok,so now I am going to let you understand .Firstly,the gaybit form the great US of america said the pilot was foolishness and possibly incompetence based on his reply to another member here So, i have drag an example of another incident that show the patriotism of the pilot serve to his own country and this Chinese pilot was tried to protect his own motherland being invade by an american spy plane.Lastly,i mean this to the gaybit for his ignorant and foolishness
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