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Aims of Jaish Muhammad.

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Apr 25, 2006
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NEW DELHI, Aug 27: In a significant turn of events, Pakis-tan's most powerful fundamentalist lobby has owned recently-formed anti-India outfit, known as Jaish-e-Mohammad, as the `right weapon' in support of the on-going `struggle' going on in Kashmir. ...

Azhar Masood is said to have allowed entry into his organisation of hundreds of trained guerrillas from Afghanistan and Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP). Azhar Masood is also said to have told a gathering of armed militants in Peshawar recently that his "ambition" is to have Jammu's Kotbhalwal jail blown up in smithereens. He was detained in the Kotbhalwal jail until his release towards the end of December last.

Azhar Masood's another "ambi-tion" is to unfurl Pakistani flags everywhere in Jammu and Kashmir. Third "ambition", he himself divul-ged at Peshawar, was to see the "soldiers" of Jaish-e-Mohammad deeply entrenched in major cities and towns of India, particularly the Red Fort of Delhi.

Pak owns Azhar's outfit as the `right weapon' against India, - B.L.Kak
Just wondering, what is the source of this article?
another proof of pakistan sponsored terrorism..Ahsan do u still wonder why pakistan fell in the failed stated index.
Bull said:
another proof of pakistan sponsored terrorism..Ahsan do u still wonder why pakistan fell in the failed stated index.
Its not the Pakistan sponsored terrorism but Pakistan sponsored Jihad. Right, and Ask it from Russians, Americans and Indians who r facing it with all of their might. May be u wanted to write Russia or india in the failed state context and u mistakenly wrote Pakistan.


tahirkhely said:
Its not the Pakistan sponsored terrorism but Pakistan sponsored Jihad. Right, and Ask it from Russians, Americans and Indians who r facing it with all of their might. May be u wanted to write Russia or india in the failed state context and u mistakenly wrote Pakistan.



Are you a supporter of this "jihad" against India,Russia and America???

India is already there on the failed states index,but we are ranked low at 97th.
tahirkhely said:
Pakistan is not a failed state, InshaAllah.
source: http://www.dalitstan.org/mughalstan/mujahid/mujahid.html

Your above post surprises me, since you seem a lot saner in most of your posts.
Your source is a hate site that is dedicated itself to publish anti-India/hindu articles. There are similar fate site that cater to anti-Pakistan/Muslim articles, but you will not find me or any Indian out here who will post from those hate websites as their sources are biased and hate filled.
Its not the Pakistan sponsored terrorism but Pakistan sponsored Jihad. Right, and Ask it from Russians, Americans and Indians who r facing it with all of their might. May be u wanted to write Russia or india in the failed state context and u mistakenly wrote Pakistan.
You may call it jihad or whatever it suits you, it succeeded against the Russians only because of US funding and crucial supply of Stingers that turned the tide of the Soviet-Afghan war infavour of the mujahideen. That war lasted 10 years.
In Kashmir, it has failed to achieve any thing except casulties in the Indian security forces and death to thousands of civilians. It is 18 years since the insurgency/proxy war started - with no results to show. The obsession for Kashmir has greatly harmed Pakistani economy and society (sectarianism). If not from me at least hear out your own intellectuals.
Cost analysis of our Kashmir policy
....And what result has our Kashmir policy produced apart from thousands of casualties in India, Pakistan and Kashmir itself? For a moment, forget about the rights and wrongs of the whole issue, and how much India is to blame for the problem. If we do a cost-benefit analysis of our 50-year old Kashmir policy, we will find that it has been a disaster for the people of Pakistan with the breakeven point nowhere in sight. Here again, the "so what?" school of thought will say this does not matter as long as we continue to stand on "principles." Perhaps, but it is a lonely place to be when the rest of the world is telling us to grow up, get real and get on with life....
After all the "reforms that mushraff has done" its surpirisng and shocking to see a pakistani coming and supporting a terrorist organisation so openly on a forum like this.

Are there any more who shares the same feeling as tahir?
I dont know whether its a hate site or a love site but i tell u one thing. ur eyes r not open. U r killing Innocent kashmiris in their homeland and talking of hate sites. strange. any way i can not teach a non muslim what jihad is, right. Jihad is an order by Almighty and every muslim has to follow it. its a matter of life and hereafter. No matter what u do u will fail if u go against Jihad. remember my words. u will fail with every thing in your hand. and then keep issuing reports abt the failed states of the world. U r referring to US reports about Failed states, a gazzetted liar it is.

:flag: :GUNS:
tahirkhely said:
I dont know whether its a hate site or a love site but i tell u one thing. ur eyes r not open. U r killing Innocent kashmiris in their homeland and talking of hate sites. strange. any way i can not teach a non muslim what jihad is, right. Jihad is an order by Almighty and every muslim has to follow it. its a matter of life and hereafter. No matter what u do u will fail if u go against Jihad. remember my words. u will fail with every thing in your hand. and then keep issuing reports abt the failed states of the world. U r referring to US reports about Failed states, a gazzetted liar it is.

:flag: :GUNS:

So will mushraff fail????
Bull said:
After all the "reforms that mushraff has done" its surpirisng and shocking to see a pakistani coming and supporting a terrorist organisation so openly on a forum like this.

Are there any more who shares the same feeling as tahir?
well actually i could have replied but there are some problems. so i cant reply.

u ppl ever thought abt y USA considers taliban as a future thraet inspite of all of their poverty?
tahirkhely said:
u ppl ever thought abt y USA considers taliban as a future thraet inspite of all of their poverty?


but i have thought and wondered as to why Mushraff considers it as a threat????
I dont know whether its a hate site or a love site but i tell u one thing. ur eyes r not open.
Either you are pretending or know very little if hate sites are your source of knowledge.
U r killing Innocent kashmiris in their homeland and talking of hate sites.
More Kashmiris have died at the hands of jihadi terrorists than the security forces. I can prove it by the daily news reports of Pak/Indian and international media, as I have in another thread, but I don’t have the inclination at the moment. But you cannot prove your claims even if you tried.
strange. any way i can not teach a non muslim what jihad is, right. Jihad is an order by Almighty and every muslim has to follow it. its a matter of life and hereafter.
I am not a muslim, but you and I worship the same God. For you Mohammed is your prophet and Jesus is my messenger of God.
No matter what u do u will fail if u go against Jihad. remember my words. u will fail with every thing in your hand.
You may have been part of a jihad, and so have I been part of fighting against the jihadis, and the result till date is failure for them and victory for us. They have been failing for the past 18 years and will continue to do so because their cause is unjust.
and then keep issuing reports abt the failed states of the world. U r referring to US reports about Failed states, a gazzetted liar it is.
You are speaking to the wrong person. I have not made any comments in that thread or in similar threads in other forums since, embarrassing Pakistani members like Neo, Sparten, Webby, Sig and others is not my intention.

Bull said:
So will mushraff fail????

Looks like he will not be able to continue like this. His intentions are not clear but intentions of Pak Army are clear.


Well Well Well.
Keep it up guys. Men at their best.
tahirkhely said:
Looks like he will not be able to continue like this. His intentions are not clear but intentions of Pak Army are clear.


The intentions of PA are to kill the jihadis,so they will also fail,right?
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