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After Ayodhya verdict, civil suit filed in Mathura court over Krishna Janmabhoomi


Sep 13, 2020
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After Ayodhya verdict, civil suit filed in Mathura court over Krishna Janmabhoomi; seeks removal of Idgah

Times Now Digital
Updated Sep 26, 2020 | 13:56 IST

The suit seeks removal of 'encroachment' and illegal 'superstructure' raised by mosque Committee with the consent of Sunni Central Waqf Board.

Breaking News

Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura | Photo Credit: ANI
  • A civil suit filed in Mathura court over Krishna Janmabhoomi, seeks removal of Idgah Masjid adjacent to temple
  • The suit, filed by two advocates, seeks to "reclaim" the entire 13.37 acres of Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura
  • If required a movement will be started to remove Eidgah encroachment and reclaim the Krishna Janmabhoomi, says BJP leader
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh: Barely a year after the historic verdict for Ayodhya's Ram Mandir was delivered by the Supreme Court of India, a fresh suit has now been filed in a Mathura civil court to “reclaim” the entire Krishna Janmabhoomi in the temple town claiming that “every inch of the land... is sacred for the devotees of Lord Shree Krishna and the Hindu community”.
Advocates Hari Shankar and Vishnu Jain have filed the suit on behalf of the plaintiff 'Bhagwan Sri Krishna Virajman' in a local Mathura court staking claim on the 13.37 acre 'Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi' land and demanding the removal of Shahi Eidgah mosque that stands adjacent to the temple.
The suit seeks removal of 'encroachment' and illegal 'superstructure' raised by mosque Committee with the consent of Sunni Central Waqf Board. However, there is no mention of Places of Religious Worship (Special Provisions) Act of 1991 which has barred courts from entertaining litigation over changing status quo of a place of religious worship post-1947.
Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad
Akhara Parishad to launch campaign to 'liberate' Kashi, Mathura

'Like Ayodhya, temples have to be built at Kashi and Mathura, too'
After Ram Mandir, mobilisation for temple-building at Kashi and Mathura to gain momentum: BJP's Vinay Katiyar

The temple trust with the approved map.
Ram Mandir Trust gets temple map approved, deposits over Rs 2 crore with Ayodhya Development Authority

"It is a matter of fact and history that Aurangzeb ruled over the country from 1658-1707 AD and he being a staunch follower of Islam had issued orders for demolition of a large number of Hindu religious places and temples including the temple standing at the birthplace of Lord Shree Krishna at Katra Keshav Dev, Mathura in the year 1669-70 AD," the suit said.
"The army of Aurangzeb partly succeeded to demolish the Keshav Dev Temple and the construction was forcibly raised showing the might of power and said construction was named as Idgah Mosque," it added.

Reactions to the development

Reacting to the development, BJP leader Vinay Katiyar has said that Mathura and Kashi need to be freed too after Ram Janmabhoomi at Ayodhya. "If required a movement will be started to remove Eidgah encroachment and reclaim the Krishna Janmabhoomi," he added.
Meanwhile, Haji Mehboob called the civil suit absurd and cited that the Supreme Cout has categorically said except the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid case, no plea will be filed and it will not be heard.

"It’s absurd as the Supreme Court has already said it in clear words that apart from the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid case, no one will be allowed to file any suit regarding any such matter be it Kashi, Mathura or in any part of the country. The government has itself said that they won't interfere," he said.
These issues are raised wherever there's an election in the country, he added.


Hindus have no right to claim the Mathura Eidgah

The Milli Gazette Online08 Aug 2020
According to press reports, some Hindus have floated a trust and started a campaign to “regain” the land of Eidgah mosque in Mathura when the fact is that this matter was settled long ago between the town’s Muslims and Hindus way back in 1968. The settlement was overseen by the local administration and registered in court. Accordingly, around half of the land of the Eidgah was given to the Hindu party which has built a magnificent temple and other facilities there. Here are two articles about this issue published in Muslim & Arab Perspectives way back in 1995 when a similar campaign was started by the Hindutvites:
Threatened Mosques
Hindutvites renew campaign against Mathura and Kashi mosques

With the general elections in sight, the VHP has decided to renew its campaign to usurp the Idgah Mosque at Mathura and the Gyanvapi Mosque at Varanasi. This front has been quiet for some time since the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) frustrated Hindutvite efforts to storm the Mathura Idgah on 15 August last. Unprecedented security arrangements forced the VHP to scale down its attempt to forcibly occupy the Idgah Mosque at Mathura, south of Delhi.
The initial plan was slated to culminate in a concocted new ritual (yagya) to be held on 18 August 1995 in a field adjacent to the historical mosque built by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. The U.P. state government's firm stand, that no such new ritual will be allowed within a radius of three kilometres of the Mosque, led the Hindutva outfit to organize it in a temple at a distance of only two kilometres from the Mosque.
The revival of the plan to occupy the Mosque was part of the VHP/BJP tactic to force the polarization of voters on Hindu-Muslim lines in anticipation of the general elections. The BJP which had earlier held that the Mathura and Varanasi mosques were not “on its agenda,” now supports the VHP programme and demands that the mosque complex be handed over to the Hindutva outfit. VHP and BJP had calculated that the erstwhile Mayawati government in U.P., surviving on BJP crutches, would not be able to stand up to the VHP campaign which was in clear violation of the law enacted after the demolition of the Babri Mosque ensuring maintenance of the status quo of religious places of worship as existed at the time of independence in 1947.
The Mathura Idgah, together with the Gyanvapi Mosque at Varanasi, is on top of the list of hundreds of mosques claimed by the VHP to be standing on sites of “demolished temples.” Even Delhi's magnificent Jama Masjid and Qutb Minar are on this concocted list. It is exclusively disclosed here that a movement has been on for the last few months to hold Hindu rituals at the Qutb Minar but the Indian press has chosen not to report it. This is how a case is slowly built up before a mass movement is organized to occupy the targeted mosque or graveyard or the like.
The temple standing next to the Idgah stands on the Mosque land under a settlement (see document below) in 1968 between Muslims and Hindus of the town under which the Idgah Trust relinquished large chunks of its complex on which a magnificent temple stands today. The Hindus in turn forsook their claim to the Mosque itself. It has taken the temple trust only 30 years to renege on that written agreement. It also proves that Hindutvadis cannot be trusted even with written solemn agreements. Interestingly, the chairman (Mr Dalmia) of the temple trust, who reneged on the pact, is also the current president of the VHP! This shows how trustworthy the Hindutvites are.
Unlike Babri where prayers had been stopped since its occupation in December 1949 and an idol was left installed inside it by orders of a local court, the two mosques claimed now are totally functional and under Muslim control. Moreover, the memories of Babri and the bloody riots that followed its demolition are still fresh in the minds of the people.
Ashok Singhal, VHP general secretary, has admitted that the exercise is aimed at bringing a Hindutva government at the centre which alone can pave the way for 'liberating' the 'temples' [mosques] at Ayodhya, Varanasi and Mathura.
Although both the 1968 agreement between Mathura Hindus and Muslims and the 1993 law about the places of worship do not leave any moral or legal ground to demand the Idgah Mosque, the VHP has been working hard to strengthen its claim to the mosque. We are able to exclusively disclose that the VHP people have dug a secret tunnel from the adjoining temple into the mosque's thick walls and placed certain artefacts just under the mosque's mihrab which one day, as usual in such cases of usurpation, will be suddenly 'discovered' as those belonging to the mythical god Krishna. A window resembling those of prisons has been fitted at the breached place and is now shown to devotees entering the temple (Krishna is supposed to have been born in a prison).
This place, now called 'garba griha' (sanctum sanctorum) was officially inaugurated by the VHP leader Vamdeo of Vrindavan on 18 April 1995 in the presence of local administration people. Local Muslims opposed this move and informed the then UP chief minister Mulayam Singh. Some local Muslims, as a result, have been harassed by the police and intelligence. A local Muslim leader, Mirza Basheer Beg, has been threatened by the SSP, the town's senior police officer. His son, Mushir Beg, was mercilessly beaten up and arrested briefly.
A Mathura Mosque, Alamgir Masjid, remains in Hindu hands despite a court order in 1973 in Muslims' favour. Police refuse to concede to the request of local Muslims to place a picket at the place in order to enable Muslims to enter the usurped mosque.
A Hindu had tried to blow up the Idgah mosque last Eidul Fitr. The police guarding the mosque caught him but he was later branded ‘insane’ and let off. The U.P. government has taken stringent security measures now and posted many Muslim officers at Mathura. But how long can this last? The VHP believes in long-term campaigns. The demolition of Babri was achieved in a decade-long campaign. With any political tilt in Hindutva favour at the Centre or even in UP, the administration will not demonstrate the current vigilance.
* For a backgrounder on the Mathura Idgah, see MAP 2:4-7 (1995) pp. 115-119 [see below].
Source: (Muslim & Arab Perspectives 2:11-12 (1995) pp. 24-26 �
The agreement between the Shahi Idgah Trust, and the Sri Krishna Janamasthan Seva Sang

We, Shri Deodhar Shastri, Up Mantri of and authorized by the Krishna Janamsthan Seva Sangh, Mathura, as first party,
And Sri Shah Mir Malih and Shri Abdul Ghaffar, advocate, the representatives of the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust, Mathura, as the second party,
Under the Trust's Resolution No.2 dated 8-10-1968,
In order to settle the long-standing disputes between the Shri Krishna Janamasthan Sangh and the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust and the so-called Ghosi [milkmen] tenants and licensees of the second party; we under suggestion of the members of both Hindu and Muslim communities, have reached an agreement, henceforth, to settle our bilateral disputes and avoid cases against each other.
The following agreement agreed to by the second party, i.e., Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust, has the permission of the Uttar Pradesh Central Waqf Board vide their express letter No. 2876, 43 CIR dated 9-9-1968 and Shah Mir Malih and Shri Abdul Ghaffar Advocate have been authorized to get the Agreement implemented under their resolution No.2 in the meeting of 8-10-1968.
Similarly, the first party, i.e., the Shri Krishna Janamasthan Seva Sangh, has also accepted the agreement at its meeting of 25-8-1968 and authorized Shri Deodhar Shastri to get the agreement implemented.
Map of the agreed new boundaries of the Idgah Masjid according to the 1968 settlement
Map of the agreed new boundaries of the Idgah Masjid according to the 1968 settlement

Since the following agreement shall take some time for its full implementation, we are therefore getting a written ‘ikrarnama’ [deed of agreement] registered. Hence, we the representatives of both the parties concerned, freely and after a full-decision as well as by the consensus of both the parties, i. e., the Shri Krishna Janamasthan Seva Sangh and the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust, are getting the ‘ikrarnama ’ registered. Henceforth, we will have to abide by the following agreement and it will be our duty to implement the agreement.
  1. The northem and southern walls of Idgah's 'kuchchi kursi' shall be extended towards the eastern side, up to the Railway land. The expenses shall be borne by the Masjid Trust.
  2. Outside the northern and southern walls, the area occupied by Muslim ghosis shall be evacuated on behalf of the Trust and handed over to the Janamasthan Seva Sangh. Thereafter, the Trust or the ghosis shall not be entitled to claim the above mentioned portion of the land.
    Similarly, the portion of land lying inside the northern and southern walls shall be the trust's property. Hence there shall be no claim on this land on the part of the Seva Sangh.
  3. In the west-northern corner of Idgah kuchchi kursi, a portion of land is occupied by the Seva Sangh (shown in the map ABCD). The Trust shall acquire the kuchchi kursi and it shall become the Trust's property.
  4. The controversial debris of the stairs on the southern side, for which there are cases filed in the court, shall be cleared by the Trust by 15 October 1968. Thereafter, the portion shall be the Seva Sangh's property.
  5. The houses built by Muslim ghosis out of the northern and southern walls under settlement with the Trust shall be evacuated on behalf of the Trust and handed over to the Seva Sangh.
    Only after the completion of evacuation, the Trust shall be entitled to get the walls constructed.
    The Trust, moreover, shall not open doors, windows, pinjars etc., nor any water outlets (drains) in the proposed wall, towards the Seva Sangh. The Seva Sangh too shall not do any such thing against the Idgah.
  6. The [water] outlets (parnalas) of Idgah flowing already westward of the Janamasthan shall be removed and turned towards Idgah by piping. The expenses shall be borne by the Seva Sangh. During the laying of the pipe, a representative of the Janamasthan shall be present.
  7. A portion of the railway land in front of Idgah's northern and southern walls which is going to be acquired by the Janamasthan Seva Sangh, after acquiring the land, the Janamasthan Seva Sangh shall transfer that portion to the Trust which falls inside the north and south walls of the Idgah.
  8. The portion of land in front of kuchchi kursi towards the Eastern side (shown in the map EFGHIJKL) and in the west northern-corner (shown in the map ABCD) which is left by the Seva Sangh in favour of the Trust is shown in oblique line in the map.
  9. The cases against each other shall be withdrawn according to the above agreement.
  10. Both the parties shall have the right to appeal to the court for getting the agreement implemented if either party deviates from the agreement.
The first page of the 1968 agreement
The first page of the 1968 agreement

Hence, this agreement reached in writing by the consent of both the parties.
Date of writing: 12 October 1968.
Boundary of Masjid Idgah Shahi:
East: Railway line
West: Chabutra Janamasthan
North: Ground Janamasthan
South: Ground Janamasthan Banke Katra, Keshawdeve Mathura town
Writer: Navnit Lal Sharma
Signature: Deodhar Shastri
Signature: Abdul Ghaffar
Signature: Md. Shah Mir Malih

(Source of the above document: The Hindu, 16 August 1995)
Source of the article: Muslim & Arab Perspective 2:11-12 (1995) pp. 24-30
The Mathura Idgah case
By Syed Iftikhar Ahmad

The case of the Mathura Idgah is different from that of the Babari Masjid. The problem was settled there through an agreement reached between Hindus and Muslims on 12 October 1968. It was only after that agreement that a magnificent temple 'Bhagwat Bhawan' could be constructed.
It is interesting that Vishnu Hari Dalmia, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) president who is also a member of the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh, which had signed the agreement
with the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust, now claims that the VHP would liberate the Shri Krishna Janmasthan of Mathura after Ayodhya.
Before this agreement the two communities were clashing over the disputed place. Cases were also pending before the court. This had also led to the eruption of communal riots several times in Mathura. Influential people of the town had helped reach the agreement. This agreement had been approved by certain Hindu organisations at the national level and U.P. Sunni Waqf Board. Following are the points of the agreement:
  1. That the Idgah boundary, north and south to the kachchi kursi (plinth) be extended eastward upto the Railway line. Construction of both the walls be done by the Shahi Masjid Jdgah Trust.
  2. The area beyond the southern and northern boundaries of the Idgah where there are settlements of Ghosis [milkmen] and other Muslims, shall be vacated and handed over to the Shri Krishana Janmasthan Sewa Sangh by the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust on its own responsibility and the Trust or Ghosis or other Muslims of the area shall have no right of title or any claim to the area and the property rights shall then rest in the first party.
Similarly, the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh shall have no rights to the title of the area within the southern and northern wall of the area and its title shall rest in the second party.
  1. That in the area towards northern and western corners from the kachchi kursi whose title rests in the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh and which has been shown as A.B.C.D. in the map, the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust shall make the kachchi kursi in square shape and its title shall rest in the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust.
  2. That in the south where the rubble is piled and upon which a title suit is pending, the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust shall remove the rubble from the area by 15 October 1968 and its possession shall be transferred to the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh.
  3. Houses of Ghosis or the Muslim population beyond the northern and southern boundaries, whose titles have been acquired by the trust, shall be handed over to the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh after getting them vacated by 15 October 1968. The construction of the walls shall start only when the above area will be handed over to the Sewa Sangh. No doors, windows or any other such construction by the Trust be made in these walls towards the area held by the Sewa Sangh. No conduct of orifice shall be constructed by the Trust towards the area belonging to the Janmashtan. Similarly, no such thing shall be done by the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh.
  4. The conduct in the western wall of the Idgah towards Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh shall be diverted towards the kachchi kursi of the Idgah by filling pipe and therefrom cemented drain be constructed upto the eastern outlets of the mosque by the Shri Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh at its own expenses. The help of the representative of the Trust shall be taken while laying the pipes in the walls of the Idgah. Advice of the representative of the Trust shall be binding in this regard.
  5. After acquiring the area belonging to the Railways by the Sewa Sangh, the area in front of the Idgah coming within the northern and the southern boundaries will be handed over to the Trust and it shall be a property of the second party.
  6. The area in front of the kachchi kursi shown in the map as E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L, and towards the north-west corner as A,B,C, and D, which have been given up by the Sewa Sangh in favour of the Trust shall be shown with marked lines on the map.
  7. After the completion of all conditions of the agreement, both parties shall endorse 'Razinama' [deed of mutual settlement), against the cases under trial.
  8. If any party fails to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement, the other party shall have right to get it implemented through court or any other means. The other party shall then have no right of objection to it.
The agreement was signed on 12 October 1968 by Deo Dhar Shastri on behalf of the Shri Krishna Janmasthan and Muhammad Shah Meer Malik and Abdul Ghaffar on behalf of the Shahi Masjid Idgah Trust. The U.P. Sunni Waqf Board had consented to the agreement vide letter No. 2876/43, CIR, dated 9 August 1968. The Board had authorised Muhammad Shah Meer Malik and Abdul Ghaffar to enter into this agreement. Likewise, the Sewa Sangh had in its meeting held on 25 August 1968, had authorised Deo Dhar Shastri to sign on its behalf.
The Shri Krishna Janmasthan has been a historical place for the Hindus. According to the Hindu mythology stories, Deomaala, Bijrani, the great grandson of Shri Krishna, was the first to build a temple here. Afterwards, a magnificent temple is said to have been built here during the reign of Raja Vikramaditya in 400CE. Then Mathura was a centre of Hindu civilization and culture. Allegedly it was plundered by Mahmud Ghaznawi in 1017 CE and later demolished, Mahmud Ghaznawi's Mir Munshi (secretary) Aal-e Utnawi described it in his Tarikh-e Yamni.
According to Aal-e Utnawi, there was a grand beautiful temple in the heart of the town. People used to believe it to have been built by devtas instead of human beings. It was rebuilt during the reign of Maharaja Dev Pal in 1150. It is alleged to have been demolished again during the reign of Sikander Lodhi in the early 16th century.
After about 125 years, Raja Veer Singh of Orchcha rebuilt a temple during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Jehangir. It is said, its reconstruction had cost then Rs 3.5 million. The remains of this temple are said to still exist. Then it was known as the Jai Dev Mandir. The French traveller Latorenier and the Italian traveller Manucci have described it in their travelogues written in 1650.
It is alleged that in 1669 this temple was demolished during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and an Idgah was built at the very site. The East India Company took it over in 1830 and sold the land around it to Raja Patan Mal of Benares for Rs 1410.
Thereafter, the dispute over the ownership of the land around it continued for a long period. Moved by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya’s plea, Jugal Kishore Birla purchased it. He set up a trust , Krishna Janmasthan Sewa Sangh on 21 February 1951 and handed over the charge of the land to it.
Ganesh Basu Deo Mavlankai, a former speaker of Parliament [Lok Sabha], was its first president. He was succeeded by M Anant Shyanam Ayangar, former governor of Bihar, also a former Speaker of Lok Sabha. The Dalmia family contributed a lot to its construction and is still controlling it.
When the construction of a magnificent temple at some distance from the disputed place began and the case pending in the court came in the way, both the communities signed the agreement. To provide legal protection to the agreement, it was not only verified in court but registered also with the appropriate authorities.
It is now clear that the VHP is putting peace, law and order of the entire nation to danger by raking up a dead issue even after the historic agreement.
It is now high time for the Muslims as well as other thinking historians and scholars that they break their impasse and let people in very language be kept informed of the real and correct historical position of all the monuments which are being said to be 'disputed' ones (R).
Muslim & Arab Perspectives
2:4-7 (1995) pp. 115-119
After Ayodhya verdict, civil suit filed in Mathura court over Krishna Janmabhoomi; seeks removal of Idgah

Times Now Digital
Updated Sep 26, 2020 | 13:56 IST

The suit seeks removal of 'encroachment' and illegal 'superstructure' raised by mosque Committee with the consent of Sunni Central Waqf Board.

Breaking News

Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura | Photo Credit: ANI
  • A civil suit filed in Mathura court over Krishna Janmabhoomi, seeks removal of Idgah Masjid adjacent to temple
  • The suit, filed by two advocates, seeks to "reclaim" the entire 13.37 acres of Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura
  • If required a movement will be started to remove Eidgah encroachment and reclaim the Krishna Janmabhoomi, says BJP leader
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh: Barely a year after the historic verdict for Ayodhya's Ram Mandir was delivered by the Supreme Court of India, a fresh suit has now been filed in a Mathura civil court to “reclaim” the entire Krishna Janmabhoomi in the temple town claiming that “every inch of the land... is sacred for the devotees of Lord Shree Krishna and the Hindu community”.
Advocates Hari Shankar and Vishnu Jain have filed the suit on behalf of the plaintiff 'Bhagwan Sri Krishna Virajman' in a local Mathura court staking claim on the 13.37 acre 'Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi' land and demanding the removal of Shahi Eidgah mosque that stands adjacent to the temple.
The suit seeks removal of 'encroachment' and illegal 'superstructure' raised by mosque Committee with the consent of Sunni Central Waqf Board. However, there is no mention of Places of Religious Worship (Special Provisions) Act of 1991 which has barred courts from entertaining litigation over changing status quo of a place of religious worship post-1947.
Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad
Akhara Parishad to launch campaign to 'liberate' Kashi, Mathura

'Like Ayodhya, temples have to be built at Kashi and Mathura, too''Like Ayodhya, temples have to be built at Kashi and Mathura, too'
After Ram Mandir, mobilisation for temple-building at Kashi and Mathura to gain momentum: BJP's Vinay Katiyar

The temple trust with the approved map.
Ram Mandir Trust gets temple map approved, deposits over Rs 2 crore with Ayodhya Development Authority

"It is a matter of fact and history that Aurangzeb ruled over the country from 1658-1707 AD and he being a staunch follower of Islam had issued orders for demolition of a large number of Hindu religious places and temples including the temple standing at the birthplace of Lord Shree Krishna at Katra Keshav Dev, Mathura in the year 1669-70 AD," the suit said.
"The army of Aurangzeb partly succeeded to demolish the Keshav Dev Temple and the construction was forcibly raised showing the might of power and said construction was named as Idgah Mosque," it added.

Reactions to the development

Reacting to the development, BJP leader Vinay Katiyar has said that Mathura and Kashi need to be freed too after Ram Janmabhoomi at Ayodhya. "If required a movement will be started to remove Eidgah encroachment and reclaim the Krishna Janmabhoomi," he added.
Meanwhile, Haji Mehboob called the civil suit absurd and cited that the Supreme Cout has categorically said except the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid case, no plea will be filed and it will not be heard.

"It’s absurd as the Supreme Court has already said it in clear words that apart from the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid case, no one will be allowed to file any suit regarding any such matter be it Kashi, Mathura or in any part of the country. The government has itself said that they won't interfere," he said.
These issues are raised wherever there's an election in the country, he added.

There are those who said Muslims should give up their claim on the Babri Masjid for peace and amity. Little do these people realize that we are dealing with fascists who will never stop.
good job never stop it please nnext will be argun janam bhoomi :lol:

we hindus want our places of worship back , muslim brothers should return it as a mark of amity and peace .


kashi maszid built by aurangzeb on vishwanath mandir
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There are those who said Muslims should give up their claim on the Babri Masjid for peace and amity. Little do these people realize that we are dealing with fascists who will never stop.

so muslims gave ram mandir voluntarily for peace and amity ? thanks to those who support ram mandir .
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until RSS need some electoral victory or deviance from issue, these are saved. The die has been cast. It is a cycle. Controversy, protest, file case, demolish, then pave the way.
There are those who said Muslims should give up their claim on the Babri Masjid for peace and amity. Little do these people realize that we are dealing with fascists who will never stop.
Are you Muslim?

Sometimes I wonder why Indian Muslims have made Babri Masjid such an emotional issue. Babri Masjid never had any historical or religious significance. Before it was demolished by Hindu groups it crumbling down and out of use for years. But it was demolished, ironically became the most famous mosque in India so much so even Pakistanis feel it was very important masjid.

Same is the case with this Idga masjid in Mathura and one in Banaras. These two mosques like Babri are small or insignificant and ones among 100s of thousands mosque spread around India.

The only significance of these three mosques are that they were built at the site of high importance among the Hindus.

I for one would suggest the India Muslims to voluntarily give up these two sites in Mathura and Banaras as Ayodhaya dispute is already decided by the court.
The gesture from Indian Muslims would be a great one in paving the path of communal reconciliation in India.

Otherwise most Hindus even secular leftist ones think, Indian Muslims are so adamant over these three insignificant masjids as they feel proud of the historical fact that these masjids were built after demolition of Hindu idolater's temples by then Muslim rulers and still derive pleasure as a form of continuing humiliation of Hindu majority population at the sight of these masjids in modern India.

When the construction of a magnificent temple at some distance from the disputed place began and the case pending in the court came in the way, both the communities signed the agreement. To provide legal protection to the agreement, it was not only verified in court but registered also with the appropriate authorities.
It is now clear that the VHP is putting peace, law and order of the entire nation to danger by raking up a dead issue even after the historic agreement.
Brother, you're an asset to Indian Muslims. Keep up your good work. Watch the sanghees melt with rage as truth cleaves falsehood asunder. I am repeating the key conclusion of your excellent post. I would green tick it if I could. @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Musings @Iltutmish
Are you Muslim?

Sometimes I wonder why Indian Muslims have made Babri Masjid such an emotional issue. Babri Masjid never had any historical or religious significance. Before it was demolished by Hindu groups it crumbling down and out of use for years. But it was demolished, ironically became the most famous mosque in India so much so even Pakistanis feel it was very important masjid.

Same is the case with this Idga masjid in Mathura and one in Banaras. These two mosques like Babri are small or insignificant and ones among 100s of thousands mosque spread around India.

The only significance of these three mosques are that they were built at the site of high importance among the Hindus.

I for one would suggest the India Muslims to voluntarily give up these two sites in Mathura and Banaras as Ayodhaya dispute is already decided by the court.
The gesture from Indian Muslims would be a great one in paving the path of communal reconciliation in India.

Otherwise most Hindus even secular leftist ones think, Indian Muslims are so adamant over these three insignificant masjids as they feel proud of the historical fact that these masjids were built after demolition of Hindu idolater's temples by then Muslim rulers and still derive pleasure as a form of continuing humiliation of Hindu majority population at the sight of these masjids in modern India.

You dumb hindutva prick. From eloquence and elegance of the post of your countryman, I am forced to read your PTSD drivel.

These sites are the heritage of south Asia, however convoluted the story is, however offended you are by events of hundreds of years ago, take your pathetic hands off your own history.

Do Brits demand the replacement of Roman or Christian sites with their predecessor pagan Briton sites? Of course not! They're mature about such things.

You're truly pathetic. Don't even make me laugh by pretending you know what "secular" means. What a twat of a Hindu extremist state you have bequeathed unto the world.
Are you Muslim?

Sometimes I wonder why Indian Muslims have made Babri Masjid such an emotional issue. Babri Masjid never had any historical or religious significance. Before it was demolished by Hindu groups it crumbling down and out of use for years. But it was demolished, ironically became the most famous mosque in India so much so even Pakistanis feel it was very important masjid.

Same is the case with this Idga masjid in Mathura and one in Banaras. These two mosques like Babri are small or insignificant and ones among 100s of thousands mosque spread around India.

The only significance of these three mosques are that they were built at the site of high importance among the Hindus.

I for one would suggest the India Muslims to voluntarily give up these two sites in Mathura and Banaras as Ayodhaya dispute is already decided by the court.
The gesture from Indian Muslims would be a great one in paving the path of communal reconciliation in India.

Otherwise most Hindus even secular leftist ones think, Indian Muslims are so adamant over these three insignificant masjids as they feel proud of the historical fact that these masjids were built after demolition of Hindu idolater's temples by then Muslim rulers and still derive pleasure as a form of continuing humiliation of Hindu majority population at the sight of these masjids in modern India.


Hahaha.....Sanghi fascist wants us to always keep "giving up"

Give up the Babri Masjid for peace
Give up the Gyan Vyapi Masjid for peace
Give up the Mathura Eidgah for peace
Give up Aazaan for peace
Give up cow slaughter for peace
Give up eating beef for peace
Give up eating meat for peace
Give up growing a beard for peace
Give up wearing a hijab for peace
Give up speaking Urdu for peace

It never really ends does it.

Why don't Sanghi fascists give up being pricks for starters.
Are you Muslim?

Sometimes I wonder why Indian Muslims have made Babri Masjid such an emotional issue. Babri Masjid never had any historical or religious significance. Before it was demolished by Hindu groups it crumbling down and out of use for years. But it was demolished, ironically became the most famous mosque in India so much so even Pakistanis feel it was very important masjid.

Same is the case with this Idga masjid in Mathura and one in Banaras. These two mosques like Babri are small or insignificant and ones among 100s of thousands mosque spread around India.

The only significance of these three mosques are that they were built at the site of high importance among the Hindus.

I for one would suggest the India Muslims to voluntarily give up these two sites in Mathura and Banaras as Ayodhaya dispute is already decided by the court.
The gesture from Indian Muslims would be a great one in paving the path of communal reconciliation in India.

Otherwise most Hindus even secular leftist ones think, Indian Muslims are so adamant over these three insignificant masjids as they feel proud of the historical fact that these masjids were built after demolition of Hindu idolater's temples by then Muslim rulers and still derive pleasure as a form of continuing humiliation of Hindu majority population at the sight of these masjids in modern India.


Indian Muslims should make a stand against Hindutva extremism and understand that JINNAH was right and India is a communal shithole that will not protect their rights and they need Partition of India to create a independent Indian Muslim state
You're truly pathetic. Don't even make me laugh by pretending you know what "secular" means. What a twat of a Hindu extremist state you have bequeathed unto the world.
Its so ironical if not so hilarious to see Pakistanis dying with concern on the state of secularism in India starting with PM of Pakistan Imran Khan.

For all its flaws, the sanghi ruled India is still a constituent secular country that give equal rights to all its citizen and doesn't have a state religion. It doesn't ask to you be a Hindu sadiq and ameen become leader of the country.
India still gives practice and propagate your religion freely.

Sanghi govt maintain all privilege and perks accorded to minorities by past secular govts in running their education institution e,g state funded AMU and Jamia , ownership religious bodies including subsidized Haj pilgrimage, even free coaching of Civil services exams.

The Sanghi govt still hesitant to implement common civil law for all after ending sharia based muslim personal laws. So much for being evil sanghis.

In contrast Pakistani Hindus don't have a temple in the capital city Islamabad and the site allocated to them was vandalized.
Hahaha.....Sanghi fascist wants us to always keep "giving up"

Give up the Babri Masjid for peace
Give up the Gyan Vyapi Masjid for peace
Give up the Mathura Eidgah for peace
Give up Aazaan for peace

It never really ends does it.

Why don't Sanghi fascists give up being pricks for starters.
Don't give up and help build Sanghi fascists parties further. Hardening of stance only help the same Sanghi fascists remain in power to achieve everything you have declined above.

Sanghi fascists need Muslim hardliners more than anything else.
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