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After 73 Years of Independence, Caste-Ridden India Remains Dominated by Minority Brahmins


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

After 73 years of independence, a small upper caste Indian minority retains near monopoly of the highest ranks in both the Indian government and the private sector. A few well-educated Indian Muslims and low-caste Hindus can not escape caste-ism even when they move to work in Silicon Valley. Over two-thirds of low caste Indian-Americans report being discriminated against by upper caste Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley, according to a report by Equality Labs, an organization of Dalits in America. Dalits also report hearing derogatory comments about Muslim job applicants at tech companies. These revelations have recently surfaced in a California state lawsuit against Silicon Valley tech giant Cisco Systems.

Upper Caste Domination:

It is not just the 220 million Dalits (untouchables), or the 190 million Muslims, or the 110 million from “scheduled tribes” (Adivasis) who are under-represented, but also the 40-50% of Hindus who come from the widest tier of the pyramid, the shudras or laboring castes, known as Other Backwards Classes (OBCs), according to a report in The Economist Magazine. Here's an except from The Economist:

"Out of the 89 highest-ranked civil servants in the central government, according to a recent survey, just four are not upper-caste Hindus, and not one is an obc. Two-thirds of the Supreme Court’s 31 judges and more than half of all state governors are high-caste Hindus. When the home ministry recently formed a panel to revise the criminal code, its five experts were all men, all from north India and all from upper castes. The trend is just as stark outside of government. A study published last year of the mainstream Hindi and English press revealed that out of 121 people in senior jobs, such as editors, all but 15 were upper caste. Not a single one was a Dalit."

Indian Caste System

Caste Discrimination in Silicon Valley:

The few well-educated Indian Muslims and low-caste Hindus can not escape the upper caste domination even in Silicon Valley. Over two-thirds of low caste Indian-Americans are discriminated against by upper caste Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley, according to a report by Equality Labs, an organization of Dalits in America. Dalits also report hearing derogatory comments about Muslim job applicants at tech companies. These revelations have recently surfaced in a California state lawsuit against Silicon Valley tech giant Cisco Systems.

Religious Discrimination:

Both caste and religious discrimination are rampant among Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley. Back in 2009, there was a religious discrimination lawsuit filed against Vigai, a South Indian restaurant in Silicon Valley. In the lawsuit filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court, Abdul Rahuman, 44, and Nowsath Malik Shaw, 39, both of San Jose, alleged they were harassed for being Muslim by Vaigai's two owners, a manager and a top chef — a violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News.

According to the complaint, restaurant personnel regularly used ethnic slurs such as "Thulakkan," a pejorative term for Muslims in Sri Lankan Tamil dialect, to harass the two Muslim cooks. Also according to the complaint, restaurant staff were encouraged to call the plaintiffs by names such as "Rajan" or "Nagraj" under the pretext of not wanting to upset customers who might stop patronizing the restaurant if they heard the men referred to by their Muslim names.

Modi in Silicon Valley

The complaint also stated that the plaintiffs were forced to participate in a religious ceremony despite telling the owners it was against their Islamic beliefs. The complaint alleged that the restaurant owners insisted on their participation and proceeded to smear a powder on their foreheads, making the religious marking known as a "tilak."

Upper Caste Silicon Valley

"Dominant castes who pride themselves as being only of merit have just converted their caste capital into positions of power throughout the Silicon Valley," says Thenmozhi Soundarajan of Equality Labs. Vast majority of Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley support India's Islamophobic Prime MInister Narendra Modi. Modi held a huge rally at a large venue in Silicon Valley where he received a rousing welcome in 2015.

Caste vs Race in America:

Contrary to The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) that includes discrimination based on caste, most Indian-Americans argue that race is not caste . Dating back to 1969, the ICERD convention has been ratified by 173 countries, including India. California’s lawsuit reinforces that caste is race. It will now make it harder for companies to ignore caste discrimination. While the US has no specific law against the Indian caste system, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has filed the lawsuit against Cisco using a section of America’s historic Civil Rights Act which bars race-based discrimination. Here is an excerpt of an article published in TheWire.in on the lawsuit recently:

"In October 2016, two colleagues informed John Doe, a principal engineer at Cisco, that his supervisor, Sundar Iyer, had told them that he (Doe) was from the “Scheduled Castes” and had made it to the Indian Institute of Technology via affirmative action. “Iyer was aware of Doe’s caste because they attended IIT at the same time,” said the case. The suit says that, when confronted by Doe, Iyer denied having disclosed his caste. In November 2016, Doe contacted Cisco’s HR over the matter. Within a week of doing so, Iyer reportedly informed Doe he was taking away Doe’s role as lead on two technologies. Iyer also removed team members from a third technology that Doe was working on and reduced his role to that of an independent contributor and he was isolated from his colleagues, the lawsuit says. In December 2016, Doe filed a written complaint with HR on the matter."


Indian society is caste-ridden. A small upper caste Indian minority retains near monopoly of the highest ranks in both the Indian government and the private sector. after 73 years of India's independence. Caste discrimination is also rampant among Indian-Americans and NRIs (Non-resident Indians) in Silicon Valley with 67% of low caste Indians reporting being victims of such discrimination in workplace. Muslims also face employment discrimination in some of the workplaces dominated by Indian managers. California state has filed a lawsuit against Silicon Valley tech giant Cisco Systems alleging caste discrimination.

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Casteism is rampant among Hindus all over the world. As someone of a mixed background (Hindu/Muslim), I haven't been accepted into the Hindus caste fold. My father's side of the family keep their distance from me. Although I'm technically Hindu on paper, I am not allowed in many Hindu rituals.

That is why I haven't been to a Hindu temple in like two decades as I feel the racism closely.
Any Pakistani with common sense would agree that their focus should be on why&how&where they have reached as a nation as well as as the "flagbearer of ummat" (being the only one with aitami quwat). But as they say, common sense is not so common.


India is indeed highly caste ridden & controlled by Brahmins to such an extent that a backward caste is the PM today. I request all Indians to agree.
My solution to end caste system in India is by mixing (breeding) Brahmin and higher caste women with dark shudra men and dalit men. Brahmin and other high caste men must also breed with the lower castes.

My solution would be to legitamize and portray it as a good thing, indeed to
encourage it as an act of Dharma so there won't be any castes left. There
should be financial incentives given to these couples who would be matched up
by the government. The most important task of this is to produce half Shudra
half Brahmin offspring which will eventually help get rid of the caste divide. So
the unjustified outrage that their parents will have must be overcome with
financial incentives too until all of the Hindu population of India is once
again homogenous. It should be glamourised for Brahmin females to marry and
produce offspring with the lowest castes (Shudras and Dalits) and the resultant
offspring should have government reservations for education, work etc. All
Hindus who do not let the lower castes into the temple must be arrested, fined
then put into jail for a minimum of 5 years and lower castes must have places
reserved for them in the temples to become priests.

TV and Bollywood programs should be made wherein the Brahmin females marry and go out
with dark Shudras and Dalits in order to glamourise this and therefore
encourage it and the babies must be treated like stars. This affirmative action
WILL get rid of casteism. After all, does not Hinduism ALLOW the mixing of
female Brahmanis and dark Shudra or Dalit men? They are both Hindus, right?
Positive reactions welcome, negative reactions show that you have objections
and are therefore casteist.
My solution to end caste system in India is by mixing (breeding) Brahmin and higher caste women with dark shudra men and dalit men. Brahmin and other high caste men must also breed with the lower castes.

My solution would be to legitamize and portray it as a good thing, indeed to
encourage it as an act of Dharma so there won't be any castes left. There
should be financial incentives given to these couples who would be matched up
by the government. The most important task of this is to produce half Shudra
half Brahmin offspring which will eventually help get rid of the caste divide. So
the unjustified outrage that their parents will have must be overcome with
financial incentives too until all of the Hindu population of India is once
again homogenous. It should be glamourised for Brahmin females to marry and
produce offspring with the lowest castes (Shudras and Dalits) and the resultant
offspring should have government reservations for education, work etc. All
Hindus who do not let the lower castes into the temple must be arrested, fined
then put into jail for a minimum of 5 years and lower castes must have places
reserved for them in the temples to become priests.

TV and Bollywood programs should be made wherein the Brahmin females marry and go out
with dark Shudras and Dalits in order to glamourise this and therefore
encourage it and the babies must be treated like stars. This affirmative action
WILL get rid of casteism. After all, does not Hinduism ALLOW the mixing of
female Brahmanis and dark Shudra or Dalit men? They are both Hindus, right?
Positive reactions welcome, negative reactions show that you have objections
and are therefore casteist.

Interesting. What about the fair dalits and the dark Brahmins. Should they not reproduce.
(breeding) Brahmin and higher caste women with dark shudra men and dalit men. Brahmin and other high caste men must also breed with the lower castes.

LoL!!! This is not possible, Brahmins will kill the lower caste Dalit women for doing so.

And why this apartheid in India is not highlighted enough...
I think Muslims in general & Pakistani Muslims in particular know a lot more about the "caste system" than Hindus in general and Indian Hindus in particular.

Is it any wonder that no one is dousing the fire in the backyard? No at all. Really funny.

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