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Afraid Of Islamists, Mamata Government Forces Cancellation Of Tarek Fatah’s Talk On Balochistan


Sep 20, 2014
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The state poses as the last bastion of freedom of speech, liberals and seculars. Some elite students in some prestigious colleges of the state hold marches demanding ‘azaadi’ for Kashmir. Its Chief Minister is so dependent on vote banks that she ignores atrocities committed on Hindus by radical Islamists.

It comes as no surprise that Mamata Banerjee’s government forced the Calcutta Club to cancel a scheduled talk by author and political commentator Tarek Fatah who is well-known for his views against radical Islam and Pakistan.

Yes, that is the new face of the West Bengal government! In order not to offend the “sensibilities” of the Muslims in her state, Mamata Banerjee actually gave another weapon in the hands of fundamentalists who are hell bent upon not only destroying the peace in Bengal but also support Pakistan.

The event was scheduled to take place on January 7. It was to be attended by some of the biggest names in foreign policy, Balochistan affairs and Kashmir issues.
Besides Dr. Fatah, those who were to speak at the event were Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain, Maj Gen G.D. Bakshi, former Nagaland governor Syamal Datta, Kashmir activist Sushil Pandit, former state minister Arif Mohammad Khan and IRS Abhijit Bhattacharya.

Bharhamdagh Bugti, founder of the Baloch Republican Party, was to address the event via video conferencing.

Announcing that the talk had been cancelled, Fatah posted two posters of the event. He pointed out that the state government had forced Calcutta Club to remove the mention of Kashmir from the first poster.

While Mamata Banerjee’s ministers are getting caught in chit fund scams her party’s members and supporters are attacking homes of BJP MPs in retaliation.

Homes and shops of Hindus in Dhulagarh in Howrah district were burned and ransacked by Islamist radicals for three days. While the local media paid attention to it only after a week, Mamata continues to brazenly claim that there was no violence despite videos and photos showing otherwise.

And now, by cancelling a talk on Balochistan and Kashmir the state government has now openly declared that it will bow down before pro-Pakistan voices in the state. And if the government claims that the talk was cancelled due to “security issues”, it indicates that Islamic fundamentalists have gone beyond control in Mamata’s Bengal. Or, perhaps, they already have.

Modi Media is working hard to gain foothold in Southern Provinces to make Akhand Bharat again..
Best not to waste a f**k on a second grade degenerate like him. Let him say what ever he wants.
He thinks he will achieve wonders by barking against his own country.
There is no greater shame than being an outcast.
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