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Afghans hate of Pakistan - The real reason

Why don't you "Google" that phrase I gave you. I am teaching you an advanced course you will never forget.

there is more to that.. you need to look at the patterns for start, the narrative that is being projected etc

they way he ignored about Surah Kafh , no muslim would ever say islam can be imposed. because it cannot...he is not even a muslim.

Lol I do know me some Devanagari. Here goes some, just to piss off this Prado dude. मं पाकसतानी हूं

i am guessing you are saying about your self "my pee wee is small".. but it has a big heart?

I'm not conversing with you anymore.

i am disappointed in you.

You should stand in firm for your brothers in arms... (PS i didnt mean it in gay sense, i am sure you are straight.)
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Lol I do know me some Devanagari. Here goes some, just to piss off this Prado dude. मं पाकसतानी हूं

Btw @Shantanu_Left this is all self taught. Very easy because the words are the same, just the scripts are different. I'm pondering over learning the Gurmukhi script (that too is easy cause I can understand some Punjabi) and maybe then moving to the Bengali language.
Btw @Shantanu_Left this is all self taught. Very easy because the words are the same, just the scripts are different. I'm pondering over learning the Gurmukhi script (that too is easy cause I can understand some Punjabi) and maybe then moving to the Bengali language.

I can read Devanagari. Your spelling of the words is incorrect.

The correct spelling would be: "मैं पाकिस्तानी हूँ "

Obvious proof that you have a LONG way to go before you can pose as an Indian online. :undecided:

i am guessing you are saying about your self "my pee wee is small".. but it has a big heart?

This is what it's come down to...small pee wee, seriously? :hitwall:

I think the mod's should take over from here. I'm officially out of this thread now.
I can read Devanagari. Your spelling of the words is incorrect.

The correct spelling would be: "मैं पाकिस्तानी हूँ "

Obvious proof that you have a LONG way to go before you can pose as an Indian online. :undecided:

This is what it's come down to...small pee wee, seriously? :hitwall:

I think the mod's should take over from here. I'm officially out of this thread now.
I can read Devanagari. Your spelling of the words is incorrect.

The correct spelling would be: "मैं पाकिस्तानी हूँ "

Obvious proof that you have a LONG way to go before you can pose as an Indian online. :undecided:

This is what it's come down to...small pee wee, seriously? :hitwall:

I think the mod's should take over from here. I'm officially out of this thread now.

I am impressed at the scientific way you arrived at your conclusion! I think you work for DRDO.

If it was true why would East Pakistani Muslims break away ?

Because un Islamic concepts were applied to them. Ie injustice

you should know you people have been applying this for a long time ... such as in Algeria where an Islamic party won the election but the western back military denied them their rights or in Egypt or like what we in Kashmir.

This list is long and distinguished.
Hope one day whole PASHTOON land is united and so they end this stupid Afghan taliban &Pakistan taliban terrorism.
Wet dreams are indeed interesting...

He said what the other two Indians did not. Atleast he is open with his thoughts. If dreams were currency, every Indian would be a millionaire.

As for me, all soil of this sacred land is mine, all people of this land are my blood. Pukhtoon, Baloch, Kashmiri, Gilgiti, Balti, Pahari, Hindko, Punjabi, Seraiki, Brahui, Makrani, Sindhi, Urdu speakers.

If Afghans want to join us, I saw welcome new siblings. Come, Pakistan is for all true lovers, we will pour drink, and we will reach the Divine.
If Afghans want to join us, I saw welcome new siblings. Come, Pakistan is for all true lovers, we will pour drink, and we will reach the Divine.

And that is the whole problem with..

they are not civilised.. not even to them selves. so how can you expect others to feel any empathy.
You can't compare the widespread hate most afghans have against pakistan and in particular punjabis to some people in pakistan not wanting their kids to marry a different clan. Seriously your country men have assassinated our first prime minister and murdered over 70.000 civillians including a entire school of children countless soldiers and police officers and still counting in cold blood.
That's the sort of hate they have in their hearts for us no pakistan has assasinated the first prime minister of Afghanistan or refused to recognise it as a nation we never took refuge in the millions for decade's in Afghanistan and killed 70.000plus of your people.
As I have repeatedly said we hindikowan speaking punjabis are the natives of this land have lived here for thousands of years. Afghans are not native and therefore have no legitimate claim to our land. So this crying about being hard done by the British holds no water.
As far as preserving your culture you have every right and that's why I asked several times to the other Afghan poster why don't afghans who want to live amongst themselves simply move to Afghanistan where they are already the majority instead of claiming a small province where you have no historical legitimate claim to . I got no answer, the truth of the matter is which I have stated numerous times now whether you like to admit it or not you believe in your race being superior to kalya punjabis therefore you think you should be ruling over us.
Even in this very thread there are afghan/pathans going on about how punjabis are not 60%, how we make up only half of punjabis population and how we even aren't a ethnicity. This just further proves my point you lot have deeply ingrained and widespread racist views on non afghans especially us punjabis you wish that you were the majority in pakistan.
I suggest you lot move to Afghanistan were you already are the majority and leave my people and pakistan in peace. And if you are genuinely committed to living as a peaceful neighbour I suggest you confront these racist views that underpin the pashtunistan and ptm movement.

Are you being serious right now?
When did Afghans massacre 70000 of your countey men? Where is your proof?
How did the mastermind of APS school massacre in Peshawar get away from the custoday of Pakistani authorities and now chilling in Turkey?
Using mujahideen whether in Kashmir or other places is a favourite tactic of the Pakistani establishment. Now id you play with fire, you are bound to get burnt. Even Imran Khan said the birth of groups like TTP is due to the actions of your state's decisions. Why are you bringing Afghans into this?

Your country faciliated the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in so called war on terrorism. You gave bases to NATO and provided supply lines for 20 years and still on going to keep this war happening. Now imagine if we did the same....

What's your proof that Pashtuns are not native to KPK? Strabo the greek historian and geographer mentions that the boundry between Ariana and India is the Indus river more than 2000 years ago. Ariana refers to the homeland of Iranic people and Pashtuns are one of them.
What's your proof that Hindkowans are native to the whole of KPK and that it belongs to them?
There has never been a documented case of Hindkowan massacre at the hands of Pashtuns. Even if Pashtuns did replace Hindkowans as majority in Peshawar it happened naturally.
Nobody is moving anywhere.

As I mentioned previously, using the racism card to discredit any movement is a common tactic. You'll have to do better than that.
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Are you being serious right now?
When did Afghans massacre 70000 of your countey men? Where is your proof?
How did the mastermind of APS school massacre in Peshawar get away from the custoday of Pakistani authorities and now chilling in Turkey?
Using mujahideen whether in Kashmir or other places is a favourite tactic of the Pakistani establishment. Now id you play with fire, you are bound to get burnt. Even Imran Khan said the birth of groups like TTP is due to the actions of your state's decisions. Why are you bringing Afghans into this?

Your country faciliated the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in so called war on terrorism. You gave bases to NATO and provided supply lines for 20 years and still on going to keep this war happening. Now imagine if we did the same....

What's your proof that Pashtuns are not native to KPK? Hirodotus mentions that the boundry between Ariana and India is the Indus river more than 2000 years ago. Ariana refers to the homeland of Iranic people and Pashtuns are one of them.
What's your proof that Hindkowans are native to the whole of KPK and that it belongs to them?
There has never been a documented case of Hindkowan massacre at the hands of Pashtuns. Even if Pashtuns did replace Hindkowans as majority in Peshawar it happened naturally.
Nobody is moving anywhere.

As I mentioned previously, using the racism card to discredit any movement is a common tactic. You'll have to do better than that.

However we refute your points, you will not get it. Just a simple statement, we Pakistanis want nothing to do with you Afghans. Fool me once, your fault. Fool me twice, my fault. We've suffered enough at the hands of Afghan refugees. The Taliban fanbois are in a frenzy to join the two countries, but we moderate Pakistanis don't want anything to do with you. We'd much rather relink with Bangladesh than you. Call me racist or call me bigoted, we can't deal with your tribal warlord culture. Not even for a moment.
However we refute your points, you will not get it. Just a simple statement, we Pakistanis want nothing to do with you Afghans. Fool me once, your fault. Fool me twice, my fault. We've suffered enough at the hands of Afghan refugees. The Taliban fanbois are in a frenzy to join the two countries, but we moderate Pakistanis don't want anything to do with you. We'd much rather relink with Bangladesh than you. Call me racist or call me bigoted, we can't deal with your tribal warlord culture. Not even for a moment.

Fine by me.
You have no clue about tribal culture so better stick to what you are good at if anything.
Fine by me.
You have no clue about tribal culture so better stick to what you are good at if anything.

Yes. Please tell your countrymen to stop flocking to Karachi, Rawalpindi and Peshawar by the droves. Clearly we are good at something which Kabul and Kandahar aren't, hence why Afghanis feel the need to pole vault here into our country and choke our resources.
Fine by me.
You have no clue about tribal culture so better stick to what you are good at if anything.

This is just extensions of political racism.

MQM vs ANP battle is still going on in the minds of some people in Karachi.

Pakistan has moved far beyond this.

Are you being serious right now?
When did Afghans massacre 70000 of your countey men? Where is your proof?
How did the mastermind of APS school massacre in Peshawar get away from the custoday of Pakistani authorities and now chilling in Turkey?
Using mujahideen whether in Kashmir or other places is a favourite tactic of the Pakistani establishment. Now id you play with fire, you are bound to get burnt. Even Imran Khan said the birth of groups like TTP is due to the actions of your state's decisions. Why are you bringing Afghans into this?

Your country faciliated the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in so called war on terrorism. You gave bases to NATO and provided supply lines for 20 years and still on going to keep this war happening. Now imagine if we did the same....

What's your proof that Pashtuns are not native to KPK? Strabo the greek historian and geographer mentions that the boundry between Ariana and India is the Indus river more than 2000 years ago. Ariana refers to the homeland of Iranic people and Pashtuns are one of them.
What's your proof that Hindkowans are native to the whole of KPK and that it belongs to them?
There has never been a documented case of Hindkowan massacre at the hands of Pashtuns. Even if Pashtuns did replace Hindkowans as majority in Peshawar it happened naturally.
Nobody is moving anywhere.

As I mentioned previously, using the racism card to discredit any movement is a common tactic. You'll have to do better than that.

This is just propaganda also brother. I have heard some N leaguers promote it, so that is why I am not too surprised to hear this.

Musharraf's actions and Indian support were instrumental for TTP, they couldn't live without them.

The Taliban fanbois are in a frenzy to join the two countries, but we moderate Pakistanis don't want anything to do with you

Your whole country is pro-Taliban, but you are stuck in your mind. It has nothing to do with internal religiosity or not. It is simply common sense. They are a politicial reality, they aren't going to dissappear.

Seems like you want more terrorism against Pakistan and some other foreign power to camp in Kabul.

Taliban can secure Pakistan interests in Afghanistan, why not support them. They have prevented Daesh from entering Afghanistan, destroyed TTP, and mopped up Iranian/Indian agents.
This is just extensions of political racism.

MQM vs ANP battle is still going on in the minds of such people in Karachi.

Pakistan has moved far beyond this.

Suck up to the Afghans some more over your own countrymen. Is ladyuk from MQM? She's Punjabi. I am an Urdu speaker. You ummah chummah guys will sell your own countrymen for your Muslim "brothers". Minorities are leaving Pakistan at a growing rate. You don't give two shits about them but Afghaniyon ki kitni parwah ho rahi hai bhai ko? I'm not even an MQM speaker but you felt the need to make a connection just by me being an Urdu speaker. Who's the real racist?
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