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Afghan warlord(Dostum) returns to fight for besieged home


Mar 23, 2019
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Infamous warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum has returned to Afghanistan as the Taliban inch closer to taking control of his longtime stronghold in the north and fight for control of a string of cities elsewhere.

Ehsan Nero, a spokesman for the former army paratrooper, told AFP that Dostum arrived in Kabul on Wednesday night and was meeting senior officials to talk about security in Sheberghan, capital of Jawzjan province.

The former vice president has been in Turkey for months, where he was believed to be receiving medical treatment.

"He is waiting to meet President Ashraf Ghani," Nero said Thursday.

Dostum has overseen one of the largest militias in the north, which garnered a fearsome reputation in its fight against the Taliban in the 1990s -- along with accusations that his forces massacred thousands of insurgent prisoners of war.

A rout or retreat of his fighters would dent the Kabul government's recent hopes that militia groups could help bolster the country's overstretched military.

Fighting in Afghanistan's long-running conflict began to intensify in May, when US and other foreign forces began the final stage of a withdrawal due to be completed later this month.

The Taliban already control large portions of the countryside and are now challenging Afghan government forces in several large cities.

The European Union on Thursday condemned the Taliban's latest deadly attacks in Afghanistan and demanded "an urgent, comprehensive and permanent ceasefire".

In a statement, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and EU commissioner for aid and crisis management Janez Lenarcic accused the Taliban of breaking their promise to seek a negotiated peace.

"This senseless violence is inflicting immense suffering upon Afghan citizens and is increasing the number of internally displaced persons in search of safety and shelter," they said.

The Afghan and US militaries have stepped up air strikes against the insurgents, and the Taliban warned Wednesday that they would target senior government officials in retaliation.

The Taliban threat came after the Afghan military continued a counterattack in the southern city of Lashkar Gah, where insurgents have infiltrated several parts in numbers.

The army told the city's 200,000 people to evacuate on Tuesday.

The insurgents have taken control of vast swaths of the countryside and key border towns, taking advantage of the security vacuum left by the withdrawal of US forces.

They are now targeting cities, with fierce fighting for a week around Herat, near the western border with Iran, as well as Lashkar Gah and Kandahar in the south.

As the Taliban make battlefield gains, months of on-and-off talks between the insurgents and the Afghan government in the Qatari capital of Doha have achieved little and appear to have lost momentum.

This guy is known for being anti Pakistan. Guess Turkey has backstabbed Pakistan.
Turkey does what is good first for itself, then NATO and its allies. That is the harsh reality many Ertugul obsessed people don't understand.

Besides this guy can be taken out by ISI if needed.

Erdogan has given a clear message to Pakistan as what NATO or US did , either ur with us or without us , no wonder they blocked the T129 deal . Turkey is not the Turkey as we think , Turkey is just another western puppet. I dont think ISI has enough long hands to reach dostum but its going to be a challenge hitting dostum.
it’s all about money. Highest bidder win the loyalty Afghans. Many of the local group joined Taliban after news of US abandonment of Bagram. They knew Ghani time is running out. Taliban Sudden take over was getting embarrassing for Biden govt and media was asking questions. To fix this, Biden via CIA/Ghani pumped in massive amounts of money to buy back the loyalties of local warlords.
Erdogan has given a clear message to Pakistan as what NATO or US did , either ur with us or without us , no wonder they blocked the T129 deal . Turkey is not the Turkey as we think , Turkey is just another western puppet. I dont think ISI has enough long hands to reach dostum but its going to be a challenge hitting dostum.
Turkey isn’t Erdo’an alone! The current government is an amalgam of conservatives and nationalists. The nationalists are pro-Turkic. Dostum has deep friends amongst the nationalists….

Turkey isn’t going into any combat roles in Afganistan. So, the path is wide open for Pak to do whatever she likes in Afganistan…..

By the by, Pak also wants a balance inside Afganistan as per the official communique…

According to President Zia-ul Hak, Afganistan needs to be kept on the slow burner! His top Afganistan policy architect, General Abdul Rehman, was a Pashtun himself….
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Dostum has changed sides more than any warlord in Afghan history. I wont be surprised if turns out to be the Tywin Lannister for Kabul.
Only Whisky? Drugs, Men, boys, donkeys, bitches (female dogs), and so on. The list is pretty long, but you get the idea.
So basically everything except for marriage with a female?.... :coffee:
We will do, What we have to, When we want to.

In the mean time you just back stabbed us even further. Sultan Erdogan's true face has been unveiled for all to see.
NATO launches military training for Afghan special forces in Turkey
I wouldn't get too mad with him

His foreign policy is a mess with everyone sooner or later we were bound to get our share too

Singing kumba yah with Russia, then beef
Uighgar with China
Beef with West, (S-400)

Why should we be spared?,

Republic of Turkey deserves better for the good of the republic
So basically everything except for marriage with a female?.... :coffee:

I wouldn't get too mad with him

His foreign policy is a mess with everyone sooner or later we were bound to get our share too

Singing kumba yah with Russia, then beef
Uighgar with China
Beef with West, (S-400)

Why should we be spared?,

Republic of Turkey deserves better for the good of the republic

Some people's eyes should have opened, when the Sultan built this, but......

Erdogan presidential palace - in 60 seconds

A controversial new 1,000-room palace built for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will cost about £385m ($615m) - nearly twice the previous estimate, Turkish officials say.

Known as Ak Saray (White Palace), it was built on a forested hilltop on the edge of the capital Ankara, on more than 150,000 sq m (1.6m sq ft) of land.

BBC News takes a quick look inside.
This guy is one of the worst examples of the Afghan warlords and partly the reason the Afghan govt could not win the hearts and minds of many Afghans as they gave a free hand to the warlords and the corruption mafia's.

Shameful also is the conduct of ISAF in supporting this guy and his like.
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