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Afghan Taliban commander expresses disassociation with TTP

If the Afghan Taliban does not target civilians, then why have more civilians been killed in suicide attacks in Afghanistan than NATO forces?

They might disassociate themselves from each other, but for any sane rational individual, there is no difference between the two.
what about the video confess of aeman zahri and osama of Al qaeda about 911 attack and "do more "threat???

Don't be fool by covering the faces of terrorist.

Just after the attack, OBL denied the responsibility of attacks on WTC, Taliban during power asked Americans to show them proof, if he did it; they would themselves prosecute OBL.

But They just bombed Afghans, secured resources/base, bought puppet regime into power and produced fake tapes.
Back in 2004/5, I saw a video released by CNN perhaps. A shepherd shepherding a flock of sheep on some mountain. That shepherd was authentically claimed to be OBL :rofl::rofl:
The leadership of the afghan taliban and associates like Haqqani and Hekmatyar depend upon the goodwill of the Pakistani people to continue their operations. In this regard it makes great sense for them to do their utmost to disassociate themselves from the TTP.

Omar is on record as having tried to mediate an agreement between Baitullah Mehsud and Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur to direct their activities away from Pakistan and, instead, towards Afghanistan.

The challenge posed here to the Pakistani people is whether it will be acceptable to see muslim Afghans killed by these men any more than it's acceptable to witness such inflicted upon innocent Pakistanis.

This is clear for three reasons- 1.) UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan) and HRW (Human Rights Watch) are both on record as indicating that the afghan taliban have killed afghans at a ratio of about 6:4 compared to ISAF forces. That disparity is creeping higher each year and, 2.) unlike ISAF, the afghan taliban have in numerous incidents INTENTIONALLY targeted afghan civilians to promote terror and fear among them and corrode the mission of ISAF and, 3.) the afghan taliban have repeatedly used afghan civilians as human shields when faced with imminent destruction by ISAF forces.

The question for Pakistani citizens if they accept these facts is whether the intentional, targeted killing of afghan civilians is any more acceptable than that of Pakistanis. This is important as it appears that numerous afghan leaders have made use of Pakistani lands to elude combat or capture at the hands of ISAF.

Needless to say, Omar and others are adamant about maintaining good rapport with Pakistani authorities and citizens that they might continue to enjoy such sanctuary while continuing their insurgency against Afghanistan.

This would certainly explain the desire by the afghan taliban to separate themselves from ongoing operations against the TTP inside South Waziristan.
The leadership of the afghan taliban and associates like Haqqani and Hekmatyar depend upon the goodwill of the Pakistani people to continue their operations. In this regard it makes great sense for them to do their utmost to disassociate themselves from the TTP.

Omar is on record as having tried to mediate an agreement between Baitullah Mehsud and Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur to direct their activities away from Pakistan and, instead, towards Afghanistan.

The challenge posed here to the Pakistani people is whether it will be acceptable to see muslim Afghans killed by these men any more than it's acceptable to witness such inflicted upon innocent Pakistanis.

This is clear for three reasons- 1.) UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan) and HRW (Human Rights Watch) are both on record as indicating that the afghan taliban have killed afghans at a ratio of about 6:4 compared to ISAF forces. That disparity is creeping higher each year and, 2.) unlike ISAF, the afghan taliban have in numerous incidents INTENTIONALLY targeted afghan civilians to promote terror and fear among them and corrode the mission of ISAF and, 3.) the afghan taliban have repeatedly used afghan civilians as human shields when faced with imminent destruction by ISAF forces.

The question for Pakistani citizens if they accept these facts is whether the intentional, targeted killing of afghan civilians is any more acceptable than that of Pakistanis. This is important as it appears that numerous afghan leaders have made use of Pakistani lands to elude combat or capture at the hands of ISAF.

Needless to say, Omar and others are adamant about maintaining good rapport with Pakistani authorities and citizens that they might continue to enjoy such sanctuary while continuing their insurgency against Afghanistan.

This would certainly explain the desire by the afghan taliban to separate themselves from ongoing operations against the TTP inside South Waziristan.

GOP/ PA dont need their help but Talaban always, Afghans are good traders , they know their whole trade depend on friendship with Pakistan , why should they make Pakistan their enemy.:D
IT seems that love for Taliban is not lost. i have a question for Taliban sympathizers: Do you like your Afghan Muslim brothers and sisters to be ruled by Taliban?
IF yes, then you should like TTP too. because a good muslim shall like for his brothers what he likes for himself.
Islamists & most Pakistanis have a little regard for truth. They still believe 911 was a inside job and TTP is supported by CIA, RAW & Mosaad, though Osama has taken responsibility for 911 on his video & TTP has said they do accept aid from infidels.
Islamists & most Pakistanis have a little regard for truth. They still believe 911 was a inside job and TTP is supported by CIA, RAW & Mosaad, though Osama has taken responsibility for 911 on his video & TTP has said they do not accept aid from infidels.
IT seems that love for Taliban is not lost. i have a question for Taliban sympathizers: Do you like your Afghan Muslim brothers and sisters to be ruled by Taliban?
IF yes, then you should like TTP too. because a good muslim shall like for his brothers what he likes for himself.

Non sense

Campare apple with apple

TTP is terrorist organisation but Afghan talaban are mujahdeen they had also changed their name to Mujahdeen.Please dont call them talaban:D
Non sense

Campare apple with apple

TTP is terrorist organisation but Afghan talaban are mujahdeen they had also changed their name to Mujahdeen.Please dont call them talaban:D

pl be civil here. dont vent your hatred or anger or whatever your problem is here. this is a serious discussion forum and if you want to say something pl argue it.
now coming yo your post, thats what i did i compared an apple with an apple. oh its coming out Taliban's spokesman mouth that Taliban are mujahideen now. i didnt know it.
Ok if you see a difference in 'Mujahideen' and TTP then tell me shall we accept 'Mujahideen' and their ideology and form of government in Pakistan too. Why should Pakistan be denied of such privilege.
pl be civil here. dont vent your hatred or anger or whatever your problem is here. this is a serious discussion forum and if you want to say something pl argue it.
now coming yo your post, thats what i did i compared an apple with an apple. oh its coming out Taliban's spokesman mouth that Taliban are mujahideen now. i didnt know it.
Ok if you see a difference in 'Mujahideen' and TTP then tell me shall we accept 'Mujahideen' and their ideology and form of government in Pakistan too. Why should Pakistan be denied of such privilege.

No offence , just mention that your post make no sense,but pl aviod blame game or personal attacks

Afghan Mujahdeen did lot of mistakes in past allowing Al Qaeada to grow in Afghanistan but if they wanted to select path of peace and it is desire of ISAF also.

Pakistan is not part of mediation at the moment, so GOP is silent at this stage but definately they should make friendship with mujahdeen and help them for reconstruction of Afghanistan.

Another dimension of whole senario is Mujahdeen dont have good relation with Iran , GOP should not lose Iran for sake of Mujahdeen and vice versa.
No offence , just mention that your post make no sense,but pl aviod blame game or personal attacks

Afghan Mujahdeen did lot of mistakes in past allowing Al Qaeada to grow in Afghanistan but if they wanted to select path of peace and it is desire of ISAF also.

Pakistan is not part of mediation at the moment, so GOP is silent at this stage but definately they should make friendship with mujahdeen and help them for reconstruction of Afghanistan.

Another dimension of whole senario is Mujahdeen dont have good relation with Iran , GOP should not lose Iran for sake of Mujahdeen and vice versa.

Ok we are cool now.

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